Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

cya froday Bustech

for trading there is something called the "digit ratio" to determine pre birth testosterone exposure.

there was a court case about this, some broker was giving his trader female hormones to counteract his aggression, he sued when he started to grow boobs
Oscar talks about a grain report due out tomorrow, can someone point me in the right direction where I can find more info on this? release time, content etc

Thank you

Hi mikebakertm you could post a message on that youtube video, he usually answers or someone from his firm
Gmorning SD and morning all...............

Last day of trading for couple weeks. Would be nice to get the single CAC trade off the books today !
Morning all,

Yesterday added to my Dax short. Let's see what will happen. It seems that there is strong support in the markets.
Doms thoughts

The rally in risky assets is in good shape. One commentator remarked overnight in relation to the Asian markets that investors were looking “for any excuse to sell at these elevated levels.” In Europe and the US at least, I see no evidence whatsoever of “elevated levels.” Instead, I see markets that are in the earlier stages of a significant new leg up in a strong bull market. The worst I really envisage for now is further choppy gains, rather than a powerful and thrusting move. I am therefore treating the latest mini-pullback in the DAX and FTSE as a further opportunity to get long.

Despite its rally of the last few days, the FTSE at its highs yesterday was only at the middle of its recent daily regression channel. Tops have tended to occur at the upper reaches of this channel, currently at 6080. Simply put, I think there is further room to rally here, with an initial target at 5989.3.

A rally from current levels (5903.2) would get me long.
there is a massive inverse head shoulders on ftse over 9 months using closed prices

how accurate has Dom been?