Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Sorry mate
Should be 5899 and 5925
Was adding DOW variance into the FTSE.

I know Dick would like the 5980.

Also straight after the DOW close with the IBM result, DOW dropped 40 points in a few mins.
Could this weigh at the open?

dont think it will, they knock down e-mini but it is climbing up as we speak.

was it IBM or INTC? INTC bad result would be no surprise, IBM would its close to multi month highs
FTSE hit 5895, daily range is only 26pts, minimum we should get to 5910 assuming todays low is 5868

IBM down 3.3% and INTC down 1.5% after the bell.

think IBM might be a head fake, remember what they did to AAPL think on 25th july.

think IBM closed at 52 week high yesterday.

just checked IBM on ig , it looks strong. might be wrong IBM 210.
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think IBM might be a head fake, remember what they did to AAPL think on 25th sept.

think IBM closed at 52 week high yesterday.

just checked IBM on ig , it looks strong. might be wrong IBM 210.

That would be right IBM.

Closed at 211, then dropped to 204 in after hours trade.

Number one on the DOW with 12% weight.
Intel 26 with 1.27%
That would be right IBM.

Closed at 211, then dropped to 204 in after hours trade.

Number one on the DOW with 12% weight.
Intel 26 with 1.27%

so now real weakness. these big companies should have the market up to speed,

US dollar index plunging, sending ftse higher.

USD crosses boosting.
Morning All
BHP +3.32%
RIO +4.80%
Green on screen again in Asia.
There are some sighs that Hong Kong and ASX are forming a current top.
ASX option expiry day, always bigger volume and overshoots upside.
China GDP lowest since March 2009.
Details below or lack of details I should say, we know its all true.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (1-2 Quarters, 2012)
when is this going to reverse ? I tried shorting DAX every morning since Monday and every time was taken out at B/E or very close to it. Not good for my self-confidence.