Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


What size position you trade on FTSE? per point?

I see FTSE making rising wages in 30 mins chart and rising channel in 15 mins. MACD diversing and you put long position. I am wondering what was motivation behind long?


The size I trade depends on how brave/rich/stupid/foolhardy I'm feeling, but varies because I scale in and out. It also depends on which SB I'm using, as some platforms are too clunky to trade quickly.

My motivation for trades is never simply because of things like rising channels in 15m, or MACD, but it would take too long to explain even if I could, and you wouldn't believe me, anyway. Basically, it involves staring at charts in different time frames and then trading by instinct, which I like to kid myself comes from doing it for ten years and seeing things almost subconsciously.
Sometimes it works!:)