Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dax really struggling today.
Dont think tomorrow is going to be any better.
Early weekend. 😱

Dax range got covered in 1 candle 😆
Another particular moment of increased volatility in the financial markets:
On Sunday 5th July 2015 Greece will be requested to vote in a referendum about the approval or refusal of the austerity measures requested by the EU. This can significantly impact the markets when they open on Sunday July 5th and Monday July 6th.
If there are no unexpected developments for Greece and considering the Wall Street holiday, today’s session should be less volatile than the last one.
Is the FTSE the worst index on the planet (for buy n hold). I bet some people been long for 17 years and are red lol !
Banks on retreat. I wonder why? 🙄:cheesy:

Banks? Barclays, HSBC, SC, none of which ever popped in the first place and are just at the low prices they've been for years. And can't see any dip in Lloyds or RBS.

Miners, well they drop every week anyway, so Greece has nothing to do with them.

It's just a 3x ETF of ****.
Banks? Barclays, HSBC, SC, none of which ever popped in the first place and are just at the low prices they've been for years. And can't see any dip in Lloyds or RBS.

Miners, well they drop every week anyway, so Greece has nothing to do with them.

It's just a 3x ETF of ****.

I think banks will come under continued pressure.

Barclays down 1.5%
HSBC under China pressure
LLOY government bank but down 1% and coming off the highs 90s
RBS facing possibl US $13bn payout
European banks will be under Grexit + other contagion exposure pressure

Not looking good for banks imo.

REIT's always a good bet. 🙄
It's interesting, but nothing to do with my comment that the FTSE has been a turd for 17 years 🙂
Everyone got their options strategies in place for the weekend?
Big moves come Monday morning. Mind you how long does it take the Greeks to count the votes?
Everyone got their options strategies in place for the weekend?
Big moves come Monday morning. Mind you how long does it take the Greeks to count the votes?

The following are details on the referendum:


Voting booths open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


"Should the agreement plan that the EU Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund submitted to the June 25 Eurogroup meeting, comprising two parts that form their comprehensive proposal, be accepted?

"The first part is titled 'Reforms for the completion of the current program and beyond' and the second part is titled 'Preliminary debt sustainability analysis."


For the referendum to be valid, at least 40 percent of Greece's 9,855,029 registered voters must turn out. In a survey by the ProRata institute this week, 86 percent of respondents said they planned to vote. The referendum will cost 20 million euros.


No opinion polls on the outcome, or on other political, economic or social themes, may be published from the day before the vote until the polling stations have closed. The same applies to exit polls.


Probably around 9 p.m.
Don't forget the US Plunge Protection Team will be on duty ( no laughing )

The plug holes are as follows

Dow 17660

S&P 2058

NDX 4414

The Dax & French CAC look like they have been snorting something

The FTSE, well how can anyone slag old mother? I think she's been doing great under the circumstances, but old nick has been constantly forcing himself on her at 6666, Think she would have preferred 69 🙂

Gold could be the pointer, but only just over the buy line at 1167.69

I think we need to keep our eyes on the WTF indicator this week end

"I have two enemies; the Southern army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in the rear is my greatest foe."* Abraham Lincoln.... & Dick Lexic 🙂

“The solution for dealing with private debt-creating bankers is simple. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop any sovereign government from issuing through its treasury its own interest-free money based on nothing more than the wealth and integrity of the nation. This is the big secret that the City of London would rather keep to itself. If this simple fact were to become mainstream then people everywhere would simply walk away and the entire banking system would completely collapse. “

I'm glad I'm just a simple trader, all these fundies are a heap of sh@t if you ask me
The people of Greece say no, good on em 🙂

We have all we need in this world, except of course the interest for the bankers, maybe one day they will see a better way but I don't think it will be in my lifetime🙁

But the writing's on the wall, that's for sure 🙂

Dollar/Euro has been a good indicator lately, volume looks to back the Dollar atm which means the Euro is for the drop but we need the markets to digest the latest crud, the indices still have sizable downside targets with the Dax 10000 area looking a good bet if it stays under 11241.

All will be clear as mud tomorrow I'm sure 🙂