Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

ftse should standing around 6310 had it kept pace from start of this year

i think today IBM is causing +87pt boost to Dow, so distorting things a little,

FTSE inline with russell/sp500 futures

we had a 22pt range on cash ftse today,

i am researching a new strategy to use in low vol environment,

buy write.
House vote on debt ceeiling expected soon.
It may drift higher following the vote, taking out all stops on the way.
most trend fighters are throwing in the towel.....cant fight the tape anymore

trend is indeed your friend
For the moment mr. market is holding steady.
The party will happen after the close.
NFLX is also reporting.
I bought some puts on NFLX and APPL. The APPL ones are just a hedge against me shares. Long TZA and short FTSE also. This market is just waiting for a catalyst to die.
only when IG clients go from 85% bearish to 85% bullish will the markets collapse. cant collapse while they stay short
With the debt ceiling resolved and so much money out there offering support, it is very impropable a collapse, maybe small corections. The overall trend is up.
With the debt ceiling resolved and so much money out there offering support, it is very impropable a collapse, maybe small corections. The overall trend is up.

Debt ain't resolved. It's just got another 3 months before they all argue again. At some point there's going to be a real fight about it, but that could be years away. So yes I will take your point for the time being its not going to upset the apple cart.


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Think ES will now start a little leg down, maybe to about 1470 area over the next couple of days.

Big sell orders going through this time of night.


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good morning everybody

AAPL news looks like a fake out to shake out weak bulls, FTSE only 6186

anyone remember the last time they used AAPL report to shake out bulls?