Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I'm walking away now.
I have more than enough shorts on, (with stops now) and I dont want to mess about 2nd, 3rd and 4th guessing the positions.
I'm short Dow at 583 holding for the day.
I'm already 20 points underwater by the time of posting.

Taken another short at 690.

Ok so dow over 813 is an UP week for the index and everything is rosy in the land of mom, apple pie and rampant gun crime.
How far are they willing to manipulate this market - all the way, is the answer.

How to extract myself from a very sticky situation.
I know I'm short again at 780 average 684.

Short dax 987

Closed Dax 10880 +107
Closed 2 dow positions @680 for +100 and +10

Holding the last Dow from 583.
Closed Dax 10880 +107
Closed 2 dow positions @680 for +100 and +10

Holding the last Dow from 583.

Nice one 🙂
...but why only a demo account, is that a standard feature for you these days or are you just risk-off? :?:
Discretion being the better part of valour and all that I've closed my last (first) dow position for 680 -97.
Those dowboys are mad.
Calling it a night.
Lovely bit of tanking today, I hope @postman you're balls deep in shorts right this moment 😀

You know that being a postman I love my shorts at all times of the year. 😆

The markets are a mess right now, Dow shot up 50 points after the close (no surprise there) but down 180 from that level 😱

Oil, Asia, interest rates ... Not even Draghi's QE to infinity and beyond is saving the Dax right now.


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mid-afternoon... I think we can go down another 150 points from here - lets face it if daxy hasn't got a 300 point range it's just not a normal 2015 trading day!
mid-afternoon... I think we can go down another 150 points from here - lets face it if daxy hasn't got a 300 point range it's just not a normal 2015 trading day!

I'm waiting for the Dow to close some of its gap then short that down to the 450 level.
interesting !!!! If there was a ton of 700 long stops here to devour, it would be burning through them right now, much faster than it is, especially after that massive consol earlier

Very controlled, no players ?

what the ???