Quotes, Sound-bites & Nuggets of Wisdom

4Nd 4nYw4y, 1 K4n 4ff0RD 70 8r34k 73h 574Nd4Rd Rul32 0f 5p3Ll1N', PUnc7u4710n 4ND 9R4mM3r KU2, MUCh 42 17 M4Y P41N 07h3R2, 1 M 4C7u4LlY 4 R3m4RK48Ly 4R71cul473 y0UN9 m4N. 7H@ 12, P30pL3 und3r574ND wH@ 17 12 1 M 54y1n'.
As usual Howard, your last comment is so far removed in time and context from the original discussion that it it not intellectually viable to even attmept to address it directly. Which is what you depend upon in order to have the last word. So have the last word. Or decide that you don't need to this time.

You have control.