Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Good Weekend for all............

Am letting the open Dax and Ftse Shorts ride come what may for now, as increasing tensions in the Middle East are escalating with Turkey and Syria now bombing each other.

Hopefully England will get into double figures tonight.............:D

See you Monday.
Good Weekend for all............

Am letting the open Dax and Ftse Shorts ride come what may for now, as increasing tensions in the Middle East are escalating with Turkey and Syria now bombing each other.

Hopefully England will get into double figures tonight.............:D

See you Monday.

good weekend jungerns,
Stuck my head around the door after promising myself I wouldn't and pleasantly pleased I did..........!!

Where did that drop in FTSE come from ! Trades gone nicely onside but am certain there's a long way south to go.....
Yesterday, twelve lending organisations (The Slog understands that one of them was PIMCO) were approached formally by the EU authorities, with a view to preparations for a national default. When even the loopy-loos know what’s coming down the road, it really is time to worry.

From the archives | A diary of deception and distortion

Well I'm a Short Seller as always SD and there's one of the reasons why..........
Well I'm a Short Seller as always SD and there's one of the reasons why..........

isn't that like a double negative, jung. If you selling shorts doesn't that make you long :LOL:

ftse still finished strong vs dow since my pair, although improved from the worst - so still holding
isn't that like a double negative, jung. If you selling shorts doesn't that make you long :LOL:

ftse still finished strong vs dow since my pair, although improved from the worst - so still holding

Obviously I've been paying too much attention to Nick Leeson...........:D
This tension between Syria and Turkey is really escalating watching Sky News Saturday.......
Having just booked on Emirates was browsing on Saturday night and thought that this was pretty good, filmed supposedly off the Cuff in Dubai Airport...........I got to about 30 Seconds in and was about to switch off !!

Dubai Airport Dance... - YouTube
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Having just booked on Emirates was browsing on Saturday night and thought that this was pretty good, filmed supposedly off the Cuff in Dubai Airport...........I got to about 30 Seconds in and was about to switch off !!

That's cool

Weekend currency rates are pricing in AUD/USD open at 1.028 to 1.029
FTSE has been tracking AUD/USD very close, would mean FTSE at around 5830.
Also if ASX takes out 2012 high and Hong breaks current range high, could be looking at 5850(1%), SD might have a different number.
Think you would see the DOW sell into these numbers.
Then we can all buy again in Asia on Tuesday(US debate).:)
That's the plan anyway, always happy to change team if things look different.
China CPI Monday, low read should support upside.
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Having just booked on Emirates was browsing on Saturday night and thought that this was pretty good, filmed supposedly off the Cuff in Dubai Airport...........I got to about 30 Seconds in and was about to switch off !!

That's cool

Weekend currency rates are pricing in AUD/USD open at 1.028 to 1.029
FTSE has been tracking AUD/USD very close, would mean FTSE at around 5830.
Also if ASX takes out 2012 high and Hong breaks current range high, could be looking at 5850(1%), SD might have a different number.
Think you would see the DOW sell into these numbers.
Then we can all buy again in Asia on Tuesday(US debate).:)
That's the plan anyway, always happy to change team if things look different.
China CPI Monday, low read should support upside.

bus, never really looked at china but the chart seems to be giving green it china up US down? .... seems big volume on HK thur/fri …always a bit wary of volume at the top....ftse 50/50 for a trend change at the moment i think..