Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

My last trade (taken 3 mins ago) lasted ~14 secs... it netted 8.6 pts.
How exactly do I call that live? The trade was entered & exited in less time than I can type one sentence in a post... I'll post the trade in a sec...

It's OK.
That's all you had to say (i.e. trades are too short term to post in realtime). No need to be defensive.
I don't assume people are making anything up, lol!
Just there's other threads where people can talk about the pips they made etc, but I thought this thread is unique in that people post live trades
The thread title says "scalping" not "live calls". As per my above post, I am scalping... altho I'm v happy to fck off if you wish...

You're a sensitive soul! Sorry I brought it up!
Forget about it.
As you were.
LOL, Am I missing something?

Wasn't p1ssing with anyone??

I thought this was a 'live call' thread!

Suppose i post when i feel like it, not everyone does, some don't at all, maybe i'm wrong, but i thought the regulars on here trusted that, or we wouldn't last long.

Personally i find it unhelpfull to see others trades as in the past it has made me question my own judgment..

No big deal, i'm not having a go at you......:)
LOL, Am I missing something?

Wasn't p1ssing with anyone??

I thought this was a 'live call' thread!

Posting live calls often is not a good idea. There is something called "focus" and when one is scalping it is not advisable to post even if it was physically possible.
I know a trader who scalps well over 100 times a day. That would mean 200+ posts just with entries and exits. Who on earth would like to put up with that?
For myself I will only post a few live trades, giving more details to the reason for intra day trades and position trades. It is not that difficult to work out when one looks at few of my posting what trades are likely to be executed by me.
My last trade (taken 3 mins ago) lasted ~14 secs... it netted 8.6 pts.
How exactly do I call that live? The trade was entered & exited in less time than I can type one sentence in a post... I'll post the trade in a sec...

Guess you got in the same trade as me, I got in at 11.09, then nothing, then up the the fecker shot, I agree entirely, its not always possible to post trades and in fact, I would say only post them if you wish, priority has to be bagging the pips, not posting a trade. :)
Suppose i post when i feel like it, not everyone does, some don't at all, maybe i'm wrong, but i thought the regulars on here trusted that, or we wouldn't last long.

Personally i find it unhelpfull to see others trades as in the past it has made me question my own judgment..

No big deal, i'm not having a go at you......:)
It is interesting why it is that while looking at that same charts traders come to diametrically different conclusions.
Some have this either concious or unconscious predilection to supply market with liquidity and the few other are obliged to pick up the spoil.
Let us never forget that this activity of liquidity supply is a very important function if the market is to exist. The only thing is to be grateful, though sometimes amazed by the commitment of loosers to loose even more.
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Guess you got in the same trade as me, I got in at 11.09, then nothing, then up the the fecker shot, I agree entirely, its not always possible to post trades and in fact, I would say only post them if you wish, priority has to be bagging the pips, not posting a trade. :)

Agree , but it would be : priority has to be bagging the pips, not posting . :)
It is interesting why it is that while looking at that same charts traders come to diametrically different conclusions.
Some have this either concious or unconscious predilection to supply market with liquidity and the few other are obliged to pick up the spoil.
Let us never forget that this activity of liquidity supply is a very important function if the market is to exist. The only thing is to be grateful, though sometimes amazed by the commitment of loosers to loose even more.

That what makes live calls posted here interesting to read or study , for example you witnessed how longs and shorts can both lose at the same time !
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Long dax 718 limit 5

Yes of course I'm sure. The % chance of the Dax going UP 5 points is 99.9999999.

It may go down 200 first though. :LOL:

Whilst I would like to take credit for this extremely good trade it was posted as an example of how stupid the market is behaving today.
Any fool can win or lose (as I have personally demonstrated) depending on your appetite for risk.