my $0.02 on SB:
i have been working for 2 brokers for more than 10 years; and here is the business model of SB companies:
- they rely on statistics; and the law of large numbers: 95% of retail punters lose money in the market.
- they profit from losing trades. they are on the other side of the trade; i.e. your counter party
- some SBs profit from both; the spread itself; and being the other side of the losing trades. In the case of WS; they decided to offer zero spreads; because they can still make money from losers.
- profitable traders are not welcome in their platforms; and hence the "dealer referral"; is to slow you down; and wait until your trade turns onto a loser; and then trade it
- if they rely purely on statistics; and let losers lose and winners win; they can still make money because majority of punters lose money; however WS are as greedy as anybody else; they can't wait; but kick out profitable traders out of the game.
- In other words; these guys operates like Mafias.
Professional traders will never ever use SB companies. If any pro in this forum benefited from SB; come forward!!!
my advice to you guys is;
- trade with a broker that sends your order to the market. i.e. your order executes on the exchange; and settles on the exchange. The exchanges are setup to guarantee delivery of goods; even if the counter party defaults.
- avoid brokers with conflict of interest. i.e. brokers who market make your orders. you will be surprised to know that majority of all brokers in FX markets have conflict of interest with you. Let me spit them out: OANDA, FXCM, DurasCopy, Alpari, IBFX...etc.
The only broker that has absolutely no conflict of interest; and trades your orders on the exchange; is my beloved broker: Interactive Brokers.