Mans Duality - Absolutely Vital Viewing

Worth watching the video above first so you will understand / want to press on researching etc.... then Education on this topic here. I have not gone through the site fully, but I do have an understanding of the subject and the gravity of its meaning.
Interesting stuff CB.

I've heard about this before with respect to the USA and Canada. I've been trying to find info regarding how relevant it is to Australia and our laws but it is tough going I must say!

Interesting stuff CB.

I've heard about this before with respect to the USA and Canada. I've been trying to find info regarding how relevant it is to Australia and our laws but it is tough going I must say!


Hi PK mate, this Aussie, bless him , is trying.... (bumped into his site a few weeks back) RIGHTS and WRONG not sure where this guy got his source(old site) , but there is a similar theme going on..

I think the maritime summary justice court system is pretty applicable in all commonwealths.

He would call them Kangaroo courts 🙂 essentially , I now understand that to be a commercial arena, the rule of law is contracts. Including "adhesion contracts" assumption/presumption etc.

i can see how that Aussie guy tripped himself up when dealing with the court too I think..... And there is a lot of variance in belief "out there" .

I have a good link of a video presentation of a guy giving an entire 2 day talk on how to function in commerce. (about 10-12 hours split into 20 min sections, addictive viewing) And he has some funny stories of goings on. And interesting advice which may be helpful.

But It is a vast topic so do not want to start spewing here. But he does a very thorough presentation of the history to your commercial person and how to best use it. Again I can see how the blending of status and statutes ,affecting persons ,have been layered on top of common law. Very clever..

Fire a PM over if you want it (link for videos), and anyone else, who is interested in this topic.

If enough people are interested then we could do a private forum or something. ? think we can do that on here.... (those interested send a pm of interest, if you want to discuss in detail on the topic to learn further)

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Forum website setup by British Men/women looking into this area for those interested. Forum • View topic - Goverment and the vote.

Info, videos , posts etc.....

from a post over there.....

Why is my name is ALL CAPITALS ,JOHN SMITH and not John Smith on my driving licence, banks accounts, council Bills ,credit cards ,court paperwork etc There is no provision in English for this?

1) Amongst other things but worth looking into perhaps, when we sign for a Bank account our signatures might be agreeing to the "Rules of the Bank" have any of us seen them ? I think it is in Merciers work he says a judge in the US, had a mans contract and signature(the only evidence he had) from his Bank etc? The Kings bank see ? The Kings Bench , Bench is latin for BANK judge sits on a ? so judge represents the ? Bank of the Crown, the Crown being a corporation , So Bank of the Crown Corporation ?

2) Councils are "body Corporates" see local government Act = A corporation of the Crown

3) Person : includes body of persons corporate and unincorporate (see Interpretation Act 1978 Words and definitions defined schedule 1, from memory) Interpretation Act 1978 (c.30)

Did you spot it , this is what it says “Person” includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate. [1889]

4) the use of the word includes means its restrictive ,shut in, enclose, confine,comprise,limited to. So a person only does mean body of persons corporate and unincorporate(none of those are natural men, one is a corporation. ie corporate and the unincorporated means a body of persons, perhaps like members of a charity bowling club) and NOTHING else in statute unless defined within each statute otherwise. MAXIM The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another

5) We are natural men/women we are TRUSTEE's for our corporation ALL CAPS NAME that(the all caps name) being the beneficiary. In commerce corporations can be beneficiaries.

John Doe = Trustee (he holds legal title to JOHN DOE'S property , who else claims otherwise? dispute of title then? Show me proof )
JOHN DOE= Beneficiary

Hope this is food for thought, go find those statutes I mentioned and see for yourself and maybe request to get hold of any "rules of the BANKS" that maybe floating around out there.(anyone looked? or asked?) And please everyone add amend or query my thoughts..

Also there is no provision in English for the use of ALL CAPS for names of men? I have letter from parliament that address the ALL CAPS CORPORATE TRUST CITIZEN but the MP's name is somehow in correct English, both on the letter and the return envelope . I don't know about anyone else but I find it offensive for a humans NAME TO BE ADDRESSED INCORRECTLY and discriminates against my beliefs, but its not addressing me/or any over natural man/woman, it cant be, its addressing a corporate trust NAME(beneficiary.a piece of paper) of which I am the trustee ?