now that's trading ...........👍
F have a helluva crew now on your books ............we need to set up a damn prop shop to start sweating them out !!!
Hi N
I honestly get the feeling some of the other members on the Forum ( mainly the alternative fan mob ) - must think these other guys are all "shills"
The absolute truth of the matter is though - I don't know any of them prior to joining T2W approx 2 years ago - even Major Magnum - he had heard about me through a contact he had on another forum ( Johnfx) but we had never spoken etc etc.
Members who have come forward over the last year and six month are from all different countries - ie not all based in the UK or near me in the Midlands and there is nothing underhand going on at all . Not one bit
All the training is via this forum - ie previous threads and training here on this journal and on Sun's thread - totally Open.
My method works everyday - 100% guaranteed
No trader will have a 100% win ratio - but they do need to aim at between 65 and 80% win ratios on batches of 100 trades ideally and then take multi trades every day - normally between 6 and 20 a day is sufficient - but i say 10 -20 - because I rarely take less than 10 and rarely take 25 +
If a trader takes 3 trades and gets 2 wrong - more than likely if he stopped then he would have a losing session or day
If he takes 5 trades and get all of them correct and makes his daily target - whether it 25 - or 40 or 50 pips a day - then he could stop - in some cases after just 60 -90 minutes of trading
However if he takes 3 trades and get all 3 wrong he then need to break - and come back 30 -60 mins later and try another pair.
Then he might get to 10 trades - but 6 are wrong and his 4 winners have not covered his losses
I find though - if he is then able to take another 10 trades in the US session - he should with a 65%+ win ratio not get more than 4 more wrong - and so 10 total bad trades in a day - but his 10 winners will be more than his 10 losses - simply because all losses are restricted to just 5 pips or less - whereas 2 or 3 of his winners will be over 7 or 10 pips - even over 20 pips.
End result - a net win.
As a trained accountant N - I sure you know that all stacks up - its a numbers game but the problem comes about because of traders mindsets. Unfortunately 3 or 4 consecutive losses can just create massive negativity - and unless they have the track record to keep them calm under pressure - it can then go all pear shape etc etc.
Finally - its a shame but unfortunately for every 10 traders who try and follow my method over 4 or 6 + months - there will be a few who will not make it . This comes down to either its not their "cup of tea" - ie too stressful etc - or they cannot maintain the disciplines and focus required on a daily basis.
Nobody really know until they test themself - but if they never try - they will never know ;-)
Have a good weekend and hope you get some more time for trading next week