A Master Class in FX Intraday Trading by F & Co

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Noticed this new trick before

Instead of the change exactly at 7 00 am - delayed action on GU and a few other pairs - ie waiting to after 3 or 4 mins to start a turn

The LP's and market makers know - traders like me note and monitor every trick they play - for future reference. They therefore need to have loads of different tricks up their sleaves so that they are not totally readable

Noticed that too of late, seems to be delayed manipulation as it was getting a bit easy to watch the swing one way before 07.00 then the clock hits and bingo.

We are not too silly to get sucked in.

Morning F
EA - Chart from early AM for Opens


1 min LR chart

Started on it after 6 09 am

As mentioned GA been a bigger fall

GU and EU have been scalp buys after 7 00 am - EA responding very slowly atm and i do expect it sell it again - certainly under 5220 area



  • EA - 61115 am.png
    EA - 61115 am.png
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Morning Experts,

Trading 3 pairs simultaneously today with correlating factor. AU, EA, UCHF. Lets see.
Currently AU being worst. I thought it will fall down from Lits.

another selloff signal on GU ...........perfect setup as usd keeps punching north

eurpeans and yen the sells at moment


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    gu sells.JPG
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the uj ...........not one of my lead pairs to scalp but hey ....when in rome ........


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    u j trades.JPG
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ok see you all later ..............usd is rocking at the moment but watch the drops .........AUD and Swissie are bull at moment with GBP and NZD your bear boys

cheers all calls to take

as I leave another setup coming on gu sells


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    setup coming.JPG
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Morning guys

Sorry just had a coffee and newspaper break - as seems slow to me this morning

Here for over L O

Dont forget its Freaky Friday - be careful on 3 pairs Sun - but GL

Having missing out on all the early pips off the GA - I got in when I last scalp sold the EA

I did have a scalp buy on EA after 7 09 am - but it could not get over 5212 and I know I wanted to sell before 5220 anyway

EA dropped 16 pips and now trying a bounce again - and GA not quite so good and bailed for only 7 pips net
Morning guys

Sorry just had a coffee and newspaper break - as seems slow to me this morning

Here for over L O

Dont forget its Freaky Friday - be careful on 3 pairs Sun - but GL

I should have multi lots on UCHF instead of trading EA & AU, that was a nice pair to trade. Lost many pips trying on them. Both are dancing a lot.
Who's spotted it ?

At 7 00 am - the delayed action was 3 to 4 mins later than Open

For LO it started 3 mins early

Check out EJ and EA

Quick moves - ideal for NVP -

8 05 AM

Went from being my least favourite after 6 45 am or so - to suddenly back to normal at 7 57am

Smooth straight forward 15 pip move up in under 10 mins so far

Thats what we want ;-)
EU is giving EA a run for its money today - EA must be tired - even this move up from 7 57 am was only similar size to EU - shows its certainly not a normal trading day

The fall started at level I had noted and at 8 09 am

But i missed it - need another coffee - certainly not up to speed this morning -

8 15 am

I will have to post a chart on this pair

scalp buy 7 57 am - stopped at 8 05 am - LRs's said sell - but I didnot - after 8 09 am then it joined the EA and turned down

so in 20 mins 15 pips up and 10 pips down - ie 25 pips - catch over 15 pips and you have done well

This is how we need to intraday - especially on Freaky Friday's
Today EA was 7+ pips but as it was too quick. Was unable to close it.
Do you think its still going to hold the Lits area. Although from last low, its 30+ minutes from the Lits area. How far you will target until next Lits zone?

Today EA was 7+ pips but as it was too quick. Was unable to close it.
Do you think its still going to hold the Lits area. Although from last low, its 30+ minutes from the Lits area. How far you will target until next Lits zone?


Hi Sun

So far today is far from a normal trading day

I cannot see the LiTs being that good today - but hope I am wrong

the action started early and already the markets are trying to out psych traders by the PA they are producing

The EA should simply drop more - and is under the Lits


With 5190 / 5200 being a support area its stopping it and also being NFP day - things are not normal - so you have to be extremely cautious today etc etc

Just keep stops tight and take 5 -10 pip scalps as they line up and then review the price structure every 30 and 60 mins


Have a good day


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