Advanced Structured Forex Trading

Just thought I would post some of your posts from the threads that have been closed by other moderators.

It will help people here I think


I’ve spent four (4) years of my life dedicated to understanding one single currency pair. Imagine going to college and having the freedom to study one single subject. How proficient would you become on that subject? I’ve analyzed, studied, researched, and tested market data for six (6) years in general and specialized in the EURUSD for four (4) of those six (6) years. In the process, I’ve taken my education in Physics, Mathematics and Aerodynamics and applied them as best I could in creative ways to the market data of the EURUSD and engineered what has become a new language for describing market behavior that I’ve never seen replicated on any forum, in any trading seminar or inside of any trading related book. A trading application with over 3,700 inputs to produce three (3) primary trade signals in three (3) separate dimensions of Time: Day, Swing and Outlook/Position, each of them containing their own stand-alone mathematical Probability for success within their respective time-frames.

And, it uses NO conventional TA whatsoever. Every single indicator is a new creation – a new construct – a new vision for analyzing market data. Outside the box innovation, made this possible.

I’ve taken that trading application and its many variants (sub-versions) and pushed $800 dollars (initially as a challenge given to me by someone else) to more than $52 million as of this date: April 6th, 2006, with today’s resultant trade of 500 lots by 15 executions resulting in a net gain of $405,000.00 on an initial aggregate cost basis (all 15 executions) trade of $375,000.00 to the Short side from an entry of $1.2282 down to $1.2228 (currently still open) – just as an example.
Let me also restate this:

7thSignalTrader said:
4/23/06 to 4/28/06


System's very long range ceiling is now $1.2744 with a floor of $1.1855.

Since December of last year, this super long range ceiling as move from $1.2305 up to this new level of $1.2744, which is a 439 pip increase in the ceiling in the last 5 months. This system was not designed as a long range bomber, but this year, it has proven itself to be a very good "Position Trading" guide for hold periods in excess of 3 months. This current ceiling is projected at 1 to 9 months out.


So, I'm not surprised by the upward mobility of the EURUSD, but I do expect a decent correction that should serve as the basis for a good Swing Trade profile Short, absent anymore prop-job news.

The strongest of the Dashboard's signals is the Outlook Signal and that has been Long since the low to mid $1.1700's just before the dip down to $1.1640 last year with one turn to the Short side after the system's long range target of $1.2305 was struck early this year. It has been Green and Long ever since.

So, I'm fully aware of what the EUR is doing right now and most importantly, "why".
Second, you could not ask a relevant question about this system even if your life depended on it. When have you asked a relevant question about this system? Where, have you ever seen anyone ask a relevant question about this system that I did not answer in vivid detail? You seem to think that lies are the norm. And, you don’t seem to understand the concept, here. The idea here, is not to give you anything on a silver platter.

What “ol” yahoo group are you referring to? Are you referring to the old LiveForexTrades yahoo group where I posted 3rd Generation trades from this system in public to a group of about 50 – 70 people while answering question they had about the system? If not, then where were you then? Where were you when I was in the question answering mode? Seems like you failed to do your homework on this one, eh.

I’ve been online answering questions for YEARS, pal. So, you can dump that old tired song about me not answer questions. I’ve answer the same questions over and over and over and over again, to the point where I got sick of it and started a Forum in yahoo just for the purpose of answering questions, posting live trade profiles.

Furthermore, where were you when I gave away the 1st Generation Engine to a group of 12 traders, directly? Were you there when I handed it over to them on a silver platter? So, in light of these facts, it would seem that your claims of me not answering questions is born out of total ignorance of the facts. I gave the early stuff away and then turned around and took my personal time conducting online training sessions for hours.

So, once again, you failed to do all of your homework. Having a little information, can be lethal when you don’t know all the facts, JC Bad.

You admit that you were JC, but are now posing as JR. I don’t get it. What’s your point? Do you have a problem with any of the Panel trades posted thus far? Do you wish to argue that they did not work? Of course, not because you would be arguing with success which would not make any sense.

So, what does the (I have no other word for it, I’m sorry) jealous one’s have to argue? Personality, issues of someone they know nothing about. Yep. That has to be it. You can’t find anything wrong with the trades, so all you can do now is try to force Echelon4x and 7thSignalTrader into being the same person. Why? Because outside of the Panel’s that keep slamming the naysayers of high accuracy trading in the face and blowing holes in their long standing ideas that it is impossible to trade above 97% accuracy, it gives you something else to divert attention to. So, I end up wasting time, energy and effort pointing out these facts that in the end only make you out to look jealous.

Am I wrong? If so, prove it. Prove (just like I’m proving now with the Panel trades) the Echelone4x and 7thSignalTrader are one and the same.

Better yet, why not ask the Administrator of this board to simple say whether or not the two come from different IP addresses and different subnet masks. You do understand how networks work don’t you, JC Bad? How do we know that you are not posting under multiple id on this forum?

I’ve used Tradevector for YEARS. I’ve used StealthTrader for YEARS. I’ve used the ID name that was equal to the Prototype System Name in each new generation of the system. The system is now in its 5th Generation of Code. Therefore, genius, how many ID do you think I would have, at least? Therefore, I’ve used a minimum of five (5) different ID over the course of 6 years.

I also use different ID’s when I visit:

Aviation and Aerospace boards.
Physics and Mathematics boards.
Trading boards.
Developers (code writing) boards.
Golf boards.
Auto Racing boards.
Sports car boards.

So, again – what’s the point, here? Do you login with the exact same user id on every board you have ever visited? Of course, not. So, why mention Tradevector, when that id was never used on this board?

You’ve got to get your facts straight before you go on the offensive.

Otherwise, what’s your point? And, what have you proven by “resting your case” on nonsensical, non-issues of the nonsequiter kind? You know, trying to interject one’s self and become relevant merely for the sake of having a voice that you think others want to listen to, will always cause one to make the fatal flaw of injecting a false premise and therefore, always running the risk of being exposed as such.

Tradvector = previous member of Motec, is a false premise. So, why would you inject a lie into this thread if you did not have ulterior motives?

Echelon4x = 7thSignalTrader, is a false premise and therefore, you can only end up in one place with such an interjection and that is inside a black hole with zero escape.

Hey, look – it is no skin off my nose if you want to end up getting corrected like this.

Last edited by 7thSignalTrader : 31-01-2006 at 18:54.
7th, despite our differences on "other" forums, i am still intrigued by your methods, but find myself if you could clarify some things for me, that would be great, and please, do not take this as an attack, IT IS NOT, but i would hope you would answer these questions

1) the new dashboard you are posting, are you trading it, or just testing it?

2) did you lose the day trade short? or did you not, because you were not trading that signal?

3) why is "news" a factor to you now? you used to say that news has no affect on price structure? but you seem to be mentioning the effects quite frequently now?

i believe i have asked 3 simple questions, that all have very simple answers, in a manner that does not disrespect what you are trying to do, please answer accordingly....
He also owns aeroplanes and personal islands !


I've given some definitions and explanations of how the GUI works and how I use it. I have not gone into much detail, because few questions have been asked about it. I will explain what I can when I get a direct question - that which is off-limits, I won't be able to fully lay-out for obvious reasons.

I fly the L-39ZA, right now. I also have a Pitts Special (modified hp to 400shp), but I look forward to having a custom Extra-300 built, just because I love aerobatics in small props.


Private, Instrument, Comm, ME, CFI, CFII, and Civilian Jet Type Rating including L39 LOA. Former F-15 Driver (three variants) 8 years USAF.


Looking into a possible MIG-29/UB Fulcrum deal with World Wide Warbirds.

World Wide Warbirds

The Fulcrum would be a managed program deal according to them with an initial cost of about $2 - $3 million including training by former Fulcrum Driver and all maint/hangering requirements for the aircraft.

Hopefully, a Sino Swearingen SJ30-2 will be in the running in the not so distant future for 'other' business needs.
7thSignalTrader said:
I think if any of you knew half of what you were talking about, you'd be very wealthy by now. I'll ignore those pretending to be "learning something" and continue because typically the biggest mouths on a forum like this have no trade journal of their own, nor do they really trade the markets on a consistent basis with any real degree of equity growth over time – but they do make good mouth pieces and not much more than that.

You can't find a single thing wrong with my "banning" people who have nothing but an agenda of disruption. That's not demonizing anyone – that’s called ignoring fools. A fool runs his mouth when he does not understand what he’s saying – much like the clowns who have come into this thread with off-topic lunatic rants – that’s a fool. A wise person asks legitimate questions and does not make assumptions, especially when the answer has been placed right under his nose.

Lighthouse is Profx from He’s an Internet Troll of epic proportions and not a trader. He’s executed orders on USDCAD that have crashed and burned on several occasions with one of them getting stopped out at over 200+ pips back in early April (

No intelligent person has read his comments here and thought they were “questions”. He’s told lies, as he typically does, but there have been no on-topic questions about a trading technology that he knows nothing about. Now, I would consider myself a darn fool for assuming that I knew something about someone else’s trading system that I did not build myself, but any intelligent person would feel foolish doing that and only a fool would feel comfortable doing the same.

None of these last four (4) posts from either of you have anything to do with this thread, this trading system, the trades themselves or for that matter anything worthwhile continuing a discussion on. If you think this thread is humorous that’s fine and it is most likely because you are jealous – simple. No skin off my nose and your foolishness has nothing to do with me.

Now, if you have a Trade Journal of your own (most naysayers don’t because they really don’t know what they are doing in the markets to feel confident enough to put one up consistently) then get to it and go maintain it. Otherwise, sit down, shut up and try to learn something that you don’t already know.

The Troll list of clearly for people that belong on such a list and anyone with half a brain can clearly see that and the need for such a list.

Having spent most of my working like trading for CSFB, UBS, BOA and MSDW..Ill ignore your rant about "trading journals". I also suggest you go through the "Live Cable Trading" thread and look at my LIVE calls. Some of them were home runs and other were absolutely terrible. I reckon I have about a 30% winning call rate on that thread. Not exactly brilliant but at least its HONEST. Im a very good trader but I dont try to kid myself. When I get stopped out I research the reasons why. More importantly, I NEVER CLOSE MY EARS TO CRITICISM. I shall leave you to your thread now, with the clear knowledge that you dont want want idolic, syncophantic praise. That makes you an insecure trader..the worst kind. Enjoy.
But I guess at 500,000 lots per trade he can do that,

500,000 that's $50 billion per trade ! funny how the maket doesn't move a pip when he places it ??

QUOTE : trade daily, Sir. That’s spelled: D-A-I-L-Y. That’s ever 24 hours, I’m pulling the trigger on a trade at approximately 93% or better when I’m in production mode (not BETA, and not Certification). That’s 93% or better to a specified target within 24 hours unless I have to Swing for up to 5 days. In production mode I’m up to over 500,000 lots PER TRADE. Got that? Not some one (1) lot dog and pony show where I wait for a move of 100 pips against my position just so that I can make bigger fool of myself by pyramiding my losses in the guessing game of waiting for trend reversals.

You are a pure guesser! 100% vain and pure guessing is what you do according to the strategy that you outlined above. Nothing more and nothing less. There are Traders and there are Gamblers. Your very first post in your trading journal CLEARLY spells you out to be high stakes Gambler – not a Trader. How many times have you blown a hole the size of Texas into your account? How many times have you had to take off several months, or even a couple years before you were allowed to get back into trading? I’ve had many people see my trades over the years and send me emails telling me their stories about how they Gambled their live savings away because they were Guessers of the highest order, pyramiding their losses and unable to get a grip on WHY THEY AERE ENTERING TRADES TO BEGIN WITH.

Guessing is not Trading. But, you have to be a Trader to know the difference.

100 pip drawdowns? Nutz – pure unadulterated Nutz. That sounds exactly like somebody else I know who routinely endures 70, 80, 90+ pip drawdowns and somehow thinks that it is ok – and calls himself a Day Trader.

Some of you guys have got a LOT to learn. Drop your egos and educate yourselves so you can stop throwing your money away.

And, here I was all this time arguing with a GuesserTrader. You are wholly unqualified to argue with me or anyone else about trading the Forex.

Last edited by 7thSignalTrader : 08-02-2006 at 00:31.
pipforme said:
7th, despite our differences on "other" forums, i am still intrigued by your methods, but find myself if you could clarify some things for me, that would be great, and please, do not take this as an attack, IT IS NOT, but i would hope you would answer these questions

1) the new dashboard you are posting, are you trading it, or just testing it?

2) did you lose the day trade short? or did you not, because you were not trading that signal?

3) why is "news" a factor to you now? you used to say that news has no affect on price structure? but you seem to be mentioning the effects quite frequently now?

i believe i have asked 3 simple questions, that all have very simple answers, in a manner that does not disrespect what you are trying to do, please answer accordingly....

1a) I’ve recently made additional tweaks to the way the Day Trade profile “responds” or “listens to” to the Swing Trade profile. Basically, I’m trying to expand the dialog between these two major components of the system. So, last week was live, but this week is Beta – I simply forgot to type the word “Beta” on the Dashboard for this Swing Trade. I actually don’t have a lot of time for monitoring trades this week and even in Production mode (live real cash trading) I’m still under my standard 90 day cooling-off period where I really need to be front and center on all live Production level trades. That cooling-off period got truncated by this new tweak. When I get a new idea, I don’t like to put it on the back burner anymore, so I make the change quickly and then Beta the alterations until I can tweak them to where I’d like them to be. So, I’m Beta Swing but Production Day – when I am actually trading a Day profile. I’ll try to remember to switch the Mode indicator to the right setting so you will know whether a trade is Beta, Test or Production – sometimes I forget especially over the weekend if I’ve been doing some development work on the system.

2a) Correct – that profile was not being traded. However, if it had been traded there was no failure. Go look at any 15 minute chart for the EURUSD and then please read my protocols for operating this system.

I have three (3) options on any failure to meet at least minimum pip requirements. Day Trade profiles are 24 hour trades – refer to Dashboard description in the very first post in this journal. Any day trade that fails to launch will either be:

a) Closed at breakeven or minimum design profit.
b) Closed at end of session regardless of p/l.
c) Converted into a matching Swing Trade profile.

I’ve been trading the Dashboard this way since its inception. Those are the protocols that I have posted here and on Dailyfx as well – so people on Dailyfx already know (if they’ve read) that these are the rules.

Now, taking a look at any EURUSD chart you will see that on 4/24/06 it struck its break-even point 3 times from above the entry point and below the entry point and then yet again for the first 3-4 hours of the 4/25/06 session on 3 more occasions. That provided a 27 hour window for making a decision on the above three options. If I had actually been trading this profile on 4/24/06, one of the above three options by rule/definition and protocol MUST be executed.

Lastly, (if you check this journal) you will note that what you see on your screen is only a snap-shot of a Dashboard flowing in real-time. So, you cannot possibly see or know about every real-time change in the way the Dashboard looks for an entire trade session because I cannot sit and post pics for 24 hours a day on every single market tic. The system was designed to recognize abnormal price behavior and adjust its projected targets (Limits and Stops) accordingly. Some of the adjustments are small while others are large. However, all are done in real-time just like you have been seeing this week with the Swing Trade profile’s Limit projection. Day Trade profile Limits get moved just like Swing Trade profile Limits – but at different rates of speed. So, the Day Trade profile and the system performed as designed on 4/24/06 – the rest would be up for me to decide relative to which of the three (3) options I would have selected as the best alternative.

3a) Can you please post a link to any indication where I have said this? I’ve never said that “news has no effect on Price Structure.” That would demonstrate that I don’t know my own creation very well.

I’ve always said that the one thing this system (and any system on the planet) cannot account for is “News”. I’ve been stating that for six (6) years now. One very good way for you to answer your own question would be for you to simply post a link to any web server anywhere in the world indicating that “news has no effect on Price Structure”. That would be really helpful and it would offer some substance behind the claim. If there is one single post on the internet, a single email, or single private chat session where I have stated that “news has no effect on Price Structure”, I’d really appreciate seeing it. It would really help. Otherwise, you will have to explain where you heard that, saw that, or came to that conclusion about this trading technology.

News is the ONLY wild-card that I cannot account for and for that matter – no one can.

Secondarily, there is more than one Price Structure. Each time-frame, or bar of data has its own Price Structure. Thus, there is a Daily Price Structure, Weekly Price Structure and a Monthly Price Structure. If I wanted to build them, there would also be a Quarterly Price Structure, Semi-Annual Price Structure, Annual Price Structure, 2 year Price Structure, 5 year Price Structure and15 year Price Structure. I have not yet begun work on those additions to the long-range components of this system.

There is another person that has taken the baseline information that I shared with him and gone on to create his own real-time intra-day trading system using 1 minute Price Structures, 5 minute Price Structures, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 minute Price Structures and he’s got trading signals popping off over several minutes depending on which bar of data he’s using at the time.

Price Structure is a “concept” that is applied to any bar of data for any financially traded instrument in any financial market anywhere in the world using the standard OHLC bar format. And, there has never been any Price Structure created in this system that cannot be blown to bits by news.

News is the great equalizer and I’ve been using that phrase now for years wherever I have a journal and talk about this system.

Lastly, I’ve ALWAYS talked about the effects of news on trading, this system and the market in general. For years I’ve always stated the effects of news on this system. So, it would be wise of you to read the record, do the homework and get better understanding of what has been said in the past and what is being said now. What’s being said now, is no different than what’s been said in the past.

The Weekly (Swing) Price Structure is very much intact and inline with all extreme possible outcomes. There is nothing unusual about 13 to 103 pip drawdown for a Swing Trade Profile. Most people that follow my trades have become so used to the 1 pip to 7 pip drawdown on Day Trade Profiles that I think they have become a bit too spoiled. Day Trade profile Magnitudes are much smaller than Swing Trade profile Magnitudes (I’ve stated this before as well).

Much of what I’ve responded with here, I have written about for years and at least several times in this thread alone before now. I would strongly suggest reading the history of this thread and reviewing some of my posts on DailyFx regarding the “use” and “protocols” behind this system. I often times repeat myself on questions that have been asked and answered in the past.

No new questions were presented here – but I answered them fully anyway – for the record.
ok, so if i am correct:

the swing trade in the new dashboard is being tested, while you are live trading the day trade, but you did not take a loss because you cut it at breakeven.....or did you convert it to a swing trade?

7th, i am sure your answers can be cut down to like 10words or less, if you want to come off as clear and CONCISE, then reduce the verbage, simple questions require simple answers...

so, let me make it VERY easy

1) day trade was not lost because it closed at break even? yes or no
2) you claim to always post "real-time" trades, with "clear" targets and stop loss, but why is it that no one was able to decipher if your day trade was won or lost? did we miss something? i doubt it, but obviously, if you do not post that you lost, or that you changed anything, people get the "wrong" idea...
3) where is the next "day" signal - it has never been posted, the "system" seems a litle quiet after this last trade?
4) you desire so strongly to have people "pony up" or go home, but why is it that a straight answer is so hard to find from you?
5) how many forums are you a part of (forex related)? a.3, b.5, c.10, d. none of the above
6) how many have you been banned from?
7) why do you keep coming back, trying to find new disciples?
8) how many days will you be gone after "leaving" this forum, only to return again with beta v. 6,000000000000.0000

9) do you know people are laughing at you, and not with you? yes or no
10) you are clueless......true or false
2a) Correct – that profile was not being traded. However, if it had been traded there was no failure. Go look at any 15 minute chart for the EURUSD and then please read my protocols for operating this system.

I have three (3) options on any failure to meet at least minimum pip requirements. Day Trade profiles are 24 hour trades – refer to Dashboard description in the very first post in this journal. Any day trade that fails to launch will either be:

a) Closed at breakeven or minimum design profit.
b) Closed at end of session regardless of p/l.
c) Converted into a matching Swing Trade profile.


As usual you haven't answered the question

Looking at a 15 min chart after the price went up to 1.2416 at 08.00 gmt you state that your system modified the stop to 1,2427 contracted the target by 8 pips and then after the event they resumed to the original levels.

2 hours later at 10.00gmt the low price was 1.2376 bid so lets say you have a 3 pip spread your best get out with minimum loss would hav been 1.2380 which is a loss !

Then 3.5 hours later at 13.30 the price was 1.2438 bid

So where did it close out in profit ???

Whichever way you look at it, it was a loss

Doesn't matter how many pages of junk you post that is the simple truth.

Last edited:
zuke said:
Having spent most of my working like trading for CSFB, UBS, BOA and MSDW..Ill ignore your rant about "trading journals". I also suggest you go through the "Live Cable Trading" thread and look at my LIVE calls. Some of them were home runs and other were absolutely terrible. I reckon I have about a 30% winning call rate on that thread. Not exactly brilliant but at least its HONEST. Im a very good trader but I dont try to kid myself. When I get stopped out I research the reasons why. More importantly, I NEVER CLOSE MY EARS TO CRITICISM. I shall leave you to your thread now, with the clear knowledge that you dont want want idolic, syncophantic praise. That makes you an insecure trader..the worst kind. Enjoy.

Why would I want to study 30% trading accuracy?

You know, you jealous naysayers never cease to amaze me. You’ve got one foot in your mouth and one foot on a treadmill at the same time and to what end? What are you proving by entering this thread, claiming that you traded for BofA, UBS and CSFB all your trading life and that you now see 30% accuracy? Is that why you no longer trade for CSFB, UBS, or BofA? Did they fire you? I mean, come on – 30% accuracy? And, you walk in here, offer no substance whatsoever – say nothing, do nothing, add nothing other than more internal trolling remarks that really are more about sad people like you, than anything else.

Naysayers are a dime a dozen. You have no dedicated Journal, just as I thought – so thank you for confirming my theory about naysayers. It is easy to sit there and run your mouth when you don’t have any dedicated work product to back it up. I could wonder all year long reading duck and cover type trade calls in some obscure region of cyberspace, but I’d rather open up my own journal and produce some results.

I think what makes you so shameful is the fact that you attempt to speak with "authority" about a trader and a trading technology you know nothing about. That says a lot more about you than it does anyone else.

The very fact that I don’t even pay attention to “Live Cable Trading” and that you obviously pay attention over here, likewise says a lot about naysayers. What is it about Professional Naysayer and their inability to ignore that which they think is a joke? If what you see in this thread was so much of a joke, you would have ignored the entire thread eons ago. But, I notice you keep paying attention to that which you think is a joke. Now, that’s saying something!

I’m not here for people like you and what’s more, I never was.

How, can you possibly give “feedback” on something you know nothing about? You would need to learn what’s going on here before you can give proper “feedback”. That’s like a Junior Spelling Bee Champion telling Earnest Hemmingway that he obviously does not want “feedback”. This is not a feedback loop. You are not qualified to offer me feedback on a trading technology you know nothing about – that’s silly.

The only thing that you can possibly do is learn something – that’s it. And, you can only do that by asking on-topic questions and not by posting these silly little childish quips trying to compare 30% consistency with 96.12% accuracy. That’s nuts. This is a trade journal. I am actually getting work done, here whether you realize it or not. You can only learn – but I doubt seriously that even that much is possible for the naysaying types.

Naysayers are s dime a dozen producing nothing of their own but always ready to offer “feedback” on things they know nothing about. Hilarious – absolutely, hilarious!

"Enjoy"? You have no idea.
Banned List (No-Fly-Zone) of Internet Trolls. :idea:

Begin List

7th Error9000

End List

Any replies and/or quotes from people on this list will be enough to add your own uid to the list until the moderator decides to do the right thing.
4/23/06 to 4/28/06 Swing Trade Update & Observations IV

Begin Update:

Given the stalling price action near the $1.2448 level, I took the liberty of running an early Engine update a couple hours ahead of time to sneak a peak at the next Dashboard configuration. Swing Trade profile now on hold through to next week and the Daily Channel has turn down slightly which is the first indication at a correction is nearing.

Other system indicators show an unwinding ready to take effect. So, when the selling starts, I expect somewhat of a soft landing given the push beyond the Swing Trade profile average draw down on this session.

Right now, trade sits slight above the average Swing Trade profile draw down, which going into a Thursday, it would take a very significant move to hit the target – highly unlikely in a single day as that type of single day move historically does not happen without some news vector driving it. It would be a huge Daily TCD Short move, but I don’t see any news that strong out there. So, that is what extends this Swing into next Week.

Swing Trade profiles (as stated) run from between 3 days up to 2 weeks. Anything beyond that speaks loudly for a blown trade and a new sustained price level and I don’t see that on the horizon for the medium-term.

If there are “significant” changes in the system’s projections between now and next week, I’ll post them in another Update & Observations. If not, I will post the first Dashboard pic for the first trading day of next week. Otherwise, this 4th update should suffice for this week.

Current Swing Target: $1.2223
Swing Trade Profile Extension: 5 to 10 days

End Update:
Sorry, but I'm sitting here laughing out loud looking at this system and some of my "visual aids" (TCD Charts) and can't help but feel sorry for those that will get caught holding the long-term long positions - too long!

This thing is ripe for a total liquidation of assets! 😱 People are being slowly sucked into the "long fever" this week. Some of it very valid and profitable, but these latter stages of the “big sucker punch” are the ones I typically find rather amusing to watch unfold.

Sorry, but I just had to say something before the plunge. Remember this: the long this sucker punch continues, the bigger the panic selling will be in the end. I’ve seen these Papa Bubbles for years now in various different forms (the long bubbles are the worst for late comers) and they never cease to amaze me in the end.

Mark down between now and May 1st, 2006, on your calendars. The day of reckoning draweth near.

WARNING! in the next few hours to the next few days, this Long circus bubble will be over and the circus tent will come crashing down.

To be fore warned is to be fore armed. Trade “short-term” Longs very cautiously unless you have an “Outlook” Trade profile point of view. In that case, you are doing just fine and the next 9 months will be very rewarding – just like the first 3 were this year on the Outlook profile.

See you next week!
7thSignalTrader said:
Mark down between now and May 1st, 2006, on your calendars. The day of reckoning draweth near.

WARNING! in the next few hours to the next few days, this Long circus bubble will be over and the circus tent will come crashing down.

Hi 7th,
I think I am not the only one who feels that my "timing" on this inevitable Short is
a long way off. In fact mine went back to Thu last week, which is one whole
trading week .... 8-(.
I suspect your system would have sensed the shift in the timing of the short call
since some time last week & continue to do so coming into this week ? This
is an important lesson on the "timing" aspect and hopefully u can share some
insights in how it relates to tcds etc.

There's a lot of 'talk' on both sides.
why not put a stop to the slanging matches and place some actual trade calls?

7th: You seem to be predicting a fall in EUR/USD, but can you state whether you have actual trades in place based on your dshboard.

Forex is a very simple business to judge success or failure of an individual or system. - you place trades and they either win or lose.

So why not stop the specualtion and clearly state some of your live trades here so we can make a simple judgement on how good the system is?
7thSignalTrader said:
Why would I want to study 30% trading accuracy?

You know, you jealous naysayers never cease to amaze me. You’ve got one foot in your mouth and one foot on a treadmill at the same time and to what end? What are you proving by entering this thread, claiming that you traded for BofA, UBS and CSFB all your trading life and that you now see 30% accuracy? Is that why you no longer trade for CSFB, UBS, or BofA? Did they fire you? I mean, come on – 30% accuracy? And, you walk in here, offer no substance whatsoever – say nothing, do nothing, add nothing other than more internal trolling remarks that really are more about sad people like you, than anything else.

Naysayers are a dime a dozen. You have no dedicated Journal, just as I thought – so thank you for confirming my theory about naysayers. It is easy to sit there and run your mouth when you don’t have any dedicated work product to back it up. I could wonder all year long reading duck and cover type trade calls in some obscure region of cyberspace, but I’d rather open up my own journal and produce some results.

I think what makes you so shameful is the fact that you attempt to speak with "authority" about a trader and a trading technology you know nothing about. That says a lot more about you than it does anyone else.

The very fact that I don’t even pay attention to “Live Cable Trading” and that you obviously pay attention over here, likewise says a lot about naysayers. What is it about Professional Naysayer and their inability to ignore that which they think is a joke? If what you see in this thread was so much of a joke, you would have ignored the entire thread eons ago. But, I notice you keep paying attention to that which you think is a joke. Now, that’s saying something!

I’m not here for people like you and what’s more, I never was.

How, can you possibly give “feedback” on something you know nothing about? You would need to learn what’s going on here before you can give proper “feedback”. That’s like a Junior Spelling Bee Champion telling Earnest Hemmingway that he obviously does not want “feedback”. This is not a feedback loop. You are not qualified to offer me feedback on a trading technology you know nothing about – that’s silly.

The only thing that you can possibly do is learn something – that’s it. And, you can only do that by asking on-topic questions and not by posting these silly little childish quips trying to compare 30% consistency with 96.12% accuracy. That’s nuts. This is a trade journal. I am actually getting work done, here whether you realize it or not. You can only learn – but I doubt seriously that even that much is possible for the naysaying types.

Naysayers are s dime a dozen producing nothing of their own but always ready to offer “feedback” on things they know nothing about. Hilarious – absolutely, hilarious!

"Enjoy"? You have no idea.

Sompe points:

1. The day that I become "jealous" of someone posting onan internet forum is the day I die.

2. Go back and read my posts..what makes me a "naysayer"? Is it because I refuse to sweep your LOSS under the carpet?

3. You are not getting work done here, this thread is about your ego. You remind me of "badtrader" on the Live Cable Thread who used to fade peoples calls..why? to show evetyone else that he was a "master trader". That is NOT what this forum is about.

4. You can abuse me as much as you wish, put me on your roll of honour (just looking at the names on there makes me feel very comfortable, given that at least three of those I KNOW to be very good traders), call me a naysayer as much as you doesnt get away from the fact that if you ignore criticism, you'll always be limited.

5. The fact that you gave snide remarks about 30% accuracy without asking about R:R tells me exactly what type of "trader" you are...a GAMBLER.

6. No, 7th..I was never's called career progression and work life balance.

The thing is 7th, you'll find that nobody is out to get you, or make fun of are a guy on an internet you really think we have nothing better to do than make fun of you? Humble yourself, talk WITH people, not AT them....remember that EVERYONE has a view that may (or not) have some nuggets of info that could be useful. Excessive verbiage tells people, not that you are clever, but that you are insecure. I can explain my trading method in six steps. Is it profitable? Yes it is...have I made millions from it? No, I havent...most months I make a little more than when I used to trade at IB's. Do I make losses?..yes but my maximum exposure on any trade is 25 pips. Im upfront about my method. I've had at least 20 people PM me and criticise my method. I have tweaked it many times and have learnt so much from what others say.

You need to learn the two H's mon ami..HUMILITY and HONESTY. Good luck with your project.

Oh...and perhaps you should look into where Hemmingway got his ideas from before using him as an example...I rest my case.
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mburdge said:
There's a lot of 'talk' on both sides.
why not put a stop to the slanging matches and place some actual trade calls?

7th: You seem to be predicting a fall in EUR/USD, but can you state whether you have actual trades in place based on your dshboard.

Forex is a very simple business to judge success or failure of an individual or system. - you place trades and they either win or lose.

So why not stop the specualtion and clearly state some of your live trades here so we can make a simple judgement on how good the system is?

You already knw the answer to this question.
This is a post that 7th made yesterday on another forum, maybe he should listen to himself sometimes, I'm pretty sure he likes talking to himself anyway.

I'm just asking a straight forward question. Since when did asking straight forward questions get classified as "fooling around"? And, you want me to leave for asking a question about a trade? That does not seem like the kind of thing that I would expect from an honest person. You ask someone to leave, simply because they have a valid question and went through all the trouble (I type very slowly you know) of researching the details using real historical market data? Hmmmm.

Something does not smell right about that.

I used actual market data and tracked the trade from the sidelines as I have done with several other traders here on this forum. Yours was one that came up with question marks because I was not able to see how a profit could be obtained when the stated stop was struck almost 200 pips away and there was no substantial move to anywhere near the target area that you called in your trade.

How can those facts clearly seen in any chart between the time you called the trade until the time an almost 200 pip loss was sustained, be considered "fooling" around?

I'm just asking for clarification about a trade that clearly, according to actual historical market data and given that there are no follow-up posts on this forum at all showing that you made any alterations to that trade, seems to have gotten stopped out with no movement at all to the original target.

I did not know that you would cause this simple question about a trade getting stopped out to be some kind of problem. It is a straight forward question based on the facts clearly seen in the historical data of the eurcad during the time of your trade call.

You made no updates, changes, modifications, alterations anywhere related to that trade on this forum. So, I would think that one would want to explain what happened rather than run from the question, but hey - that's just me.

If I get stopped out in plain daylight by almost 200 pips, then that is not something that I would have the slightest inclination to want to try to hide from anyone. If you moved your stop, then simply say so - that would resolve the problem. But, please don't blame me for simply asking a straight forward question about something so clearly in full plain view of everyone else.

I'm shocked that no one else mentioned it.
7thSignalTrader said:
Sorry, but I'm sitting here laughing out loud looking at this system and some of my "visual aids" (TCD Charts) and can't help but feel sorry for those that will get caught holding the long-term long positions - too long!

This thing is ripe for a total liquidation of assets! 😱 People are being slowly sucked into the "long fever" this week. Some of it very valid and profitable, but these latter stages of the “big sucker punch” are the ones I typically find rather amusing to watch unfold.

Sorry, but I just had to say something before the plunge. Remember this: the long this sucker punch continues, the bigger the panic selling will be in the end. I’ve seen these Papa Bubbles for years now in various different forms (the long bubbles are the worst for late comers) and they never cease to amaze me in the end.

Mark down between now and May 1st, 2006, on your calendars. The day of reckoning draweth near.

WARNING! in the next few hours to the next few days, this Long circus bubble will be over and the circus tent will come crashing down.

To be fore warned is to be fore armed. Trade “short-term” Longs very cautiously unless you have an “Outlook” Trade profile point of view. In that case, you are doing just fine and the next 9 months will be very rewarding – just like the first 3 were this year on the Outlook profile.

See you next week!

EUR/USD just printed 1.2542 bid that's a 178 pip drawdown 7th

Good job people don't listen to your 93% accurate predictions isn't it :cheesy:
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