bloody right mate 😎.................
in fact i'm bringing the AU back into my usd team to scalp......dropping the swissie for a while
not quite the EA but nearly there ........I missed some decent AU action earlier on the usds recent selloff......but never again ..😛
Whilst I am waiting to see if I can buy the EU above 1145 / 50 area either in this TW or later on - I though I would explain more on how you can be so much more time efficient with your trading
I am a Full time FX Intraday retail trader - just in case its not obvious - and have been for coming up soon 8 yrs and with another 5 + yrs just prior as a part time day trader.
Full time FX intraday trading can be very boring and i certainly don't want to spend 6 -8 -10 hrs every day staring at charts - i did that for far too long - but it certainly paid off with all the knowledge I gained over a few years .
For me - living in the UK - I ideally want to cover the 6 00 am to 6 00 pm UK 12hr shift - its the busiest session of the 24 hr trading day.
Every day you get clues on when the busier times will be.
I certainly don't mind helping other intraday FX traders to beat the system - because as we all know only a small percentage really make it on a consistently winning basis - but I feel its important that they do use their own brains and eyes to get there - with me helping more with the clues
For example - in an ideal day you need to be around for the 3 Opens - Europe - UK - US and ideally 15 -30 mins before red news announcement
So right away if there are say 2 main red news announcement and 3 Opens a day - that 5 times and say 30 mins at each time ( before the event and after ) that makes 150 minutes and approx 2 hrs and 30 mins
You then have other Key KTs ( yes Key Key Times ) ie 11 00 am and 3 00 pm and 3 30 pm and occasionally 5 00 pm
You will also every day have BTTZ tease zones . They can last just 30 mins or can even go on 90 mins to 2 hrs - so in those periods you either ignore them and check every 30 mins to see if price as come out the play range.
Depending on your daily targets and your experience - you will need at least two hours every day around the busier periods to get the 20+ pips in under 15 mins
You occasionally do get some good moves from 6 30 pm to 8 or 9 00 pm - especially if afternoon US dollar news - but thats once or twice a month so for me if I cannot finish by 3 30 pm or 5 00 pm latest - its because I have missed out on the busier periods
4 32 pm did work on that EU buy at 1150 whilst we are on about it.
Time management and trading efficiency are so important for optimising your trading
Get the hours in the first 3 to 5 yrs of trading - but after 7 -10 - 15 yrs - well if you cannot make your money within a few 1 hr sessions - say 3 or 4 a day maximum - then you should go back to the drawing board and revisit your methods
Check you own diary and Economic calendar etc to cherry pick your own sessions etc as well as knowing your favourite pairs red news hrs - so to gain from them.
It should really be common sense - but sometimes even the obvious as to be pointed out.
Hi F and all,
Just to contribute a bit to the thread and specially those starting F’s method: I played today with Forex Tester 2 and managed to get the LRs. FT2 is great to practice during low volatility hours or on weekends, so you can practice F’s method on the M1 with LRs as live. I think extensive practice will improve your timing for the entries. I’m feeling a bit frustrated as my time zone only offers me only some 4 hours to practice and it seems like it’s not enough, so I plan to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon simulating with FT2.
FT2 is very much alike MT4, but it offers an indi called “Linear Regression Channel”. It’s based on 3 bands, but if you leave the upper and lower bands as transparent and only the middle one visible, the settings for the LRs are very accurate (I compared with Ctrader). Only the longest ones (300-450) are not displayed properly for unknown reasons.
Hope this this helps to engaged traders eager to learn F’s method.
ok ready 2 follow u F