Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

good mornng postman and Dick Lexic

good morning everyone

sp500dec 1683.1 bullish above/bearish below

Dow close = 6452

dow buy/sell 157/102 (cash session)
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the s&p has closed the gap and has bounced the two fat ladies 88..must admit i 've lost the plot for now ....US shares look ok on my balance meter lol

ftse low may be in

ps a quap quarter :(
I think the question for the day is - do you sell the Dax at 8680?
Normally thats a no brainer, but today ????
some charts speak with fork tongue :red_india

i'd like to think "C" is in at 15100


  • ScreenHunter_470 Oct. 01 08.50.jpg
    ScreenHunter_470 Oct. 01 08.50.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 94
Germany was expecting unemployment to go down 5k but it went up 25K and the Dax still rallied...
Go Dax Go.

FTSE still sulking like a little girl.
watch that trend
it gets tested at 6490 area
supp...look left for previous horizontal supp
could go either way

PMI shows UK manufacturers take on staff at fastest rate since May’11 as output growth surges => unemployment to fall
I'm walking away now and coming back around 1pm to see how high the Dax and Dow are. (y)