A Master Class in FX Intraday Trading by F & Co

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morning all .............i'm cruising my London session ..........will call em if I see them

so far I have bear Europeans London ...........usd had a very bear Asian but ranging London ..AUD had a strong Asian but weak in London so far

main plays so far have been selling AUD / Europe into usd
ok looking at rebuying AU aroiund 7163............

logic = usd resdy to resell ....aud must bounce soon



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5274............not what I wanted so ready to pull..........-1 pips if so .......shame
looking at AU and EU sells now .........usd looks stronger and stronger now
usd and yen having good start to London............both put on around 7 -8 pips now .........................London can easily generate some 20-30 pip moves for most currencies
usd is a pain in the butt..........all its done is go bull London after a decent 40 pip selloff Asian .................that leaves me in a quandary as to being loyal to London bias or waiting for the reload/retrace off of the Asian bear run ........

I need to look to others in g8 at moment for inspriration
94's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but i'm still not getting a run on anything last 10 mins :whistling

back to 96..i closed out b/e...............its not worth chasing at moment dudes .believe me
698 was best I coudve done on that trade ..again i'm grabbing max 1 pip here ..............cmon we need a mover ..i'm running out of trade time
usd has now drifted back 10 pips from Asian lows (25%)..I am painfully aware of resells poss coming ..............but have been trying to work the 10 pip retrace so far

Europeans are weak ............hence my fascination with eu


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usd has now drifted back 10 pips from Asian lows (25%)..I am painfully aware of resells poss coming ..............but have been trying to work the 10 pip retrace so far

Europeans are weak ............hence my fascination with eu

ej has offered up 5-8 sell pips so far in this recent period.........Grrrr :whistling
ok gotta scoot for a while as need to prep for a far east call .............hope you guys do ok today

as I leave I see Europeans weak and the yen / usd frustratingly:innocent: strong London but overall weak for the day

others are on the fence

not perfect for me but I am making a few ..........



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buy gu 5273

as I leave now the USD finally swung back HARD on resells

I went back to GU ..where I began my posts earlier ..........GBP had gone srong bull in last few mins

took a few off this move ............and closed out EU sells for a few as well

hard work so far ..........needs a lot of control and patience :smart:



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