Spanish's Legacy Lives on

But that makes sense,

The markets move in a way to cause pain. lets take the example of buying at support in a range, the best moves up will not go as low as before and then not even stop for a breather making it hard to get in with a tight stop as theres no support in sight anymore. then theres the false breaks which catch out the break out players and stop out those that bought at support.

thats right. whipsaws, possibly partly created by program traders, kill a lot of great trades as a result of the stoploss
Haha. Yes, it is good fun. Like playing a FPS game vs a tour of duty in Iraq. You get the fun without the pain.
Lol buying without stops IS investing! and a great way to get burned.

investing and burned dont quite go together. investors are classified to be much longer term buyers and sellers. their returns do not match traders', however even if they lose 1/2 their net worth, thats not quite the same as living your life out on a loan.