Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Footballing bad-taste joke of the day from the City:

Alan Pardew has asked his Newcastle players to forget about the shirt deal with and to get on the pitch and give it 4,120 per cent!
I can guess, SP500/FTSE were both 100% bearish, which means only fake news/triggering stops on shorts can make market go up, think Dow rose in response to europe and then once stops had been triggered there was no buying to sustain it.

its hard to find decent market report online.

this is guy is better than most

Markets Close Mixed, Flat And Uninspiring

Thanks SD

I heard on the radio in Aus, that the job numbers were the best in 4 years.
Then they found out that the report had missed a whole region of the USA.
Woops or Mr Obama again.
Thanks SD

I heard on the radio in Aus, that the job numbers were the best in 4 years.
Then they found out that the report had missed a whole region of the USA.
Woops or Mr Obama again.

yep, anyone who tries to speak out against these false figures is attacked and forced to resign, they made Jack Welch former ceo of GE resign from some positions in the media
US dollar index plunge hourly


  • dolalr index.png
    dolalr index.png
    22.9 KB · Views: 126 we have an extreme at 8 am today?

i'm looking at hourly charts

Well we carried on from yesterday's +66 extreme (which was the biggest for a few months) and added to it by another +7 on the open taking it to +73 and it's trade about flat since then.

I'm -23 on the trade atm (+overnight costs).