9/11 - The Third Tower

rols it's a shame you cant argue the factual points presented and have to make a joke about random posts. it's easy to understand why you cant argue them, it's because they really can't be rationally dismissed can they.

if you look at this with an open mind then it's impossible to come to the conclusion that the towers collapsed because of the planes impact or any subsequent event relating to their impact. structures such as these do not fall down like this. wtc7 well that's even harder to argue against.

and as for the pentagon, how can anyone come to the conclusion that the planes crashing into the towers caused a large enough fire to bring the buildings down, but the one into the pentagon couldn't even burn a piece of paper, or a monitor..

give me a break

Too right m8.

He even laughs at his own one liners.

The fool doth think he is wise and funny...
Perhaps thats the difference between the free thinkers and the sheeple.

I can listen to a 90 minute david icke with an open mind, and make up my mind accordingly.
You have to first check with wikipedia (your parental gatekeeper??) to see if he is suitable viewing material. Interesting. So in effect, you've made your mind up before you've even seen or heard the bloke.....

Rubbish. While it is quite true that some of the greatest thinkers in various fields have also subscribed to some whacko beliefs, the difference is that they were great thinkers and in their fields did absolutely outstanding work.

What outstanding work has this fruit cake ever done ? Except possibly self promotion and self aggrandisement.

I read his stuff on his web site titled "Punk Science" and it is unmitigated drivel.

Appeals to being "open minded" are the tool of propagandists. If some proposition or work is worthy of consideration, it stands on the coherence and power of its arguments and the weight of the evidence presented. If it can't do that, then the critic is accused of of being closed minded. An old, old trick.
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A lot of this conspiracy twaddle is peddled by web sites with a very right wing agenda. Buyer beware.

hmmm, that's an interesting idea you have there dcraig1 ?

Possible I suppose.

Rubbish. While it is quite true that some of the greatest thinkers in various fields have also subscribed to some whacko beliefs,
the difference is that they were great thinkers and in their fields did absolutely outstanding work.

True, some great scientists actually believe(d) they will continue to live beyond the point of their own deaths.

Appeals to being "open minded" are the tool of propagandists. If some proposition or work is worthy of consideration,
it stands on the coherence and power of its arguments and the weight of the evidence presented. If it can't do that,
then the critic is accused of of being closed minded. An old, old trick.

Good stuff, I might nick this and use it as a signature, do you mind ?

Moving on.....

if this thread has become a who can cut and paste the most links to reinforce their own beliefs competition then
I would say the conspiracy lot have it.

Anyway, since yesterday I've come to the conclusion the one thing that really annoys me about all this 911 conspiracy stuff
is that it credits those in power with having far too much intelligence ( I mean mental ability not secret information ) for my liking.

I mean these people don't have enough brain cells to figure out how to stop flood defences from bursting or how to send aid
to the people affected.

They didn't have the brains to think up a half decent excuse to invade Iraq and steal its oil, all they could come up with
was WMD.

These people can't even smuggle terrorist suspects around the globe in rendition flights without getting found out.

These people are dumb, I mean really really dumb, thick and stupid.

Do you honestly belive that such people are capable of thinking up something like 911 ? and then have the ability to execute such an operation ? and even then, be able to cover it up ?

Have you considered how many people would be involved in such an operation ?

The US President can't even have a BJ in the Oval Office without the entire world finding out FFS.

All this stuff about investigations being delayed or prevented, couldn't it simply be these assholes just trying to cover
up their own incompetence ?

I mean come on you guys, even if this cat existed, can't you see there simply would not be a bag big enough to hold it.

It's like someone said early on in this thread ( I think it was Bramble ) "someone would know someone who knew something".

The very fact that you guys are still here, after all these years, banging on and on and on about this theory is in itself evidence that the whole 911 conspiracy theory is nothing more than complete and utter bollox.

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HUGE dramatic effect. The memory of which will live for a long time in people. People have these images engrained in their brains, and instantly can recall why the war in Iraq is still raging 30 years on, why there is a need for the continued erosion of our civil liberties. Terrorists are to blame, and the government just wants to keep us safe from them!

Also, without the contolled demolitions, a lot less people would have died. Just the people on the planes, and the floors of the towers that were hit. So, the demolition made the diusaster a lot bigger and more dramtic an event.

Surely, if the conspirators wanted to kill as many people as possible then they would have timed the operation for say mid afternoon when ten times as many people would have been in the building ? No ?

As it was, I think the hijackers were just focused on the symbolism of a successful operation.

Quite possibly, next time, the terrorists may concentrate more on timing to maximise casualties.

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Surely, if the conspirators wanted to kill as many people as possible then they would have timed the operation for say mid afternoon when ten times as many people would have been in the building ? No ?

As it was, I think the hijackers were just focused on the symbolism of a successful operation.

Quite possibly, next time, the terrorists may concentrate more on timing to maximise casualties.



the evidence is posted in all the external links posted on this thread. Dick, If you and others are that stupid, that you cannot see it, and connect all the dots for yourself, god help you, as you really are paddling against the tide in this world.
I feel sorry for people of your mindless disposition.
At last some voices of reason appear.

When CrapBuddist posted the email about the flight number translating into a menacing Windings message, not one person bothered to check out what the actual flight number was. In fact it was some 12 hours later that I posted the evidence that the whole thing was a hoax in the worst possible taste.

I ask you all who are so keen to propagate this myth - WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

All I see here is speculation and more speculation.

Surely to substantiate such a heinous accusation there must be irrefutable evidence.

To claim that the US government deliberately perpetrated the mass murder of its citizens is IMO ridiculous, yes ridiculous - worthy of ridicule.

the evidence is posted in all the external links posted on this thread. Dick, If you and others are that stupid, that you cannot see it, and connect all the dots for yourself, god help you, as you really are paddling against the tide in this world.
I feel sorry for people of your mindless disposition.

I remind you of an answer posted a few moments ago.

Appeals to being "open minded" are the tool of propagandists. If some proposition or work is worthy of consideration, it stands on the coherence and power of its arguments and the weight of the evidence presented. If it can't do that, then the critic is accused of of being closed minded. An old, old trick.

the evidence is posted in all the external links posted on this thread. Dick, If you and others are that stupid, that you cannot see it, and connect all the dots for yourself, god help you, as you really are paddling against the tide in this world.
I feel sorry for people of your mindless disposition.

But don't worry, you are certainly not alone here. There are others who strongly exhibit the same mindless stupidity. People who seem incapable of independent thought and analysis, and uncomfortable with thought of attempting it.

I can see provocation throughout this thread towards me and people on my side of the debate.
But to all you mindless debunkers - dcraig, dick, rols, and your fence sitting allies (who i won't name as they've not offended me, yet), there is nothing that i can add to this thread that will discredit what i have added.
THE FACTS, speak volumes for themselves, and they transcend this tiny little sphere. Any person coming to view this thread will be confronted by the proven truth - FACT! no debate, the evidence is in abundance.

One of the reasons i spare you my own analysis, (blimey i wish most of you muppets would do the same! :sleep:) is due to the fact that the evidence is so strong, i/we need say nothing at all. There is no need for a discussion. To say that you are extremely naive is an understatement. End of.
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It never fails to amaze what some folk will take as 'fact' having never moved from their computer screens or TV.

edit: I add a couple of apposite quotes from my Master of Kwan. Apply as you feel appropriate...LOL

1. We attack/despise/revile in others that which we fear most deeply in ourselves.
2. We defend most strongly those things in which we have the least faith.
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But don't worry, you are certainly not alone here. There are others who strongly exhibit the same mindless stupidity. People who seem incapable of independent thought and analysis, and uncomfortable with thought of attempting it.

not a dig here, but I have a thought that you believe in UFO's and one of your favourite films is JFK? Do you think they actually landed on the moon? Do you agree the supply of oil is struggling to match demand?

I think many people find the world too boring for the simplest of explanations.

As pointed out above, imagine how many people would have to be involved in the deaths of thousands of people, whilst sleeping at night and not telling a soul for the rest of their lives.

It's complete ********....(IMHO, obviously:cheesy:)

But don't worry, you are certainly not alone here. There are others who strongly exhibit the same mindless stupidity. People who seem incapable of independent thought and analysis, and uncomfortable with thought of attempting it.

I can see provocation throughout this thread towards me and people on my side of the debate.
But to all you mindless debunkers - dcraig, dick, rols, and your fence sitting allies (who i won't name as they've not offended me, yet), there is nothing that i can add to this thread that will discredit what i have added.
THE FACTS, speak volumes for themselves, and they transcend this tiny little sphere. Any person coming to view this thread will be confronted by the proven truth - FACT! no debate, the evidence is in abundance.

One of the reasons i spare you my own analysis, (blimey i wish most of you muppets would do the same! :sleep:) is due to the fact that the evidence is so strong, i/we need say nothing at all. There is no need for a discussion. End of.

that almost sounds like a challenge! :cheesy:

I think its important to separate the person fron the view they hold.
Much as I disagree with your views, that doesnt mean you are a disagreeable person.
The last 30-40 posts are mostly exchanges of insults.
not a dig here, but I have a thought that you believe in UFO's and one of your favourite films is JFK? Do you think they actually landed on the moon? Do you agree the supply of oil is struggling to match demand?

I think many people find the world too boring for the simplest of explanations.

As pointed out above, imagine how many people would have to be involved in the deaths of thousands of people, whilst sleeping at night and not telling a soul for the rest of their lives.

It's complete ********....(IMHO, obviously:cheesy:)


I've heard estimates of 100 people needing to be involved. All of these 100 people will have been high up on the NWO pyraimid, so keeping a secret will not have been too hard.
Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com BBC Hit Piece Edits Silverstein Comment In Dirty Tricks Scam

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The BBC’s embarrassing attempt to dig itself out of a hole that keeps getting deeper was again exemplified during their latest yellow journalism hit piece on 9/11 truth, in which they played Larry Silverstein’s “pull it” comment but edited out the most important part of the statement, and in doing so changed its context altogether.

An army of informed truth activists are almost tripping over each other to point out the gargantuan number of errors, ad hominem smear tactics, bias and shoddy investigative techniques displayed in the program which aired Sunday in the UK.

Just one such example concerns WTC complex leaseholder Larry Silverstein’s infamous “pull it” comment which can be viewed in its entirety below with other clips included for context in confirming that the term “pull it” is industry jargon for deliberately demolishing a building.

However, in the BBC’s attempt to convince the viewer that “pull it” meant to withdraw firefighters from the building, despite the fact that according to NIST’s WTC collapse lead investigator Shyam Sunder, “There was no firefighting in WTC 7,” and additionally the FEMA report, which stated “No manual firefighting actions were taken by FDNY,” the editors carefully snipped out the last portion of Silverstein’s comments where he states, “and then we watched the building collapse.”

Cycle through to 20 minutes into the clip to spot the edit.

By deliberately removing “and then we watched the building collapse,” the BBC has performed a hatchet job on the whole context of the statement by censoring the fact that the collapse of WTC 7 was a consequence of the decision to “pull” the building.

The BBC’s zealous efforts to redeem its name by ceaselessly attacking the 9/11 truth movement accelerated after the broadcaster was shamed when footage from 9/11 emerged of their correspondent Jane Standley reporting that WTC 7 had collapsed even as it remained standing in the shot behind her head.

Questions as to how this could have happened and allegations that news corporations, whether wittingly or unwittingly, were being fed a script on the day of 9/11 as it unfolded were met with hostility, and the BBC claimed it had “lost” the tape.

The tape was miraculously “discovered” again on the eve of the broadcast of their latest hit piece but the footage was not shown in the program, presumably to avoid further embarrassment.

Below you can read articles concerning the mountain of other lies contained in the hit piece and watch a discussion about the program with Alex Jones and Jason Bermas.

We will be picking apart the BBC’s latest atrocious effort to claim they have “solved the final mystery of 9/11″ over the course of this week with multiple investigative reports and as we did last time - debunk this latest hit piece as nothing more than the revolting stench of yellow journalism.
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TBH guys, i'm amazed by the lame stupidity on display here.

It seems no surprise that it is some of the same individuals struggling to cope with this reality, who also post the most lame, weak, uneducated, novice like, baffling, stupid, worthless bolloc** about trading.
and a further thought for the conspiracy theorists...

when the men in dark galsses leave secrtet files on the train, or post them to the wrong address - why is the data always boring stuff like NI numbers and info on spying tactics? Why no talk of invasion by Mars or secret control by higher powers?

I've heard estimates of 100 people needing to be involved. All of these 100 people will have been high up on the NWO pyraimid, so keeping a secret will not have been too hard.

do you believe in UFO's?

I've heard estimates of 100 people needing to be involved. All of these 100 people will have been high up on the NWO pyraimid, so keeping a secret will not have been too hard.

I can imagine the talk in the office;

John - we're planning to wax a few thousand people - do you promise not to tell the wife?
Dave - Can't do that John
John - OK, I'll ask Pete then.

