Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The PPT ( plunge protection team) could be on duty today.

Dow 17660 still the magnet atm but needs to hold above 17640

Short extension plea from Tsipras
Posted at 15:47

Reuters reports that Alexis Tsipras has asked the Eurogroup for the existing Greek bailout to be extended for a short period of time. Finance ministers will discuss that and the new bailout request at 6pm UK time.

FTSE finally tests the buy line at 6525🙂

Dow currently 17683 🙂

come on the PPT 🙂

If your a bull that is 🙂
A bit of a negative close on the bigger time frames, big downside targets could be back in play, the US markets recovered overnight though with the Dow over 17660 atm (long live the PPT) 🙂

Dax/FTSE well north of their buy lines 11000/6525 atm

The PPT ( plunge protection team) could be on duty today.

Dow 17660 still the magnet atm but needs to hold above 17640

Short extension plea from Tsipras
Posted at 15:47

Reuters reports that Alexis Tsipras has asked the Eurogroup for the existing Greek bailout to be extended for a short period of time. Finance ministers will discuss that and the new bailout request at 6pm UK time.
Dow now trading at 17800, Dax could screw the bears over 11241.

Looks like old mother wants to tackle the devil at 6666 again.

Just my opinion
Angela Merkel said that should not be discussed new proposals while the Greek people do not express themselves through the referendum.
Must be time for the Dax to sell off now.
The Dow closing below its 200 day MA doesnt bode well.