Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

That was more than just a little bit insane.
However that 1 minute line (which was headed to Saturn not just the moon) has broken.


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Before the joint committee of Congress (Senate and House of Representatives), Janet Yellen reiterated its confidence that the US economy is recovering, based on the improvement of the labor market and the factors that are limiting inflation should diminish in next year.
Ok so dow over 813 is an UP week for the index and everything is rosy in the land of mom, apple pie and rampant gun crime.
How far are they willing to manipulate this market - all the way, is the answer.

How to extract myself from a very sticky situation.
I know I'm short again at 780 average 684.
Well they managed to manipulate an UP week on the Dow and S&P by a few points. 🙄 But the Dow closed on the Maginot line as per the chart, so as long as it doesnt go over 17,900 before it goes below 17,684 then I'm OK.

Perversely I won the weekly S&P prediction competition this week 🙄. I feel like I lost a grand and found a fiver, which is not that short of the truth. :whistling
Well you wont have too long to think about it. It will happen in less than 2 weeks. 😛

Heard of the saying hurriyup it's all most xmas? Not far wrong that saying is it now?

Everyone likes a good ol parti and who want's to see it ruined?

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In the short term, it is not inconceivable a reversal of the trends of recent months, and the American stock market indices could register a over-performance compared to the European.