Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

maybe you can think of it like this...
in your chart #24819 above you have drawn your PF with pivots A,B and C
you can use the idea of alternating pivots to start thinking where the next PF will be drawn..
the pivots B and C in your PF will become pivots A and B of the next your job becomes to hunt for C!
Sound confusing?It is not really, is your chart with the alternating pivot idea....
maybe you can think of it like this...
in your chart #24819 above you have drawn your PF with pivots A,B and C
you can use the idea of alternating pivots to start thinking where the next PF will be drawn..
the pivots B and C in your PF will become pivots A and B of the next your job becomes to hunt for C!
Sound confusing?It is not really, is your chart with the alternating pivot idea....

thank wern that helps a lot :)
the sooner you find C the smaller the stops and the greater the profit target(median line,next swing etc. )
Of course you will be stopped out more often as there wont be the confirmation(break of minor swing low etc)that you get fro waiting longer.
To sum it up the Holy Grail of PF'ing is
"the hunt for C"..
enough of my wittering!
have a good night all
Morning bustech.
FTSE showing -100 point opening. :rolleyes:
That will bring it back to a fall of 9.3% from its high.
Dow still only showing a 3.2% fall at current level of 15050 cash.
Still plenty of room to short the ftse at that level :LOL:
Morning bustech.
FTSE showing -100 point opening. :rolleyes:
That will bring it back to a fall of 9.3% from its high.
Dow still only showing a 3.2% fall at current level of 15050 cash.
Still plenty of room to short the ftse at that level :LOL:

Morning Postie

Market's and futures were creeping up in the morning,
But China PPI put the end to that at lunch time.
ASX is down about 9% from the high, got to say I like playing it from the long side, just not today.
DOW got to have some bigger correction at some stage.
US earning start in 1 or 2 weeks and US fund managers are saying that lower share price's have already factored in lower earning's.
Doe's that mean the DOW will go higher.:eek::confused:
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Morning Guys !

i hate to blow my own trumpet, but i did say this was gonna happen yesterday ! gaps everywhere this morning !
Morning Guys !

i hate to blow my own trumpet, but i did say this was gonna happen yesterday ! gaps everywhere this morning !

Yes - your great calls were noted yesterday.

Excellent scalping opportunities this morning. :D
draghi is very bad for markets, bernanke is very bad for markets, if they ever held a joint press conference and took turns to speak, western civilisation as we know would be destroyed
Looking for dax to fill gap up to 8131 today, same as the spike down the other week, just need to hold on for biug swings ! small size advised !
draghi is very bad for markets, bernanke is very bad for markets, if they ever held a joint press conference and took turns to speak, western civilisation as we know would be destroyed

your right sd every time he speaks we usually get a drop but it's a great excuse for a bit of manipulating ?