7th Error9000 said:
I find it strange that for one so advanced, being able to place 14 separate trades at 500 lots a piece with 14 different brokers simultaneously while still getting a margin of 200:1 with the push of a button that you would have "datafeed" issues while sting being able to post on the forums.
Strange :?:
Looking forward to your next LIVE trade posting, 40 pips out of a 400 pip move in 4 days is not something to get too excited about
Your blindness precedes you, Profx from Dailyfx.com.
The Outlook Trade Profile clearly projected from 2103 a target if 376 pips and captured 293 to date. The Swing Trade Profile clearly projected from 2121 of the first trading day of this week to a target of 274 pips and captured 275. I've been doing Day Trade Profiles in this new batch of mixed test and production level trades. So, if you were honest enough to admit what is sitting right under your nose, you would easily have been able to
read the threads and recognize
when each trade profile
begins and ends and thus you would not have made yourself look foolish by claiming 40 pips in a 400 pip move.
Furthermore, is there
anywhere on earth a clean Trade Journal of yours producing anywhere near this level of proficiency on any currency pair in the world? Does such a journal of yours exist on any forum? The answer to that question is a resounding no.
Profx, which is the user ID that this Troll goes under on Dailyfx, is one of the biggest
known liars in all the world of online trading. He specializes in the art of telling lies without having a shred of proof to back them up. He thinks that by telling a big lie, people will believe it.
He can't seem to understand that his own personal feelings of low self-worth come from within himself. He's a sad individual who could not gather enough self-respect to save his own life. He has demonstrated neurotic behavior in the past with acute and sometimes traumatic psychotic episodes all born out his inability to recognize and/or accept reality for what it is, but mostly born out of not having the spotlight on him. To wit, his presence on this board now. He was left alone in his self-pity on Dailyfx, but now that he’s been left alone, he feels jaded and scorned and thus he now seeks to disrupt yet another perfectly fine trade journal by injecting non-sequitur comments that have no logical nexus to anything having been said in this thread thus far.
Example of his non-sequitur lies:
1) He tells the lie that 14 separate trades were posted through
14 separate brokers.
This is the kind of twisting and distorting of the facts that Profx likes to do when he’s undergoing one of his classic psychotic episodes. He takes a fraction of the truth and mixes it with his lies. Why does he do this? Simple: the guy has zero credibility anywhere, produces nothing from his own work product, has never had a creative, original or unique thought to flow through his being since his birth and mostly because he’s a very weak minded individual lacking integrity, character and moral backbone.
The reality that he cannot admit is that:
1a) I don’t trade through
any Broker – and have not for now almost 19 months.
1b) I don’t trade Retail Forex Accounts – and have not now for almost 19 months.
So, he
cannot tell you the truth for two reasons:
a) He either assumes facts not in evidence, or he fabricates them out of thin air.
b) He realizes that if he did offer the truth, that the entire premise for his attacks would have zero substantive measure and thus he would be immediately classified by the members of the forum as an
Internet Troll of epic proportions.
There are reasons why people like this exist in the world:
i) Pure unadulterated jealousy, envy, spite and hate.
ii) Strong feelings of inadequacy and a strong inferiority complex.
iii) The need to be the center of attention and the willingness to provoke other when that center is not given.
iv) The small mind that tells him, if he can’t do it, then it cannot be done and if someone else is doing is, then it must be
initiated and continued personal attacks in another trade journal that I had on Dailyfx because of his own error. He based the premise of his attack on his total ignorance between the difference in
Cost Basis Per Trade –vs- Currency Units Controlled Per Trade. I gave him the parameters of the Revenue Model that I used to trade with in every detail on a silver platter. He then took those parameters, miscalculated the
Cost Basis and ended up making a personal attack based on the premise that I was trading
Billions and Trillions of dollars in a single day. All because of his own arrogance and ignorance in not knowing what the terms
Cost Basis and Currency Units Controlled meant. So, his calculations were dead wrong, his assumptions about the number of lots I was trading was dead wrong and thus his reasons for launching his personal attacks were likewise, dead wrong.
I called him on the carpet about this
officially in public so that he can correct his error and admit his mistakes in public and I’ve done this officially in public
12 times in writing. Not one of those twelve times has he
ever addressed his own calculation errors which lead him to false conclusions about what I was doing in the market each day.
never produce anything worthwhile – bottom line. Thus, you will never find a single clean trade journal that this individual has produced. All you will find on this individual is moot, meaningless, non-sequitur false premise after false premise leading to nothing but a tangled web of lies and deceit whenever he is not allowed to be the center of attention. Point Blank.
The sooner that Moderators get serious about not allowing Trading Forum Trolls such as this to ruin perfectly clean Trade Journals, the sooner this thread in particular will continue. This includes the band of rebels that Profx brought with him from DailyFx. Moderator, you have already been sent my report on this Troll and you already have my statement on what my plans are for continuance of this thread subject to your making this board a no-idiot zone.