9/11 - The Third Tower

I think there is a cover up and some association sensitivities. If that helps.

So you've stirred the debate, inputted lots of analysis, and cleverly not expressed a definitive opinion one way or the other, and are still not prepared to come down off the fence......Interesting.....Perhaps your mindset is typical of the flock at large....know something is wrong, but are unprepared to state your opinion, in case they drag you off to camp X-Ray.

I'm not having a go, i'm just trying to form a theory of how people/the public look at things like this. They review all the evidence, and it clearly all makes sense to them, yet fall short of admitting that the alternative view is the truth...for fear of how it reflects on themselves amongst their community.
I still think the way the buildings fell and all that technical aspect of detail , that has not been subject to scrutiny ,is very iffy, but thats a part of it.... and will draw attention as it does, but i think the US would rather draw attention to that rather than ,where the money comes from and all that side of it...
but are unprepared to state your opinion, in case they drag you off to camp X-Ray.

JT Expect a knock at the door anytime soon....

........it's amazing what some people will go through to get a camp X-Ray.
yah no worries jt ive not studied it too long , there is a big movement out there, including some family members of the deceased who dont trust their own gov. over it, like you said. But money and power mate, that game rolls on.
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JT Expect a knock at the door anytime soon....

........it's amazing what some people will go through to get a camp X-Ray.

How can they?

they've had documentaries about it on tv. 2 on bbc, 1 on sky.

BBC said "it is no longer taboo to discuss 911 conspiract theories."
yah no worries jt ive not studied it too long , there is a big movement out there, including some family members of the deceased who dont trust their own gov. over it, like you said. But money and power mate, that game rolls on.

Yes, no offence, but your analysis and interpretation does seem to show that your knowledge of the whole subject seems fairly limited, as you haven't been able yet to connect the dots and see how it all forms neatly into a neat and interconnected web of deceipt.
yah know worries jt ive not studied it too long , there is a big movement out there, including some family members of the deceased who dont trust their own gov. over it, like you said. But money and power mate, that game rolls on.

OK I agree that things are not what they seem, but what is? I mean look at the whole Father Christmas thing - big cover up IMO.....

As for the Twin Towers...

The real truth is probably something totally different from anything we could imagine.

9/11 may have been caused by satanic alien lizards trying to find David Icke after he'd eaten George Bush's hamster....
There has been some people in congress trying to get info out, sensitive info, and in some cases new classifications on information has been upgraded over night by the gov. so that which was going to be released the next day, can no longer be as its classified info as of today !!!!!

only in America ...... and if you think they can do that in there own system then... kin ell..... I dunno, the balls of it.....
OK I agree that things are not what they seem, but what is? I mean look at the whole Father Christmas thing - big cover up IMO.....

As for the Twin Towers...

The real truth is probably something totally different from anything we could imagine.

9/11 may have been caused by satanic alien lizards trying to find David Icke after he'd eaten George Bush's hamster....

Dude, i know you like to play the class clown. But in all seriousness, you're not that funny, and some may be offendede by your levels of ignorance.
Pluralistic ignorance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In social psychology, pluralistic ignorance is a process which involves several members of a group who think that they have different perceptions, beliefs, or attitudes from the rest of the group[1][2]. While they do not endorse the group norm, the dissenting persons behave like the other group members, because they think that the behaviour of the other group members shows that the opinion of the group is unanimous. In other words, because everyone who disagrees behaves as if he or she agrees, all dissenting members think that the norm is endorsed by every group member but themselves. This in turn reinforces their willingness to conform to the group norm rather than express their disagreement. Because of pluralistic ignorance, people may conform to the perceived consensual opinion of a group, instead of thinking and acting on their own perceptions.

Pluralistic ignorance partially explains the bystander effect: the observation that people are more likely to intervene in an emergency situation when alone than when other persons are present. If people monitor the reactions of others in such a situation, they may conclude from the lack of initiative of others that other people think that it is not necessary to intervene. If everyone behaves in this way, no one may take any action, even though some people privately think that they should do something. On the other hand, if one person intervenes, others are more likely to follow and give assistance.

Some people think that pluralistic ignorance explains the happenings in the murder case of Kitty Genovese: about a dozen witnesses failed to help Genovese when she was stabbed to death in 1964. Others do not think that pluralistic ignorance was important in this case, because most of the witnesses only heard the murder (i.e. they were not eye witnesses) and were therefore perhaps unable to monitor the reactions of other people. Nevertheless, pluralistic ignorance explains the inaction of these witnesses, too, if at the time they were reasoning: "Since I can hear the what is happening, others must also hear it; if no one else is doing anything about it, then it must not be an emergency."

[edit] Consequences of Pluralistic Ignorance
In a series of studies conducted to test the effect of pluralistic ignorance, Prentice and Miller[3] studied the consequences of pluralistic ignorance at Princeton University. They found that, on average, private levels of comfort with drinking practices on campus were much lower than the perceived average. In the case of men, they found a shifting of private attitudes toward this perceived norm, a form of cognitive dissonance. Women, on the other hand, were found to have an increased sense of alienation on the campus but lacked the attitude change detected in men, presumably because norms related to alcohol consumption on campus are much more central for men than for women.

JT; cutting and pasting the whole of Wikipedia onto these boards aint gonna impress anybody. Are you looking for some kind of recognition? Well how's about coming up with an original thought that isn't lifted from the internet? It might be acceptable in school these days but not in the real world I'm afraid.

Done any trading today? Or is Sharky paying you a retainer to entertain us?
JT; cutting and pasting the whole of Wikipedia onto these boards aint gonna impress anybody. Are you looking for some kind of recognition? Well how's about coming up with an original thought that isn't lifted from the internet? It might be acceptable in school these days but not in the real world I'm afraid.

Done any trading today? Or is Sharky paying you a retainer to entertain us?

This is not the place to enquire about my trading activities. Please do not detract from the seriousness of the subject matter. Some may be offended by your light-hearted/village idot type input.
This is not the place to enquire about my trading activities. Please do not detract from the seriousness of the subject matter. Some may be offended by your light-hearted/village idot type input.

My links, cut and pastes etc. speak for themselves most of the time, and often don't require any further input from me. IMO, i have provided better, more wide-ranging and comprehensive input into this discussion than anyone else has dared to. If you don't have the brains to interpret for yourself, how all the links i have provided, relate to the subject of the 911 crimes and subsequent cover-up, and the disbelief among the public, you are more simple than i have given you credit for.

I am not trying to pass anything off as my own wording - hence the links/references.

What u want me to do, reword/regurgitate it all into my own words just for the sake of it? If so, get real dude.

I certainly prefer to look at links to official documents, than read the confused, mis-informed, innaccurate, inconclusive, unfounded, non-referenced ramblings that have been posted here on this thread from time to time.

FWIW, so far on this thread rols, like many threads you contribute to - your input has been childish, sulky, unfunny, petulant, and ultimately of little or no value. No doubt you see yourself as quirky, original and slightly unorthodox. But why bother, when its usually unconstructive bollock* designed to irritate? Good luck though, and all the best.
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My links, cut and pastes etc. speak for themselves most of the time, and often don't require any further input from me. IMO, i have provided better, more wide-ranging and comprehensive input into this discussion than anyone else has dared to.

I am not trying to pass anything off as my own wording - hence the links/references.

What u want me to do, reword/regurgitate it all into my own words just for the sake of it? If so, get real dude.

rols it's a shame you cant argue the factual points presented and have to make a joke about random posts. it's easy to understand why you cant argue them, it's because they really can't be rationally dismissed can they.

if you look at this with an open mind then it's impossible to come to the conclusion that the towers collapsed because of the planes impact or any subsequent event relating to their impact. structures such as these do not fall down like this. wtc7 well that's even harder to argue against.

and as for the pentagon, how can anyone come to the conclusion that the planes crashing into the towers caused a large enough fire to bring the buildings down, but the one into the pentagon couldn't even burn a piece of paper, or a monitor..

give me a break