There is another issue that this whole distaste thread throws up.
Namely the tag given to people for posting numerous number of posts I see Spanish has now achived the distinction of "veteran member"
Now we all have our own views of this paricular character and I don't think anyone would really pay much heed to anything he says , Unfortunately the the distiction of veteran member does bestow an level of respect and knowledge which most certainly in this case is not justified.
I have been a member of this forum for a very long time and in the past would look for posts from Mr charts, Nasdaq(aka. Alan Rich)and others namely because these people achieved the distiction of veteran member because of the quality of their post it was a pleasure reading them and you gained something from them. The same cannot be said about our friend.
My concern is for new members who would regard Spanish and his like with the same admiration and respect ( I understand he has some followers or so he says ) reserved for the likes of mr Charts (hope u don't mind the references to you mr charts)and other members who contribute positively.
I also belong to another forum where people are given negative marks for posting stuff like mr Spanish does this has the doulbe advantage of making people think before posting and warns people about silly posters.