Any detectives here?

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Legendary member
Known facts about spanish89:

Name (or given name): Bhatuba
Location: Staines
Occupations: Trading, also various scams.
Chatlog (might be a bit tldr):

arabianights: why what did you do on ebay?
Elef: who achmed?
SPANISH THE GREAT: got a laptop..
SPANISH THE GREAT: then pretended i never ot it n did mcol
SPANISH THE GREAT: then settled outside of court
SPANISH THE GREAT: for 2/3 price back
SPANISH THE GREAT: then sold it
Elef: so wht your saying is tht u have no integrity
Elef: i kill u!!!
arabianights: lol it's spanish
SPANISH THE GREAT: its bsuienss
arabianights: what do you expect?
SPANISH THE GREAT: ebays a scam
arabianights: rofl
SPANISH THE GREAT: not an auction site
SPANISH THE GREAT: survival of the most skilled scammers
SPANISH THE GREAT: i cna now get anything i wnat for free on there lol
arabianights: eventually you might be declared a vexatious litigant
arabianights: which would be quite amusing
arabianights: incidentally if you tried to sue me and I'd provided you the laptop I would ensure you'd be ****ed
SPANISH THE GREAT: ahh im extremely skilled at scamming lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: i now use ebays own system
SPANISH THE GREAT: since theres a technical computerised loophole 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: i used it to get a free shirt lastweek lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: arrrgghhhh!!!!!
Elef: i just clicked, the whole use a stop loss teachings are all a big scam so tht the trading power houses can take our money
Elef: ur a genius sp
SPANISH THE GREAT: why do i always endup getting into sells that then come at resistance levels
arabianights: just one of those things I suppose
arabianights: what's your computerised loophole then?
SPANISH THE GREAT: its not mine its ebays.. lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: k there 2 methds..
SPANISH THE GREAT: il explain comuterised 1
SPANISH THE GREAT: you buy a phone from ebay lets say..
Masq: i love it - it's politically incorrect
SPANISH THE GREAT: the seller has to accept paypal..
SPANISH THE GREAT: so you just pay them the money through paypal, rela for a few days and then your phone arives in the post
Elef: wheres the scam?
SPANISH THE GREAT: k you get your phone and are hapy
arabianights: ...but you are sad because you paid for it...
SPANISH THE GREAT: soz was getting tissue cos have hayfever
SPANISH THE GREAT: ok you then go onto
SPANISH THE GREAT: and click on the option for that phone and launch a dispute clickin the ''never recieved, or item significantly not as descrbed''.
SPANISH THE GREAT: the paypay dispute is then officially open..
SPANISH THE GREAT: and the money that you paid to teh sellers account will be frozen in their account by paypal..
SPANISH THE GREAT: paypal then say to them 'you have 14days to prve you did send that phone to them'
SPANISH THE GREAT: and thats the beauty of it lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: its a cunnderam 😉
Masq: so what if they send it recorded and you sign for it?
SPANISH THE GREAT: but you said 'you recieved a packagae but it wasnt the phone, so it was significantly not as descrived'
SPANISH THE GREAT: so you say yh they did send me the package and i signed it.. but it wasnt the phone
SPANISH THE GREAT: they have to then actually prove to paypal they did send teh phone
SPANISH THE GREAT: but how could they ever do that?? lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: have to like get their postman to watch them package it then sign a declaration for them saying whats in the package... lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: and the real beauty of it is that the whole thing is dealt with by computer at paypal
SPANISH THE GREAT: it only interprets tracjking codes n stuff
fx: hello
arabianights: morning
Masq: hi
arabianights: so
fx: holla
fx: surly
arabianights: what happens if you perform this ebay arbitrage
SPANISH THE GREAT: its ingenious.. :> and theres no escape for the seller
arabianights: with a violent person?
fx: as ingenious as using newspaper to wipe your ****
SPANISH THE GREAT: so what if they are violent?? lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: choose someone who lives other side of the country to you
SPANISH THE GREAT: or even better have it snet to your local postoffice
SPANISH THE GREAT: that what i do
arabianights: ok
fx: if you want to make money scamming, that is a pretty rubbish way to do it
SPANISH THE GREAT: when 14days are up and that seller has no way of proving what they put in the package paypal automatically reverse the money back to your account
arabianights: so you do this to me
arabianights: I then sell you something else
SPANISH THE GREAT: theres no escape 😉
arabianights: with a distinctive package
arabianights: I wait outside the post office
arabianights: until I see you
arabianights: then I run you over
SPANISH THE GREAT: what you mean 'sell me something else'? lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: why would i buy of you again when ive done you already..
arabianights: I don't have to sell you it using the same ebay account
Elef: dont need to sell you something else just send u another package
SPANISH THE GREAT: you cant ''selll to someone'' lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: they have to buy from you..
arabianights: yes
arabianights: so
arabianights: you buy something from someone else
arabianights: I get in touch with them when you do this
arabianights: explain the situation
arabianights: maybe give them a bung
Elef: dont need to do tht dave u just send them another package
arabianights: yeah, or that
SPANISH THE GREAT: get in touch with them how?? lol
Masq: send a bomb
SPANISH THE GREAT: email them on ebay system.. lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: why would they believe you??
Elef: some anphrax
arabianights: spanish, eventually you will scam someone angry
SPANISH THE GREAT: with all teh scammers on there
SPANISH THE GREAT: i ahve scammed some extremely angry ppl lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: but thats the beauty..
SPANISH THE GREAT: the entire account isnt even in my own name
SPANISH THE GREAT: or my address
SPANISH THE GREAT: it all goes to my postooffice
SPANISH THE GREAT: and i then have the postman deliver from there to me
SPANISH THE GREAT: and the seller who lives somewhere in north england has no way of getting his money back ever
SPANISH THE GREAT: and its all thnaks to paypal
Elef: thank god u never got into the police force
SPANISH THE GREAT: il post photo
SPANISH THE GREAT: of my acceptance letter
fx: you ar such a dick
fx: one day
fx: you will get caught
arabianights: ok
Elef: so will tht be the end of your day trading career then
arabianights: post a photo of your acceptance letter
arabianights: on flickr or something
SPANISH THE GREAT: caught by who though? 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: it went to dispute offically already..
fx: you see rubbish criminals thinks they can't get caught
SPANISH THE GREAT: ebay rule in my favour
geoffhill1: GM
fx: good criminals know they can so they keep quiet
SPANISH THE GREAT: k explain how exactly i can be 'caught'?
Masq: hi geoff
Elef: ur a mastermind sp uve managed to scam a t-shirt a phone and a laptop, you will be retireing back to spain soon
arabianights: well spanish
arabianights: what I do
SPANISH THE GREAT: trust me man this scam is rock solid. its unbreachable cos it uses paypals own system and the concept of 'needing to do the impossible'
fx: yeah
fx: it is like your 2000 pips stop
SPANISH THE GREAT: k i go an idea..
fx: 🙂
SPANISH THE GREAT: lets role pay it 🙂
fx: love this guy though
fx: go on
fx: how do we do that?
SPANISH THE GREAT: you selling a phone on ebay for £200
arabianights: right
SPANISH THE GREAT: someone with usermae james606 is teh winning bidder
SPANISH THE GREAT: teh delivery address is his local postoffice in devon.
SPANISH THE GREAT: he pays you fine with no problems..
SPANISH THE GREAT: so you sne dthe phone recorded delivery
SPANISH THE GREAT: 1week later you get an email from paypal saying ''we have frozen you 200quid in your account, and you have 14days to prove you send a phone in that package''
fx: I actually get the money?
SPANISH THE GREAT: yh he paid fine..
fx: well
arabianights: ok spanish
arabianights: so supposing I do that
fx: I will cash the money 1st
SPANISH THE GREAT: but paypal take it out your account when dispute luanched
arabianights: and then I say to the buyer
fx: then send the phone
SPANISH THE GREAT: they minus you account
arabianights: I know you're in the police
arabianights: if you don't want me to send this chat log to the police
fx: i don't care
arabianights: and say spanish is
arabianights: you have to send me £1000 by friday
fx: given you are scamming me and advrtised it on the net
SPANISH THE GREAT: they withdraw it from your bank though
fx: I will act accordingly
SPANISH THE GREAT: or if no monet there they send balifs
SPANISH THE GREAT: the doen it loads ppl b4
SPANISH THE GREAT: check this site...
SPANISH THE GREAT: Welcome to, PayPal Lawsuit, PayPal Alternative, PayPal Complaints, Fraud & Evil behind the PayPal system!
fx: you see you can get caught fkng easily
fx: such an idiot
SPANISH THE GREAT: caught how??
fx: well, you posted your photo on the net
fx: and
fx: told us you scam people
SPANISH THE GREAT: lol no not me..
fx: figure it out
fx: the point is YOU
fx: will get caought
SPANISH THE GREAT: when you get the scam all you know is its soem guy called james from devon
arabianights: ok spanish
arabianights: like I said
SPANISH THE GREAT: could be me
arabianights: I will tell the police
SPANISH THE GREAT: might not be lol
arabianights: if you don't paypal me a grand
SPANISH THE GREAT: lol the police ownt care mate
arabianights: by friday
geoffhill1: Spanish fx is right sooner or later your will go to jail if ypu carry on down this path
SPANISH THE GREAT: prove this is me now?? 😉
arabianights: I don't have to
arabianights: I have enough info on you
arabianights: for the police to find you
arabianights: and your ebay accounts
SPANISH THE GREAT: you can walk in the local station n say ''on this chatroom this guy told us how lots ppl scam ppl on ebay and how ebay's system allows it''
arabianights: I'm completely serious btw
SPANISH THE GREAT: they will just say and.....
SPANISH THE GREAT: they fedu with ppl complaining about ebay scams
arabianights: spanish
arabianights: if nothing
arabianights: else
SPANISH THE GREAT: and il say to police prove i got the phone in that package lol
arabianights: you ain't going to keep the job with them
fx: hey spanish, what do you think are the chances we would not catch you if we really want to?
arabianights: if you ever had it
SPANISH THE GREAT: ok lets say it goes to court k.....
SPANISH THE GREAT: im in court accused of 'scamming'
SPANISH THE GREAT: wheres teh proof i got the phone in that package though mate??
SPANISH THE GREAT: i may have sold the stuf i get..
SPANISH THE GREAT: may keep it even
geoffhill1: spanish its not this offence that will put you away
SPANISH THE GREAT: i dont have to declare where a phone in my house came from though
geoffhill1: its all times you keep getting haled back into court that will eventually get you
SPANISH THE GREAT: they have to ''prove'' i have scammed
SPANISH THE GREAT: it will never ever go court mate..
SPANISH THE GREAT: dont you see the beauty of it??
SPANISH THE GREAT: ther could have to be evidence 1st for coutr..
fx: yes i do the beauty you see in it
arabianights: he he
fx: but you ar missing one important thing
SPANISH THE GREAT: no judge would allow it when he would know even if i did do it kno1 can prove it lol
arabianights: spanish
arabianights: beyond reasonable doubt
arabianights: doesn't mean beyond doubt
SPANISH THE GREAT: need some evidence lol
arabianights: it is very easy to prove beyond reasonable doubt you're the one typing this chat log
SPANISH THE GREAT: what could they say?
arabianights: then we look into your paypal account
arabianights: and see a load of disputes
SPANISH THE GREAT: um yes this guy has a phone n a shirt in his hosue..
arabianights: then wer talk to the sellers
SPANISH THE GREAT: some other bloke says he sent hm it.. lol
arabianights: spanish
arabianights: the mags only have to take one look at you
arabianights: and you will be convicted
SPANISH THE GREAT: look into my paypal account now?? lool
arabianights: don't even need evidence really
SPANISH THE GREAT: ok mate lol
arabianights: I am completely serious
SPANISH THE GREAT: the police wouldnt even look into it though sorry
arabianights: I will tell the police if you don't paypal me a grand
SPANISH THE GREAT: i could even go and admit it myself lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: the police sill coundt charge me though
SPANISH THE GREAT: cos they have no proof
arabianights: rofl
SPANISH THE GREAT: and never could have nay..
arabianights: you know
SPANISH THE GREAT: cos to get it would require 'doing the impossible'
arabianights: one of the last people to hang in britain
arabianights: went to the police
arabianights: and said "I did it, but you can't prove it because there isn't a body"
SPANISH THE GREAT: i wouldnt go and admit it though sorry mate lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: i keep it nice n low key
Elef: its agreat smear campaign though
arabianights: you already have 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: just a few hundred quid per week 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: ok this log will convit me? lol
Elef: would they still want to employ u?
SPANISH THE GREAT: please please try getting this doen as permissable evidnce in a court LOL
SPANISH THE GREAT: any lawyer would laugh then tear it apart
SPANISH THE GREAT: i could be anyone 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: trust me man ive been doing this over 1year, 1000s ppl do, and its rock solid
SPANISH THE GREAT: ebay know this is going on..
SPANISH THE GREAT: tehy dont care though
SPANISH THE GREAT: they help us lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: they banned bad feedback for us even 🙂
SPANISH THE GREAT: so now the seller cant even leave a negative feedback,
SPANISH THE GREAT: i can still leave him 1 though
Masq: what if someone wants to post it to your residence and won't post to a post office?
Masq: I wouldn't send to a post office
SPANISH THE GREAT: and if thst his career bsuienss like it is for loads if gets a 2 negatives a month ebay would close hs account
SPANISH THE GREAT: so lose him entire living
geoffhill1: don't want to listen to this i'm off, bye
arabianights: later geoff
SPANISH THE GREAT: ahh the person annot reject to send it somewhere
fx: see ya
SPANISH THE GREAT: paypals regulations 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: payppal seriously dont care about sellers, only buyers
SPANISH THE GREAT: we can change the topic now tho.. lol
arabianights: so
arabianights: spanish
arabianights: are you going to send me the grand or not?
arabianights: this is your final chance
arabianights: take time to think about it if you like
SPANISH THE GREAT: nah i will get more mausemnet about hearing about how you tried to pass a chat log on a chatroom, that doenst even require any login details, to a country court as permissable evidence..
SPANISH THE GREAT: i trained at this mate. i did a-level law also 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: the case has to be specific..
SPANISH THE GREAT: it cant just be 'oh this guy scams'
SPANISH THE GREAT: they will say ok what has he scammed exactly? where the proof that shows he scammed it?
arabianights: they look at your paypal account
SPANISH THE GREAT: really.. lol
arabianights: they get in touch with the sellers
arabianights: easy
SPANISH THE GREAT: funny how i dnt have 1 though
SPANISH THE GREAT: not in my name anyways
arabianights: if you are getting the money into your bank account
arabianights: it is traceable
SPANISH THE GREAT: but ok they find my fake 1s..
SPANISH THE GREAT: they contact the sller ven..
SPANISH THE GREAT: and yes the seller says '' yep i sent him a phone in that package that day but he said i didnt sen dit''
SPANISH THE GREAT: the judeg would just then say ''um well you need to prove it tho''
SPANISH THE GREAT: just like paypal did
SPANISH THE GREAT: and hes ****ed then lol
Masq: recorded delivery with your signature on the stub
SPANISH THE GREAT: he sent me a package.
arabianights: no
SPANISH THE GREAT: il say he sent an ols shoe hough
fx: lol
arabianights: the guy swears on oath he did it
arabianights: that is evidence
arabianights: then the credibility of the witnesses are evaluated
SPANISH THE GREAT: lol no enough
SPANISH THE GREAT: witnesses?? lol
arabianights: spanish
fx: well, there is also another problem
arabianights: you know even less about law
SPANISH THE GREAT: it wouldnt be a high court mate
arabianights: than you do about trading
fx: too obvious
SPANISH THE GREAT: itd be magistrate..
fx: hold on
arabianights: spanish, my uncle was deputy magistrate for england and wales
fx: haha
SPANISH THE GREAT: they dont give a fuk if hes guilty or not, they need proof
fx: this is too funny
arabianights: I know how magistrates work
fx: also
fx: there is a glaring problem
fx: guess what it is
SPANISH THE GREAT: il let you tell me.. lol
fx: well
fx: presumably
fx: you don't scam just one person
fx: so there will be loads of people giving vidnce
SPANISH THE GREAT: although let me ask this from teh different more common scenario.. What if it was true n the seller did do it?? 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: can be 100..
SPANISH THE GREAT: but no proof
SPANISH THE GREAT: and without proof it wouldnt be strong enough
fx: you will say in every case you nver rcived the goods
fx: ?
SPANISH THE GREAT: sigh yes mate every1 will know i did it..
SPANISH THE GREAT: the police will know, judges will know..
SPANISH THE GREAT: but so what??
fx: but thy can't prove it
fx: lol
SPANISH THE GREAT: they still cannot charge without actual proof
arabianights: pmsl
arabianights: that is proof
fx: you are useless
arabianights: you don't need physical evidence
fx: that is huge proof
SPANISH THE GREAT: lol i would just deny this is even me 😉
SPANISH THE GREAT: although this wouldnt be alllowed as evidence anyways
fx: oh ok
SPANISH THE GREAT: because its unsafe evenidence
fx: now you will just deny it
fx: nice
arabianights: it's perfectly good probably cause
arabianights: *probable
arabianights: to investigate you
SPANISH THE GREAT: as i could go on anoter chatroom, say im 'fx' and that i robbed a bank lol
arabianights: ok
fx: yeah, and all you need is a determined and suffiently pissed of person against you
arabianights: you do that
arabianights: then they investigate fx
arabianights: and find out there is no reason to think he robbed the bank
arabianights: on the other hand
arabianights: with this log
arabianights: they investigate you
SPANISH THE GREAT: yes they could use it to investiage if they have a load of detectives sitting arround who fancy looking into a case that they know could never result in a conviction lol
arabianights: and find out there's ample reason
arabianights: also spanish
SPANISH THE GREAT: but this couldnt actually be used as evidence
arabianights: it doesn't really matter if it goes to court or not
arabianights: internet ridicule will be enough 😉
arabianights: back in 5 minutes...

Thing is, spanish is right that the police aren't going to do anything, but not because they can't, just because they're incompetent...

But I thought it might amuse some people - and be careful who you're selling to on ebay 😉
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arabianights, why are you demanding £1000 from S89?
Isnt that "demanding money with menaces"?

EDIT: overall, scary thought process from S89, a little sad that anyone would scam in this way.

Nicely done mate.. 😉

(My second name not bhauta though..) 😆😆

I used to have 5 bits of my name (4 surenames), but now ive just had it shortend .


You missed out quite a few things though mate. 😆:whistling

1 of the main 1s being your lack of understanding what actually constitues as permissable evidence and that the police or courts can ever actually use. 😆😆lol😗rolleyes::whistling

While that is a very interesting nice looking bit of writing you have posted there it all comes down to what can be proved as solid evidence that cant be torn to pieces by the defence. 😆:cheesy::cheesy:😆

I wont go into the details of all of them cos am traidng, but 1stly you would need to provide proof that this spanish teh great on this chatroom is infact me, then you need to prove who 'i' actually am.. 😆😆
And then you would still need to prove beyond all reasonable dount that i have actually brokne the law, prove specific details to build the case agaisnt me, and then have strong enough solid evidence that you could actually have used in court to prove my guilt an dcharge me with.. 😆😆😆

Scamming isnt for the amateurs mate. :cheesy:😈:cheesy:

Interesting reading though lol
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arabianights, why are you demanding £1000 from S89?
Isnt that "demanding money with menaces"?

EDIT: overall, scary thought process from S89, a little sad that anyone would scam in this way.

I thought it was worth a try 😆
arabianights, why are you demanding £1000 from S89?
Isnt that "demanding money with menaces"?

EDIT: overall, scary thought process from S89, a little sad that anyone would scam in this way.

If this is me on that chatsroom and i have actually done this scam you are now technically and legally not only an accessory but actually attemting to profit from it and tryng to blackmail me and also claiming you are going to withold evidence from the police for you own financial gain which is actually more serious than what i have alledgely done!


Although none of this internet stuff actually means anything as no court or police would even botehr looking at it. lol

If this is me on that chatsroom and i have actually done this scam you are now technically and legally not only an accessory but actually attemting to profit from it and tryng to blackmail me and also claiming you are going to withold evidence from the police for you own financial gain which is actually more serious than what i have alledgely done!


Although none of this internet stuff actually means anything as no court or police would even botehr looking at it. lol


bite me :cheesy:
Any ebay seller worth their salt will be selling items by recorded delivery, or at the very least, they will obtain a certificate of proof of postage, with enough insurance to cover the cost of the item.

Maybe this is a good example of the problems that exists in todays society.
A lack of basic honesty, integrity and decency, money grabbing selfishness at whatever cost even if this means by deception, and not even viewing his actions as wrong 😕.

The prevalent selfish attitude that seems to exist with a lot of people nowadays, seems to be - well they'd do it to me, so I'll do it to them first!
So you're stealing from people. Nice.

It isn't a loophole. It's well-known that paypal are **** at protecting the seller and you are the reason I don't have an ebay account. It's like someone leaving their front door open and you walking in and helping yourself to their possessions. You may well be able to easily get the stuff free of charge but that makes you a criminal.
Any ebay seller worth their salt will be selling items by recorded delivery, or at the very least, they will obtain a certificate of proof of postage, with enough insurance to cover the cost of the item.

Maybe this is a good example of the problems that exists in todays society.
A lack of basic honesty, integrity and decency, money grabbing selfishness at whatever cost even if this means by deception, and not even viewing his actions as wrong 😕.

The prevalent selfish attitude that seems to exist with a lot of people nowadays, seems to be - well they'd do it to me, so I'll do it to them first!

Yes all buyers will provide proof of postage.

However in the scam above that wouldnt be the crushing factor.

The issue wouldn't be if they did send a package or not, itd be whta they actually sent in that package though.

Since the buyer would say 'yes i got a package from them but its not the item i paid for, just an old shoe or something'. 😆

And yes it is extremely sad that society has come to this level, and that people are now always competeting with eachother in this way.

But what is even more sad is that ebay n paypal are fully aware that this is going on, but instead of addressing the problem they instead help the scam buyers, and totally ignore and dont care what the sellers say. 😡😈😡

This is the reason why ebay is dying now cos no-one wants to sell there anymore cos ebay refuse to help sellers and give all the rigts and care to the buyers.

And so as a result many of these who used to be decent sellers now instead turn to just using the system n environment ebay has created and so scam the remaining sellers, untill they too change sides.. 😆
So you're stealing from people. Nice.

It isn't a loophole. It's well-known that paypal are **** at protecting the seller and you are the reason I don't have an ebay account. It's like someone leaving their front door open and you walking in and helping yourself to their possessions. You may well be able to easily get the stuff free of charge but that makes you a criminal.

It is a really sad low society we live in today i agree mate.

But this is human nature though, and so there are people out there who prey n feed of this without actually feeling anything inside about it.

We only became humans though becuae when we were all monkeys a few of us stole all the other monkeys food, stole the best houses, beat them up n hurt them so we gained more power, n had stronger babies who followed.
The whole of the human race only came about due to greed and theft, and so that is what our entire species is based on. 😆

Sad that some people will now say, i didnt create this world n this problem, but im now not gna miss out so gna jump on the band waggon. 😆😈😆
From hero to zero 😎😱🙄

Yes I have completely changed my opinion of the guy now. In fact I look forward to him blowing his account up and getting some of that Karma back.

I hope nobody deems to help this guy now - as clearly he would just rip you off if he could?
No excuses, Scamish. I see plenty of ways of getting money off people illegally but don't act on them. I could easily mug most people or, with a bit of ingenuity, deceive people but I would rather work for the likes of Trading Standards helping people avoid be cheated.

I choose to rise above what you consider acceptable behaviour.
spanish, if there was ever a trading account that deserved to be blown it is yours and i cant wait for that day.
Unfortunately, as with many problems today, it seems to be the young who are leading the way. Maybe the young are the hardest hit and see the greatest need to look after numero uno....
spanish, if there was ever a trading account that deserved to be blown it is yours and i cant wait for that day.

If it's any comfort - he would have blown yesterday had it not been for arabian guiding him out of his hole. Of course his next post was full of glee about the money he made. Conveniently forgot to mention it was arabian that saved his a$$
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