Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


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I shall be sniffing out a long on the Dow in the next 20 minutes if it keeps in the 15272 area. More than 20 points below is not good for me.
here's the p/f chart as i see it....fork lift get it?


  • ScreenHunter_363 Jun. 19 14.55.jpg
    ScreenHunter_363 Jun. 19 14.55.jpg
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the markets all look bullish ....just need the fed to shut up

well everyone knows Bernanke is on his way out, lets hope he doesnt mention the tapir or decides to go out with the markets on a high and says no end of QE in sight. I cant seem him putting down a poison chalice on the way out, that would not be cricket.:|
i heard the Tapir has been delivered this morning, Bernanke wont speak just let it into the room and see how long it takes people to cotton on, thankfully postman has let us in on this tactic , we all know what a Tapir is now haha ! Also Dax what a stupid market just popped 40 ticks, tell here at 37 holding over fed #becauseican !