9/11 - The Third Tower

You know, I have a conspiracy theory about 911

It was just a bunch or religious nutters who believed they had a God given right ( an obligation even ) to impose their version of the truth on others and to use any means they saw fit in order to acheive that objective.

but then, I always was a bit of an oddball in an anorak, so don't take any notice me.


This is really interesting post with the benefit of hind sight...

BBC News - Last US troops to leave Iraq cross Kuwait border

Once again I find Aljazeera to be far more better on the strategic analysis of the situation than our Government and people manipulating press.

Iraq, lost in the fog of war - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Interesting where 9/11 has taken the US. Still wondering what on earth Afghanistan is all about. Troops still dying for "defending our democracy" and families 000s miles apart over xmas period. What a shiite mess the US and UK have made out of all this BS 9/11 fiasco.

Someone should ask where are the masterminds of these policies are?
Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz - those clever people 😆

Beggars belief these handful of so called terrorists could achieve so much.

Stupidity knows no bounds...

One hopes the oil will be worth the costs, troulbe and lives lost. Sadly, I doubt it. 😢
Scientific Investigation of 9/11 Evidence
Dr. Judy Wood - Part 1
9/11, "Where Did The Towers Go"

Dr. Judy Wood could not be better qualified to forensically and scientifically examine the evidence of the 9/11 attacks. Her ground breaking book "Where Did The Towers Go" provides this much needed investigation. The book provides proof that theories propagated by the media and 9/11 pressure groups (most of which seem to have been infiltrated) are wrong. Pancake collapse (the official theory), controlled demolition, thermite demolition and mini nuke demolition are some of those theories and none of them remotely stand up to the evidence. Having read the book, one cannot disagree with the conclusions of a former professor of Mechanical Engineering. Are there any politicians intelligent enough to understand the book and brave enough to do something about it?

Scientific Investigation of 9/11 Evidence - Part 2
Dr. Judy Wood - Part 2
9/11, "Where Did The Towers Go"

In part two of the interview Dr. Wood explains how some of the highly unusual evidence which was observed can be explained. During the event, various phenomena were observed which have no known precedent. "Dustification" of metal and other material, "toasting" of hundreds of cars some of which were quarter of a mile away from the events, levitation of cars and people, bizarre effects on metal. Dr. Wood puts forward that the effects are the result of a non kinetic form of energy. This energy is directed energy, similar to directed energy in a microwave oven. The evidence also suggests that the weapon used to cause the damage was utilising "free" energy, similar to that developed by Pons and Fleishman in the late 1980s, which at the time was debunked. However, Dr. Wood states this "free" energy technology does work and has been weaponised.
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I was referring to the conspiracy theory not the actual disaster which was shocking and very sad.

Don't have an iPod, iPhone, X-Box, Porsche, Helicopter etc.

Confirm that I have internet.

Have a nice one.
Following 9/11 the pressing enemy of the US became Al-Qaeda (OBL). The argument used to conquer both Afghanistan and Iraq was that these places would become soft targets from where Al-Qaeda would operate. Yet it could also be argued that the entire rest of the world is a possible soft target from where terrorism against the US could operate. Simply because US security agencies have their own agendas as to the level of security they see fit to enforce. You cannot blame them. But it shouldn't be at the expense of violating others' civil liberties (whatever or wherever they may be.)

There are many questionable issues with the 9/11 incident. You have to got to ask yourself if the entire charade and the decade long (and longer) fallout which is forever etched in history was actually worth it? There are thugs and criminals on all sides. Mass populations are left foolishly bewildered and confused demanding the truth which will never be known.
Following 9/11 the pressing enemy of the US became Al-Qaeda (OBL). The argument used to conquer both Afghanistan and Iraq was that these places would become soft targets from where Al-Qaeda would operate. Yet it could also be argued that the entire rest of the world is a possible soft target from where terrorism against the US could operate. Simply because US security agencies have their own agendas as to the level of security they see fit to enforce. You cannot blame them. But it shouldn't be at the expense of violating others' civil liberties (whatever or wherever they may be.)

There are many questionable issues with the 9/11 incident. You have to got to ask yourself if the entire charade and the decade long (and longer) fallout which is forever etched in history was actually worth it? There are thugs and criminals on all sides. Mass populations are left foolishly bewildered and confused demanding the truth which will never be known.

After all the evidence, wars and official inquiries if you are still in doubt then surely you believe in miracles and santa clause too?

Every Tom Dick Harry and his black and white cat knows it was an inside job.

Wake up and smell the coffee dude. The truth is out there...

Tuesday, June 26 2012 - Research/Evidence
New NSA docs contradict 9/11 claims

“I don’t think the Bush administration would want to see these released," an expert tells Salon

June 19, 2012
By Jordan Michael Smith

Over 120 CIA documents concerning 9/11, Osama bin Laden and counterterrorism were published today for the first time, having been newly declassified and released to the National Security Archive. The documents were released after the NSA pored through the footnotes of the 9/11 Commission and sent Freedom of Information Act requests.

The material contains much new information about the hunt before and after 9/11 for bin Laden, the development of the drone campaign in AfPak, and al-Qaida’s relationship with America’s ally, Pakistan. Perhaps most damning are the documents showing that the CIA had bin Laden in its cross hairs a full year before 9/11 — but didn’t get the funding from the Bush administration White House to take him out or even continue monitoring him. The CIA materials directly contradict the many claims of Bush officials that it was aggressively pursuing al-Qaida prior to 9/11, and that nobody could have predicted the attacks. “I don’t think the Bush administration would want to see these released, because they paint a picture of the CIA knowing something would happen before 9/11, but they didn’t get the institutional support they needed,” says Barbara Elias-Sanborn, the NSA fellow who edited the materials.

Let’s start there. In 2000 and 2001, the CIA began using Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Afghanistan. “The idea of using UAVs originated in April 2000 as a result of a request from the NSC’s Coordinator for Counterterrorism to the CIA and the Department of Defense to come up with new ideas to go after the terrorists in Afghanistan,” a 2004 document summarizes. The Pentagon approved the plan for surveillance purposes.

Nobody could have predicted something like this - spoken by Bush and Condoleezza, yet Cheney had planned such a drill on the very same day the events happened!
9/11 NORAD Rehearsed Crashing Hijacked Planes Into The World Trade Center Years Before - YouTube

You decide if this was a lie, coincidence or just **** poor administration.

They knew terrorist were planning to attack and they allowed them - facilitated the terrorists and used it all for their maximum advantage.
Jesse Ventura On CNN : Dick Cheney Knew 9/11 Was Going To Happen - YouTube

  • The World Trade Towers were asbestos infested and designed to withstand a civil airliner flying into it.
  • The World Trade Towers were not suitable as new modern office premises. Had many empty floors that could not be let.
  • There was a health and safety issue and asbestos had to be removed from all the building costing billions. The two buildings could not be let and had big infrastructure changes that required billions to rectify with existing businesses requiring relocation.
  • It was rejected insurance from a terrorist attack but 6 months before the attacks the high court ordered insurance companies to insure against such a risk.
  • The Third Tower was never hit by anything - was a CIA building and also held gold bullion.
  • In the history of the World no building ever went burnt down due to fire and yet in the space of an hour three buildings went through model demolition. Two dissolving into its own foot print. One never hit by anything with no visible intense fires other than smoke (Smoke identifies fires that have been put out).

Some people just don't want to believe our governments are capable of this kind of ****. You only have to look at the billions of $ollars earnt by Halliburton aka Dick Chenney in Iraq operations.

The 9/11 Truth Movement - 911truth.org

I guess some people are still in denial. The truth will eventually come out sooner or later. Whether it takes 30 years or 130 years sooner or later it will become evident.
Entirely circumstantial. Popular culture does not buy it as an Inside-Job. Piers Morgan does not buy it in this interview.
Until that hurdle can be overcome it'll always be a popular myth. And myth may or may-not be the truth.
Entirely circumstantial. Popular culture does not buy it as an Inside-Job. Piers Morgan does not buy it in this interview.
Until that hurdle can be overcome it'll always be a popular myth. And myth may or may-not be the truth.

Thanks TradeSpreads what you say helps a lot. I never realised the probability that all this could have been Entirely Circumstantial... 🙂

Ok how about this exercise on the same day 9/11 took place. You never guess who was running this show... Dick Chenney - Vice President to the US of A. Yet Bush and lil ol Condo had no idea... You smell anything - yet???

(6:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001: NORAD on Alert for Emergency Exercises

NORAD’s war room in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado [Source: Val Gempis]
Lieutenant Colonel Dawne Deskins and other day shift employees at NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, NY, start their workday. NORAD is conducting a week-long, large-scale exercise called Vigilant Guardian. [NEWHOUSE NEWS SERVICE, 1/25/2002] Deskins is regional mission crew chief for the Vigilant Guardian exercise. [ABC NEWS, 9/11/2002]
Exercise Includes Simulated Attack on the US - Vigilant Guardian is described as “an exercise that would pose an imaginary crisis to North American Air Defense outposts nationwide”; as a “simulated air war”; and as “an air defense exercise simulating an attack on the United States.” According to the 9/11 Commission, it “postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union.” [NEWHOUSE NEWS SERVICE, 1/25/2002; FILSON, 2003, PP. 55 AND 122; 9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 458] Vigilant Guardian is described as being held annually, and is one of NORAD’s four major annual exercises. [FILSON, 2003, PP. 41; ARKIN, 2005, PP. 545; GLOBALSECURITY (.ORG), 4/27/2005] However, one report says it takes place semi-annually. [AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 6/3/2002] Accounts by participants vary on whether 9/11 is the second, third, or fourth day of the exercise. [CODE ONE MAGAZINE, 1/2002; NEWHOUSE NEWS SERVICE, 1/25/2002; OTTAWA CITIZEN, 9/11/2002] Vigilant Guardian is a command post exercise (CPX), and in at least some previous years was conducted in conjunction with Stratcom’s Global Guardian exercise and a US Space Command exercise called Apollo Guardian. [US CONGRESS, N.D.; ARKIN, 2005, PP. 545; GLOBALSECURITY (.ORG), 4/27/2005] All of NORAD is participating in Vigilant Guardian on 9/11. [AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 6/3/2002]
Exercise Includes Simulated Hijacking - Vanity Fair reports that the “day’s exercise” (presumably Vigilant Guardian) is “designed to run a range of scenarios, including a ‘traditional’ simulated hijack in which politically motivated perpetrators commandeer an aircraft, land on a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum.” [VANITY FAIR, 8/1/2006] However, at NEADS, most of the dozen or so staff on the operations floor have no idea what the exercise is going to entail and are ready for anything. [UTICA OBSERVER-DISPATCH, 8/5/2004]
NORAD Fully Staffed and Alert - NORAD is currently running a real-world operation named Operation Northern Vigilance (see September 9, 2001). It may also be conducting a field training exercise calling Amalgam Warrior on this morning (see 9:28 a.m. September 11, 2001). NORAD is thus fully staffed and alert, and senior officers are manning stations throughout the US. The entire chain of command will be in place and ready when the first hijacking is reported. An article later says, “In retrospect, the exercise would prove to be a serendipitous enabler of a rapid military response to terrorist attacks on September 11.” [AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 6/3/2002; BERGEN RECORD, 12/5/2003] Colonel Robert Marr, in charge of NEADS, will say: “We had the fighters with a little more gas on board. A few more weapons on board.” [ABC NEWS, 9/11/2002] However, Deskins and other NORAD officials later are initially confused about whether the 9/11 attacks are real or part of the exercise (see (8:38 a.m.-8:43 a.m.) September 11, 2001).
Entity Tags: Northeast Air Defense Sector, Dawne Deskins, North American Aerospace Defense Command, Operation Northern Vigilance, Vigilant Guardian, Robert Marr
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Key Day of 9/11 Events, All Day of 9/11 Events, Training Exercises

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