Any detectives here?

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Home > Careers > Become a Special Constable
Become a Special Constable

You may be interested in police work but don't want to join the service full time. If so, you can apply via the Surrey Special Constabulary to join the hundreds of volunteers who are already helping us throughout the county. Our 'Specials' come from all walks of life and volunteer a minimum of four hours a week to Surrey Police. In this way they form a vital link between the regular police and the local community.

Once trained, and while on duty, you will hold the same powers and wear the same uniform as your regular colleagues. As you gain practical experience you will have opportunities for extra responsibility and promotion within the Specials' ranks.

Specials perform numerous important policing tasks. You may find yourself conducting foot patrols, teaching local school students about safety, tackling anti-social activity or carrying out house-to-house enquiries. You could provide security at major events, present evidence in court or assist at scenes of accidents, fights or fires. Each day brings a new challenge.

Specials are vital to the success of the Force and we are always looking for suitable new recruits. If you are interested, aged 18 or over and are fit to carry out the role of a Surrey Police Special Constable, please begin by visiting the policecouldyou website.

Click here for a Special's Application Form.

All applicants for employment with Surrey Police are vetted for security reasons, substance abuse and financial (credit) stability.
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thanks arabian, i've forwarded this thread to both the Recuitment Officer and the Chief Constable of Surrey Police.
I'm sure they'll be interested in the calibre and integrity of one of their applicants.


Gdgd mate, im sure they will spend plenty of time looking at a chat log and a website about gambling n betting!! 😆😆😆

Ive changed my profile picture just to make sure theres no danger of facial recognition to link me to to any nickname ive used on this thread.. 😆😆😆

ALthough i very very much doubt they are going to say ''oh btw do you scam people of ebay cos we saw some perosn on some financial betting site saying they have you name and that they do'.. 😆😆😆
thanks arabian, i've forwarded this thread to both the Recuitment Officer and the Chief Constable of Surrey Police.
I'm sure they'll be interested in the calibre and integrity of one of their applicants.

Can't give you more rep apparently, but thanks - you've saved me the trouble.
If there's one thing I despise it's people like that who rip off others and boast about it - all assuming this individual is for real and not a wind up.

Gdgd mate, im sure they will spend plenty of time looking at a chat log and a website about gambling n betting!! 😆😆😆

Ive changed my profile picture just to make sure theres no danger of facial recognition to link me to to any nickname ive used on this thread.. 😆😆😆

ALthough i very very much doubt they are going to say ''oh btw do you scam people of ebay cos we saw some perosn on some financial betting site saying they have you name and that they do'.. 😆😆😆

you obviously have no idea about the Vetting process

Gdgd mate, im sure they will spend plenty of time looking at a chat log and a website about gambling n betting!! 😆😆😆

Ive changed my profile picture just to make sure theres no danger of facial recognition to link me to to any nickname ive used on this thread.. 😆😆😆

ALthough i very very much doubt they are going to say ''oh btw do you scam people of ebay cos we saw some perosn on some financial betting site saying they have you name and that they do'.. 😆😆😆

Miles ahead of you mate 😉

Looks like you or were you wearing a Tom Cruise-style mask a la Mission Impossible when we met?
you really do have a very special ability to alienate people spanish-born to be a copper.

i know that you're now a big swinging d*ck in oil, in fact T Boone Pickens was rumoured to have asked yesterday "who is this new lad spanish?" and that you're behind a laptop and you don't give a shiny sh*te about what people say but i sincerely hope you blow your account, fail the screenign to be a copper, get a beating by somebody you scam and and up destitute. you horrible little individual.

you're obviously moderately concenred about recognition otherwise you wouldn't have changed your little picture. enjoy your life and as i mentioned a while back lear the phrase 'big issue'.
Spanish cannot be for real in my view...I tend to think it is a bored ex Hedge Fund Partner who enjoys winding us all up. Surely no one could be this dim? It's just too good to be true...a scam artist living in Staines, drinking whilst he trades, advising new traders, borrowing money off his mother etc. It's like one of those bad reality TV shows that you find too far down the channel guide on Sky.

I must say I do find it amusing to read, especially the days where he 'teaches' the market a lesson by ripping out £70.

If I was Peter Andre, I would be very upset at this bloke using my photo on this forum.
if I offer to pay for your ticket for you to come to Thailand, would you be prepared to say that to my face ?

Maybe we could even make a day of it??

Take a pinic, do some sight seeing, have a spot of lunch, dabble in some trading for a bit, maybe end the day with nice walk by a river at sunset!! 😆😆😆
The fight or flight response is any animals survival mode. The autonomic nervous system controls a number of body systems including the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. When the system is activated, the body increases respiratory and heart rates, increases mental alertness and decrease digestive activity so that the blood might be utilized in skeletal muscle tissue for quick movement and defense. The fight response occurs when the animal turns to take on the aggressor. The flight response occurs when the animal flees from and escapes the aggressor.

Where dominant aggression in dogs is similar to the fight portion of the flight or fight response of all animals, including humans, fear aggression is most closely related to the flight portion. A dog that is fear aggressive will become violent or aggressive literally to fight its way out of situation where it feels threatened or out of control. Dogs that were trained as attack dogs are generally fear aggressive dogs. The handler is the only individual the dog trusts. Each time the dog is greeted or approached by a stranger, a shock is administered to the animal. Through this stimulus response technique or classical conditioning, the dog learns that the presence of anyone except the handler is undesirable and becomes aggressive as a fear response. As the intensity of the fear or even the perception of fear increases so does the aggressive behavior. Without being trained to be fear aggressive there are other factors that could cause an animal to be fear aggressive including limited social interaction with humans and animals during the critical period of development.

The body language associated with fear aggression is similar in cats and dogs. Instead of pricking the ears as was the case in dominant aggression, the ears are laid back and the animal will crouch lower to the ground. Hair standing on end serves to make the animal look larger to the threatening animal. Dilated pupils are another cue from the frightened animal. As a worker in the animal care field, an ability to read these cues and understand them is critical to safety of both the animal and the employee. Fear aggression behaviors could be the result of injury or sickness. Animals who are cornered without an avenue for escape could also exhibit these behaviors attacking the person who is in the path of escape. This is called redirected aggression.

Many of the aggressive behaviors discussed become magnified when a dog or cat is brought into a situation where they may have had prior experience or learned that they should be fearful. The most common and necessary of these places is the veterinarian’s office. When all of the components of an office visit are considered from an animal’s point of view, it is a threatening environment that will invoke the fear or the dominance/defensive aggression. There are smells from other animals, both well and unwell, unfamiliar surroundings, and in some cases, an association of pain with all of these variables if past visits to the office have resulted in surgical procedures. Another factor that has not been discussed is the ability of the dog or cat to sense that the owner or those around him are fearful, anxious, confident or defensive. The ability of an animal to sense the attitude and demeanor of those around him comes from the animal’s ancestral past. The wolf pack origins of the dog used these senses to determine the intentions of each of the members of the pack. If the owner is a member of the dogs pack, then the dog is able to sense the feelings of the owner. Generally speaking, “aggression at the veterinarian’s office is caused by fear”. (Schwartz) When the owner is not there and the animal is being cared for at the hospital, a continued awareness of the instinctual need of animals to control their environment and the propensity to defend themselves is paramount to being safe on the job.
Spanish cannot be for real in my view...I tend to think it is a bored ex Hedge Fund Partner who enjoys winding us all up.

Ahhhh the mystery deepens!! 😆😆:cheesy:😆😆

Anothe moot point i felt id eloquently toss into this is how do you know i, whoever 'i' am, even did all this stuff?? 😆😆

How do we all know that im not really that sad that i just invented the whole thing cos i anted to get more attention?? 😆:clap:😆

Afterall ive been struggling to buildup my account capital alledgedly, so why didn't i just do over 30 people for 30 phones at £300 each and just sell them of and make £9000quid n bung that in my account?? 😆😆😆

Or why even bother trading when could just be doing a phone a day and making a yearly salary of £108,000??

Or maybe im just earning £19k per year in some dead end job current job filling and doing data entery, so spend my days coming on here pretending to trade/virtual trading, but leaidng this whole double life online as this exciting guy who i wish i could be if i had the confidence??? 😆😆😆😆

Ahhh i guess we will never really know though. 😉
There is another issue that this whole distaste thread throws up.
Namely the tag given to people for posting numerous number of posts I see Spanish has now achived the distinction of "veteran member"
Now we all have our own views of this paricular character and I don't think anyone would really pay much heed to anything he says , Unfortunately the the distiction of veteran member does bestow an level of respect and knowledge which most certainly in this case is not justified.
I have been a member of this forum for a very long time and in the past would look for posts from Mr charts, Nasdaq(aka. Alan Rich)and others namely because these people achieved the distiction of veteran member because of the quality of their post it was a pleasure reading them and you gained something from them. The same cannot be said about our friend.
My concern is for new members who would regard Spanish and his like with the same admiration and respect ( I understand he has some followers or so he says ) reserved for the likes of mr Charts (hope u don't mind the references to you mr charts)and other members who contribute positively.
I also belong to another forum where people are given negative marks for posting stuff like mr Spanish does this has the doulbe advantage of making people think before posting and warns people about silly posters.
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I agree, being a relatively new member, I had always assumed that a Veteran member came with some weight, rather then simply being attributed to anyone who has plenty of posts to the site.

I think it is a shame, as a new member I have read a lot of content from the Vets. I would think a more sensible approach would be for status to be based on a mixture of tenure and endorsed posts.

Only my opinion...btw, I am a little bored with the Spanish one advice would be similar to that given to anyone with a recent insect bite...leave it alone and it will go away...they always do.

I've deleted the grossly insulting post by spanish and the subsequent posts that refer to it.

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