Any detectives here?

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It is a really sad low society we live in today i agree mate.

But this is human nature though, and so there are people out there who prey n feed of this without actually feeling anything inside about it.

We only became humans though becuae when we were all monkeys a few of us stole all the other monkeys food, stole the best houses, beat them up n hurt them so we gained more power, n had stronger babies who followed.
The whole of the human race only came about due to greed and theft, and so that is what our entire species is based on. 😆

Hmmm, perhaps not as naive as some may think ?

Although I dont want to totally disagree with Trader_Dante as you have a point but....
I feel that digging up the dirt in this case could very well be justified in respect to showing how he behaves and his attitude towards, not just traders in general on this site but, to everyone on the net.

He fits the description of a 'troll' perfectly.

Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Everyday people walk into a bar and quietly and politely ask for a drink but not all get served, some dont even get noticed, then this one guy jumps up to the bar screaming and shouting and cursing everyone that crosses his path. He gets served his drink, he then throws it back in the face of the bartender due to not liking the taste. This is of course the drink he ordered, he orders some more drinks and likewise throws them back in the face of the server. This continues whilst everyone in the bar is watching and not being served themselves. Many decent and polite (and maybe quite) people come and go everyday but no one knows because this one guy (who orders twice as many drinks as any one else) constantly rants at everyone, offends people, abuses people and dribbles on about how good he is and how everyone else in the bar are idiots including the server of his drinks.

I ask....How long before the bartender or mananger of the pub says enough is enough?

I see where you are going with this. I think that the offending person, already, has power before he starts, so he knows that he can get away with it. The bartender is frightened for his job, or for his physical safety.

This is the same as road rage. The ragers only pick on women or others who look physically weaker than he. He would not vent his anger on a carload of four dockies going to work.

Very shrewd, calculating, people, these aggressive types. Fear is their weapon, but they must pick the victim carefully.

This is why a democracy has to be defended by the CIA and similar. Guantanamo Bays will always have to exist where terrorists exist. We may not want it so we try to ignore it and we resent being forced to see that it goes on.

now your all going a bit far... a troll... a terrorist ???

Spanish is just a harmless child who happens to have found an audience, personally i have stopped posting anything on his threads. at first I thought perhaps I could offer him some advice on how not to loose all his money and I think many other experienced people did too.

If any of you have kids (especially boys) or nephews you will understand,, if you give them attention when they are ranting or doing something funny they will continue to do it over and over again until it is no longer funny or they become naughty and get told off... I think we are at that stage with Spanish.. he loves the attention, he is getting hundreds of posts on his threads, every time he posts a new one it gets hundreds of reads... he is feeding from the attention..

There has been a great deal of free advice, and he seems to have ignored it... I think its time we ignored him...
This is why a democracy has to be defended by the CIA and similar. Guantanamo Bays will always have to exist where terrorists exist. We may not want it so we try to ignore it and we resent being forced to see that it goes on.


Yeah, I mean look at those crazy Swiss with their constant torture and such 🙄
can I be of service...send your rolex to PO box......

(service only for the second post not the first...sorry to any SM devotees)
"What he says on a dating forum has little to do with what he says here on a trading website. "

mind you what he says on here has very little to do with trading

the geezer is a prize tw@t :cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap::cheesy::clap:👍👍😛😛😆😆🙂😀🙂😀🙂😀😴😗yawn:🙄:smart:😏😴:|👎😛
Hot Fuzz!!

Just thought I'd sneak in a quick post to bump the thread for those that may have missed the recent linkbacks at the bottom of the page. In denial springs to mind lol.

You have to admire the moderators there, but patience inevitably wears a bit thin and I know how they feel with his long titles and duplicate threads rofl 😀

Anyway, worth a read ...the judas!!!
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