I joined T2W approx 2 years ago this week
I opened my first thread -
On November 2nd 2013 - after politely being told my the old guard to " pi** **f" and start your own thread - along with the comments - you won't last 2 weeks here mate - lol
This was my first chart I posted
A beaut of a scalp buy at LO on the GU
i got the mickey taken out me - again by the old school who said my charts were all mickey mouse - kindergarden stuff . Showed how much they knew
I thought ok - make my charts even more of a mess - that will confuse them even more - put them off the scent and then I could see who might know more ?
Next - I got banned for being the dodgy vender Davey Robinson - never heard of him but with so many junior Sherlock Holmes on this site - they all put 2 + 2 together and got 13 I think.
Then the heavy mod started - ie the naked chartists and the computer programming buffs etc etc.
Do you know most naked chart guys show a naked chart purely not to give you their real method - ie they dont like sharing or helping others - OK its their choice - but maybe sums up a bad attitude etc etc- trying to look superior.
Then I got the real abuse - no problem - so I give it back and get banned again !
OK - needed to learn the rules - ie I am taking on experienced old school timers who know all the forum tricks in the book - but still seem fairly useless at trading ?
Slowly I learn the ropes - but still get caught out by tricks you don't expect off grown adults - but still its all part of the Lulz I am told - lol
They will not believe anything I say or show - so I train an inexperienced 18 month of FX trading rookie over about 6 months
He then shows live statements - but no still no good - they all must be paint shopped. He too starts doing the odd live trades in the "now" - with moves lasting anything from 10 mins to 30 mins - but of course they are all hindsight?
Next tricks - many of the old school say they are leaving as forum's going downhill fast. They then come back as multi nics - all with one agenda - get F banned lol
Actually its all very entertaining - as long as I can get some trading in during the day - because being a Full Time FX retail trader - it can be very lonely and boring working from an home office.
So when am I going to leave ?
Well after being called all names under the sun including a dodgy vendor and charlatan etc - I am mystified why I am not on the big world wide stage - you know - Twitter - Face book - Instagram - etc etc - not on any of those sites.
Also have not really made any contributions on any other FX forums over last year or so - fairly low key I suppose - why bother when I am loved so much here lol.
If I am still here in the new year - 2016 - must change the format more. I know I plan to fully retire within next 2 yrs - or at least cut back to say just 10 - 12 days a month instead of everyday - with more holiday breaks - 10+ weeks a year instead of just 5 - 6 weeks .
I just hope I can get some more FX traders trained in time to take over and keep the method going for another decade or so - yes it will need fine tuning - its an ever evolving dynamic market- but then its more evolution stuff - not the full blown 100% Revolution meaning another complete new method - can never see that
More stuff from the start on T2W this week -to celebrate my 2 yr Birthday ;-)