Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I wonder if our stock traders, still own LLOY?

Hi SD,

I'm all out of this, Man Group included.

Originally in at Lloyds at 29 with staged targets at 15,25,30 & 35% with a final exit price of 45p. I took a total of 65% in 6 months on this one.

Nothing posted on T2W about this trade but Nik Hilsden and Ben(Trading) who I spoke with on Skype at the time and since would back that as its all recorded.

Man Group was entered at 69 with a final close target of 90, again chipped out at various intervals. The total on this was 21% gain. (NOTE: these percentages do not take into account leverage so depending on how aggressive one wants to be would depend on the actual percent made on account) Adding leverage will give a bigger percentage gain but on the other hand a bigger percentage loss. Money management is key and all that.

Also note - Man percentage is over 30% gain but because I chip in and out will vary the gains/losses, hence why I only took 21% and not the full 30%, even though the target price remained the same.

The same people on skype can verify (or not, who cares). My original post for Man was on the Man Group thread here:

I said I wouldn't brag about it and to date I haven't, but what the hell. Woohoo, I made some money, now I can buy that pint of lager I always wanted.:LOL:

Lee Shepherd
also now short FTSE 6088 no specific target as yet yesterdays close would probably do
Hi SD,

I'm all out of this, Man Group included.

Originally in at Lloyds at 29 with staged targets at 15,25,30 & 35% with a final exit price of 45p. I took a total of 65% in 6 months on this one.

Nothing posted on T2W about this trade but Nik Hilsden and Ben(Trading) who I spoke with on Skype at the time and since would back that as its all recorded.

Man Group was entered at 69 with a final close target of 90, again chipped out at various intervals. The total on this was 21% gain. (NOTE: these percentages do not take into account leverage so depending on how aggressive one wants to be would depend on the actual percent made on account) Adding leverage will give a bigger percentage gain but on the other hand a bigger percentage loss. Money management is key and all that.

Also note - Man percentage is over 30% gain but because I chip in and out will vary the gains/losses, hence why I only took 21% and not the full 30%, even though the target price remained the same.

The same people on skype can verify (or not, who cares). My original post for Man was on the Man Group thread here:

I said I wouldn't brag about it and to date I haven't, but what the hell. Woohoo, I made some money, now I can buy that pint of lager I always wanted.:LOL:

Lee Shepherd

Brag away, Lee :)

I've been in and out of the same two. lloy been a particularly nice mover on the swings since 26 or so. Still got a last tranche running as with emg.
Hi SD,

I'm all out of this, Man Group included.

Originally in at Lloyds at 29 with staged targets at 15,25,30 & 35% with a final exit price of 45p. I took a total of 65% in 6 months on this one.

Nothing posted on T2W about this trade but Nik Hilsden and Ben(Trading) who I spoke with on Skype at the time and since would back that as its all recorded.

Man Group was entered at 69 with a final close target of 90, again chipped out at various intervals. The total on this was 21% gain. (NOTE: these percentages do not take into account leverage so depending on how aggressive one wants to be would depend on the actual percent made on account) Adding leverage will give a bigger percentage gain but on the other hand a bigger percentage loss. Money management is key and all that.

Also note - Man percentage is over 30% gain but because I chip in and out will vary the gains/losses, hence why I only took 21% and not the full 30%, even though the target price remained the same.

The same people on skype can verify (or not, who cares). My original post for Man was on the Man Group thread here:

I said I wouldn't brag about it and to date I haven't, but what the hell. Woohoo, I made some money, now I can buy that pint of lager I always wanted.:LOL:

Lee Shepherd

Hi Lee Shepherd

excellent trading, think Barjon went long LLOY, I trust you so no recording required, Matt Belton was also long BARC from very low levels, he said the company had "huge earnings power" now its at 300p i see what he meant.

It amazing how these stocks have risen in the face of so much bad news, weak housing, libor scandal, fines in US for drug money laundering, huge banker salaries.

To run a stock for many months takes a lot of discipline, :)
Brag away, Lee :)

I've been in and out of the same two. lloy been a particularly nice mover on the swings since 26 or so. Still got a last tranche running as with emg.

here's the lloy story with first entries and additions


  • LLOYDS GRP..png
    LLOYDS GRP..png
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Dow is moving higher, currently 13,408, 105pts above "buy em" call from DC2000

I am going to try and learn how DC2000 does it.


Hi everyone... I would also like to know how he does it !! I did however cheat a bit and use his info ( on the ftse) to pick up 32 points... I guess the beers on me DC2000..:D
I got filled short at 6068.5 futures (=6111 cash) because it was just under the 161.8% extension at 6070.9, but I still don't know for sure what the best entry should be. I remember Daddy John's words about not shorting where I think the top is, and waiting for it to break first. If that was the case maybe the better entry would have been short at 6066.5 on a sell stop on the 1 min chart at 15:07. It worked out for me this time, but I do hate fishing for tops.

ps I tried to upload the charts for this but the upload feature is taking forever. Will try again later
Dow is moving higher, currently 13,408, 105pts above "buy em" call from DC2000

I am going to try and learn how DC2000 does it.


lol I turned a little early it seems, still had a good afternoon away from markets doing some bargain hunting
Hi everyone... I would also like to know how he does it !! I did however cheat a bit and use his info ( on the ftse) to pick up 32 points... I guess the beers on me DC2000..:D

glad you got some Malcyd
FTSE opening some new target highs and lows if I wasnt already short I would be looking to short at the near high target 6116 then holding into Friday for the run to 6040 which is still open

for me the DOW is my main trade at the moment it has set in stone 13262 so anywhere near 13414 to 13428 would see me add to my short position

dow back to 13390......what next from here.......higher or first lower

Hi Samirs
the FTSE has set a very close target at 6116 I would like to see this hit early doors tomorrow with the DOW lagging which would leave clear space for the DOW to run to 13262 once this is hit it should signal 13512
Have to agree with that DC2000 ! Alot of people bullish on stocks at the moment, usual means its ready to fall, ive added to my short on the Dow this morning , like to see this back to the gap at 13141 left from the 31st Dec/2nd Jan before we push higher, im sure the debt ceiling debate in feb should get us there. (y)