Quotes, Sound-bites & Nuggets of Wisdom

An instructors knowledge is proportional to the mistakes he's made.
Source: Flight Instructor Favorites

really howard I read quite alot of the quotes on your website and most of them are cr@p. Why don't you stop trying to force a square peg through a round hole?

I read them as well.

It's a good effort from H-Master C, but you're right Dash, most of them are crap.

Let's be fair to tha H-Dogg though - compared to most vendors, he's really not that bad. OK, his teaching is guaranteed to lead to disaster, but he's not an out-and-out scamster like most of them. He just refuses to accept reality, which is very different to deliberately conning people.

Welcome back HoCo!
I read them as well.

It's a good effort from H-Master C, but you're right Dash, most of them are crap.

Let's be fair to tha H-Dogg though - compared to most vendors, he's really not that bad. OK, his teaching is guaranteed to lead to disaster, but he's not an out-and-out scamster like most of them. He just refuses to accept reality, which is very different to deliberately conning people.

Welcome back HoCo!

I am a vendor wannabe with respect to teaching what I do in options. I have the vendor tag because I am an Amazon affiliate.

I have flown in just about everything, with all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world -- British, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese, Chinese -- and there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between any of them except for one unchanging, certain fact: the best, most skillful pilot has the most experience.
Source: Chuck Yeager
"Never underestimate the capability of people to ignore evidence and reason in favour of beliefs they have concocted from their imagination in order to sustain the bubble-like version of reality they have ensconsed themselves in."
Scource: DashRiprocks "Get Long My Schlong" unpublished material.
It is easier to cope with a single in-flight problem than a series of minor ones. Real trouble must be swallowed in small doses.
u know, Howie-doobie-bless-my-soul-I-really-love-that-rock-and-roll, u shud say after wht the paralels is with trading after each one. Then you can make a thread like joe ross and post one every week with a little lesson for us all to learn from.
I am a vendor wannabe with respect to teaching what I do in options. I have the vendor tag because I am an Amazon affiliate.

I have flown in just about everything, with all kinds of pilots in all parts of the world -- British, French, Pakistani, Iranian, Japanese, Chinese -- and there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between any of them except for one unchanging, certain fact: the best, most skillful pilot has the most experience.
Source: Chuck Yeager

Sorry, my mistake. I do remember that.

Anyway, I was defending you to some extent. I think your method is fatally flawed (as per arguments ad nauseam), but I think that this is due to misunderstanding, not deliberate dishonesty. The point I was making is that I don't believe that you have deliberately set out to rip people off by selling them a rubbish system or rubbish training.

This makes you (or will make you when you start your programme) better than about 99% (estimate, the true figure could be higher) of vendors and educators out there.
u know, Howie-doobie-bless-my-soul-I-really-love-that-rock-and-roll, u shud say after wht the paralels is with trading after each one. Then you can make a thread like joe ross and post one every week with a little lesson for us all to learn from.

Wow! And here I thought the lessons were painfully obvious. I'll think on your suggestion.
Sorry, my mistake. I do remember that.

Anyway, I was defending you to some extent. I think your method is fatally flawed (as per arguments ad nauseam), but I think that this is due to misunderstanding, not deliberate dishonesty. The point I was making is that I don't believe that you have deliberately set out to rip people off by selling them a rubbish system or rubbish training.

But will he make money out of it? If he's selling fairly priced options he could still cut and run before that average monthly return line hits 0 less transaction costs :clap:
Wow! And here I thought the lessons were painfully obvious. I'll think on your suggestion.

In fairness, in most of them I can see where the parallels are and why you've selected them. It wasn't right of me to say that most of them were crap.

With regard to your comment above, using a slight play on words the fact that much trading wisdom is "painfully" obvious is sort of the point why people need it hammering into them. It flies in the face of what they want to believe and strips their illusions. This is painful for them and so, despite the fact that the advice is painfully obvious, you need to work hard to get them to accept it.

Newbies don't like hearing about the lack of certainty, the need for experience and effort, the risk of disaster etc etc such as are mentioned in your quotes. They prefer pipe-dreams.
But will he make money out of it? If he's selling fairly priced options he could still cut and run before that average monthly return line hits 0 less transaction costs :clap:

Sure that's possible (although bear in mind my knowledge of this subject is very limited). I think it's unlikely though and I wouldn't want to pin my hopes on it. But I don't see why it couldn't happen.
In fairness, in most of them I can see where the parallels are and why you've selected them. It wasn't right of me to say that most of them were crap.

With regard to your comment above, using a slight play on words the fact that much trading wisdom is "painfully" obvious is sort of the point why people need it hammering into them. It flies in the face of what they want to believe and strips their illusions. This is painful for them and so, despite the fact that the advice is painfully obvious, you need to work hard to get them to accept it.

Newbies don't like hearing about the lack of certainty, the need for experience and effort, the risk of disaster etc etc such as are mentioned in your quotes. They prefer pipe-dreams.

The word "painfully" was not chosen by accident. 😀

Maximums are generally constructed so that they are easy to remember and hold truth. I have found many traders I talk with remember them the next time we meet.
A pilot lives in a world of perfection, or not at all.
Source: Richard S. Drury, 'My Secret War'
The word "painfully" was not chosen by accident. 😀

Maximums are generally constructed so that they are easy to remember and hold truth. I have found many traders I talk with remember them the next time we meet.

oh. I thought a maximum was a point in a defined set of data that exhibits the largest value of a specified characteristic.
see? now what on earth has this got to do with trading?

I agree, that is not a good one. A trader lives in a world of imperfection, or not at all. The way one copes with that makes one successful, or not, and the the struggle for perfection (or near perfection) is I think highly damaging.

It's the source of all the holy grail seeking that we see so much of.

That one I would definitely remove.
A pilot lives in a world of perfection, or not at all.
Source: Richard S. Drury, 'My Secret War'

I found in myself and with many traders I talk with the fact that many of the errors they commit were unforced errors. Entered before they proofread the order. Misread one of their selection criteria. Fudged on their rules.

Sloppy execution and fudging I consider imperfections in a traders behavior and require strategies to avoid them. Too sloppy in piloting or trading can lead to a crash.