Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??



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The Greek Government stated that banks today would not open and would be imposed controls on withdrawals (maximum € 60 daily) and movement of capital, also deciding the closing of the Athens stock exchange presumably to the referendum in Sunday.
Olde dame FTSE is running away into the close as usual.
It will be a while before she climbs to those dizzying heights again, I'm sure its vertigo.
IG are c**nts They pretty much did that before that move down. what compunds my misery is that I was 2 points from getting filled on a short. Was in the underground so i have to place fill orders.
IG are c**nts They pretty much did that before that move down. what compunds my misery is that I was 2 points from getting filled on a short. Was in the underground so i have to place fill orders.

Ask them for an account manager, so in future you can email them your order if the site is down?
IG are c**nts They pretty much did that before that move down. what compunds my misery is that I was 2 points from getting filled on a short. Was in the underground so i have to place fill orders.

Got a short in at 11058 but without confirmation on screen.
Called and on hold forever with two disconnects and still did not get to speak with anyone and by the time the site came back online saw my short had been filled and bought back at 10972. Not a bad bit of luck.
US markets closed with very wide losses. The reaction of US investors was significant. Until yesterday, and as at similar times in the past, the US stock markets have always considered the Greek situation a European issue with limited potential to affect the US economy. However, given the high uncertainty that is spreading throughout the Eurozone, US investors fear that the modest European economic recovery is compromised, adversely influencing this quarter the attempted acceleration of the US economy. In a risk aversion context, the publication of economic data has been relegated to a lower plane. Technically, yesterday’s session is an important warning. Since late March, the S & P had fluctuated between 2067 and 2135, not showing any clear trend in the short term. Yesterday, the S & P broke the lower part of this range and may signal the beginning of a descending phase. This signal can be thwarted if the S & P back to close within that range.
Got a short in at 11058 but without confirmation on screen.
Called and on hold forever with two disconnects and still did not get to speak with anyone and by the time the site came back online saw my short had been filled and bought back at 10972. Not a bad bit of luck.

Piece of ****s. Seems to be a trend tbh, when there's a major move they just shut down.
The PPT ( plunge protection team) could be on duty today.

Dow 17660 still the magnet atm but needs to hold above 17640

Short extension plea from Tsipras
Posted at 15:47

Reuters reports that Alexis Tsipras has asked the Eurogroup for the existing Greek bailout to be extended for a short period of time. Finance ministers will discuss that and the new bailout request at 6pm UK time.