Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Don't forget the US Plunge Protection Team will be on duty ( no laughing )

The plug holes are as follows

Dow 17660

S&P 2058


I'm glad I'm just a simple trader, all these fundies are a heap of sh@t if you ask me

Looks like they were out in force today. 😆
That was pretty small retrace, still more upside to go on the Dow.
Squeeze the shorts once more.
This looks like the same PA as every other time.
Push the prices up all day long then sell off into the close.
Big money to be made here.
Dow going through the roof.
Dax being held down before the open, maybe they want to force it down 50 or so points before rocketing 200 today.
Opened Down 150 yesterday and ate it all up, looks like its going to open Up 150 today.

Listening to the news this morning, Greece has kept the Euro down meaning Germany has had cheaper exports and the benefit to the country is many times the total cost of all Greek debt.

Its a funny old world, no wonder Germany doesnt want to give in to Greek demands, the longer it goes on the better for them. 😆
According to the Greek authorities, the Greek banks will not reopen today and will remain closed for a few days. In addition to the limitations on cash withdrawals and control the movement of capital, liquidity of these institutions is alarmingly decreasing in recent days.
Err, did I say sell SELL 500,000 s&p futures? Sorry I meant BUY.
Can you buy back all the ones you just sold and then 500,000 more. 🙄

You couldnt make this stuff up.
Gold has a WTF for me! I assume (ass u or me ) Gold was a safer place to be but it's tanking?!

German Dax and French CAC looking weak, sell lines for me are 10781 & 4660, big downside targets looming

FTSE Taking support at 6465 more downside if it breaks 🙂

Mr Tumble seems to have a hold of the Euro, 1.0954 is the "be all" atm , Dollar backing off a top

Just a good day at the office?

US could tank from here, PPT are on a day off I think he he he🙂

One to watch in my opinion is S&P 2079
Gold has a WTF for me! I assume (ass u or me ) Gold was a safer place to be but it's tanking?!

German Dax and French CAC looking weak, sell lines for me are 10781 & 4660, big downside targets looming

FTSE Taking support at 6465 more downside if it breaks 🙂

Mr Tumble seems to have a hold of the Euro, 1.0954 is the "be all" atm , Dollar backing off a top

Just a good day at the office?

US could tank from here, PPT are on a day off I think he he he🙂

One to watch in my opinion is S&P 2079

Forget fundamentals and the fact that gold should do this if x,y,z does that.
EVERYTHING is manipulated.

Citigroup have cornered precious metals and JPM decide the price of Gold. It will settle wherever it makes them the most money. It really is a huge casino now.
So we have banks closed for days on end in Greece and hundreds of Chinese stocks suspended from trading because they are being sold too much.



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Well that was obvious :whistling

Dow drops 350 points, dow rises 350 points.

Who didnt see that coming. Ahem.
Gold has a WTF for me! I assume (ass u or me ) Gold was a safer place to be but it's tanking?!

German Dax and French CAC looking weak, sell lines for me are 10781 & 4660, big downside targets looming

FTSE Taking support at 6465 more downside if it breaks 🙂

Mr Tumble seems to have a hold of the Euro, 1.0954 is the "be all" atm , Dollar backing off a top

Just a good day at the office?

US could tank from here, PPT are on a day off I think he he he🙂

One to watch in my opinion is S&P 2079

These t***ts show up when you leats expect them