Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Consolidation pause so a big move is coming, I'm favouring the upside but have no technical support for that at this point

After a shambolic last 3 days for me, I've recovered 50% of the losses today, so I'm reasonably happy. Makes the weekend easier to manage.

They're just waiting for people to load up long / short and then move the futures the other way to take out all the stops.
Thats how they make money.
Up to my neck in this fecker


  • victor.jpg
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Half off +20, stop to entry and trailing stop on rest. Pressure off now

Ruddy white knuckle ride that was.
Re my hypothetical position last night.I would have been out of the dow by now with a small drinking profit lol-£30 to 50 quid.I will ask advice on another thread re spreadbetting as i could bet after markets were closed before(except over the weekends).Not sure how it works now.If the dow is ground to silly highs i would be shorting over the weekend in case the **** hits the fan due to the political climate(protective stop to be used of course).i would only bet £1 per point.have a great weekend gentlemen.(y)and lose gracefully not like this dude