Yes I have completely changed my opinion of the guy now. In fact I look forward to him blowing his account up and getting some of that Karma back.
I hope nobody deems to help this guy now - as clearly he would just rip you off if he could?
Unfortunately, as with many problems today, it seems to be the young who are leading the way. Maybe the young are the hardest hit and see the greatest need to look after numero uno....
well duh, we knew that 😉
Where was "SPANISH THE GREAT" bragging about his crime/s? (which chatroom?)
Any crook worth their salt would not be so clumsy with their ID/confession 😕.
It seriously does feel like some sort of tribal village on here now where im now the enemy!! 😆😆😆 😈😈😈 😆😆😆
And im sorry to dissappoint you though mate but i dont come on this site to be an upstanding pillar of the community, or to be the great hero who a load of random people try to critise about how he trades or then cheer him on when he makes money. 😆😆
I come on here to amuse myself and as i find this whole thing and all the stuff in my journal remarkably entertaining in my sad little life... 😆😛:rambo:😆😈😗lol::cheesy::cheesy:😈😆😆
All that amicable chummy sorta stuff on here doenst really do it for me soz.., i just fidnd that kinda dull online.
I much more prefer this on-going drama and managing to annoy and windup so many people just by siiting here typing a load of **** from my behind my laptop screen!! :smart::smart: 😆😆:cheesy:😆😆
It much more really spurs me on and gives me freakish entertainment and delight in my sad little life + probably boosts me ego pyschologically always being the centre of attention which probaly subconciouslly turns me on!! 😆😆:cheesy:😆😆
Well have your fun you sad sad little boy.
You'll get what's coming I'm sure of that now.
Ooohh dear me i guess the games up now eh.
Ive signed my confession, may as well book my cell in prison now then! 😆😆😆 😛:cheesy:😛
Give us a sec before you turn me over to the cops through the internet though mate,
cos i just need to pop onto ebay quick cos i may as well stockup now to get ready for some prison fun!! 😆😆:cheesy::cheesy:😆😆
But thankyou for yesterday Arabian, you saved my perfectly formed lil ass from getting *******.. 😀
What can i say, i guess im a polite thief! 😆😆
So i still hold that offer to buy you a drink, although i very much doubt you wnat to meet up incase i scam you into funding my drinking binges or something. 😆😆
Or i turn up and have the whole ****** t2w mob gang waiting for me and chase me around london with burning torches and pitchforks!! 😆😆😆:clap:😆😆😆
Told you - told you all ages ago. He's just a revolting jumped up little chav, but the difference is he seems to lack either the social skills or maybe just the balls to run with a gang and stick to just happy slapping people and filming it on his prada phone.
So he's a 'white collar chav'. Not sure whether thats worse or not..... On the plus side it means he's not getting in my way at all, but on the downside it means that I can't have him try and mug me for my iPod in the street and get b*tchslapped to kingdom come if he catches me on a bad day 😉
So I guess I'll just have to settle for the entertainment. But I have a feeling even that has peaked now.
Oh well - back to trading