Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Anyone else here experiencing the same quandary?
Not at all, not even for a moment.

I will tell them in no uncertain terms exactly where they can stick their experimental new fangled vaccine.

(and it's ain't somewhere the sun shines)

Not at all, not even for a moment.

I will tell them in no uncertain terms exactly where they can stick their experimental new fangled vaccine.

(and it's ain't somewhere the sun shines)


MOC nails it again.

Experimental new fangled.

What it is not. A vaccine in any common understanding of traditional vaccines.
Not at all, not even for a moment.

I will tell them in no uncertain terms exactly where they can stick their experimental new fangled vaccine.

(and it's ain't somewhere the sun shines)

It's interesting that quite a few of us here appear to be 'vaccine hesitant' - or whatever the new jargon is. I don't want it, not least because I've never been vaccinated against anyting - ever - and see no reason to start now. However, I do want to travel to mainland Europe and I think there's virtually no prospect of being able to do that - either without the innevitable C-19 passport - or having to go through the sort of nonsense that my stepson is having to endure right now. That's the main reason for considering having the jab. Anyway, talking of my stepson . . .

Since my ealier post about him, he's sent some pictures of his room and the thick layer of dust is plain to see. Also, the bathroom had no loo paper in it and he had to take a shower to wash himself!The food is cooked off the premises and stone cold by the time it arrives and, from the picture he sent his mum - looks revolting. So, with nothing else to do but contemplate his dirty room, poor food and service (for which he's paying £1,750), he's written to his MP and cc'd Matt Hancock. I'll update y'all if he gets any replies.
It's interesting that quite a few of us here appear to be 'vaccine hesitant' - or whatever the new jargon is. I don't want it, not least because I've never been vaccinated against anyting - ever - and see no reason to start now. However, I do want to travel to mainland Europe and I think there's virtually no prospect of being able to do that - either without the innevitable C-19 passport - or having to go through the sort of nonsense that my stepson is having to endure right now. That's the main reason for considering having the jab. Anyway, talking of my stepson . . .

Since my ealier post about him, he's sent some pictures of his room and the thick layer of dust is plain to see. Also, the bathroom had no loo paper in it and he had to take a shower to wash himself!The food is cooked off the premises and stone cold by the time it arrives and, from the picture he sent his mum - looks revolting. So, with nothing else to do but contemplate his dirty room, poor food and service (for which he's paying £1,750), he's written to his MP and cc'd Matt Hancock. I'll update y'all if he gets any replies.
We wanna see the pics don't we boys. Otherwise...we might not believe ya ! 🤣
So, with nothing else to do but contemplate his dirty room, poor food and service (for which he's paying £1,750), he's written to his MP and cc'd Matt Hancock.
Shhhhh. Don't tell him, but ....
Prison cells are cheaper (and the Taxpayer foots the bill anyway) and cleaner, however the food is likely just as bad.

As to the whole travel thing, the fly in that particular Blair snake-ointment plan will likely be the new variants popping up like daisies in their best laid draconian lawn compliance regime. Which makes it impractical and ineffective, as well as morally repugnant and objectionable.

Once the whole covid fuss blows over, some other thing is the next big threat and airlines want to pack planes with passengers for profit, they'll be lobbying for deregulation just as loudly as they're clamouring for it right now.

We wanna see the pics don't we boys. Otherwise...we might not believe ya ! 🤣
Just for you c_v . . .
Btw - pic #3 - don't look at the flaky paintwork - look at what's on the floor. Not really what you'd expect from a 4 star hotel is it!


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Just for you c_v . . .
Btw - pic #3 - don't look at the flaky paintwork - look at what's on the floor. Not really what you'd expect from a 4 star hotel is it!
OMG that looks vile 😱

That really is criminal!

Just for you c_v . . .
Btw - pic #3 - don't look at the flaky paintwork - look at what's on the floor. Not really what you'd expect from a 4 star hotel is it!

I think you have a very good case for insisting on compensation. In fact, maybe the non biased MSM would like to get involved.

Oh hang on, that would break the rules though wouldn't it.....allowing someone to do their job.

Never mind, I would continue with the photographic evidence and badgering the MP's.

That is deffo not worth £75 a night, let alone £175.
I wonder if the deranged covidians who support lockdowns also fully support the military crackdown on protestors in Myanmar. They should!
As covid takes its toll, the safest people/winners are agoraphobics and hikikimori.
