Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I would guess its going to be hugely oversubscribed and tory will make sure that as many voters, er sorry subscribers are fulfilled as possible. I am guessing that every minimum £750 app will receive full allocation
Ftse down 30
Dax up 45
Situation - normal.
Ready to trade the afternoon session. (y)

Nice vid SD.
I think I see my problem. During your non posting time you look for finance stories, during my non posting time I look for the most popular thing on the internet :eek:.
Nice vid SD.
I think I see my problem. During your non posting time you look for finance stories, during my non posting time I look for the most popular thing on the internet :eek:.

thanks, that is a chap called Keith McCullough, his website Hedgeye keeps a tab on what hedge funds are doing. does a daily notebook briefing

from site

We are a web-based financial media company. The Hedgeye team features some of the world's most regarded research analysts united around a vision of independent, un-compromised real-time investment research as a service. Our research teams have buy-side experience, which adds uniqueness to delivering value-added research, insights and ideas to our clients.
Is there anything capable of bringing the Dax down at the moment?
Not even a 600 point drop in the Dow is stopping it.
"think it gets to 210"
Quite possibly, but a close below 15,200 tonight.

the market is heavily short, think dow has had 1 up close out of 9. so the probability of a close below 200 is extremely high since it covers ALL down closes and any up close less than +69

Dax mandatory 46 is the new 50
I've just closed my Dax longs at 8658 - its early i know but I want to be ready for any downside.
Public health warning!

Make sure your sitting down before you read the next line...

The FTSE may close UP today. :LOL: