Is it a scam?

I am so annoyed, I just found out today Your Trading Room YTR are having some sort of 50% sale of their program. What about all the members who paid full price or those that have paid $20,000. So are they going to refund everyone who paid full price? They must be totally desperate for new customers. I suspect they are not far away from going broke if they are selling programs for 50% off. They no longer show their trading results and where is the promotion to be able to trade risk free money. Seriously do not buy Your Trading Room YTR program. They suck people in and the company is run by a multiple time failed businessman Les Freeman. But he doesnt show himself on the website as a Director but when you call the office they say he is o'seas and they don't know when he will be back. I suspect the staff are told to say that and he is in Australia.

I can't believe people are paying 20k for this type of thing. As for the connection to ***you only have to search this site for an explanation of her history of disappearing without paying the bills. Why does nobody ever check BEFORE forking out their money?
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I can't believe people are paying 20k for this type of thing. As for the connection to *** you only have to search this site for an explanation of her history of disappearing without paying the bills. Why does nobody ever check BEFORE forking out their money?
It appears that the SCAM thread has been removed. Guessing she's just become a T2W partner?
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It appears that the SCAM thread has been removed. Guessing she's just become a T2W partner?

Is the thread gone? I had some posts removed about her but the thread was still there. Mind you, my posts were mostly taking the p1ss - mocking her ridiculous website and saying that she was as crazy as a sh1t-house rat and whatnot.

So maybe they were just removed as part of general tidying up and not under duress?

There was a serious point under it though - anyone who gives her money after reading the garbage on her site almost deserves to get ripped off.
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I thought Trade2win had stopped taking business from these type of people. So we have a critical thread with evidence of wrongdoing deleted and a sponsored article published.

I clicked on the link, couldn't see the article. Searched for ****, nothing came up. Maybe the article's been removed?

Could you imagine anyone taking here seriously about trading commodities? The mind boggles. 😆

EDIT: Definitely not there, "****" doesn't bring anything up either.
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I clicked on the link, couldn't see the article. Searched for Sophie, nothing came up. Maybe the article's been removed?

Could you imagine anyone taking here seriously about trading commodities? The mind boggles. 😆

EDIT: Definitely not there, "Gold" doesn't bring anything up either.

The thread is there but the link seems to take you to a page with numerous articles.


  • sophie gold.jpg
    sophie gold.jpg
    136.5 KB · Views: 297
It just goes to show though, I mean it's shocking really. Imagine a new aspiring trader coming to the site and trying to learn by diligently reading through the articles.

Fancy asking a scrote like that to write an article for the site!

Seems like they'll take any dimwit and let them pose as an expert.
It just goes to show though, I mean it's shocking really. Imagine a new aspiring trader coming to the site and trying to learn by diligently reading through the articles.

Fancy asking a scrote like that to write an article for the site!

Seems like they'll take any dimwit and let them pose as an expert.

An inexperienced eye would assume that article was written by T2W and would assume that the contents of it are genuine eg 7 out of 10 winners. Of course in reality the vendors submit these things themselves but T2W does not identify them as advertising features, which they clearly are.
I thought Trade2win had stopped taking business from these type of people. So we have a critical thread with evidence of wrongdoing deleted and a sponsored article published.

The article was removed and should not be accessible and if it is then there is a technical issue which I will look into.

On a general note T2W has not taken any business from SG

The article was removed and should not be accessible and if it is then there is a technical issue which I will look into.

On a general note T2W has not taken any business from SG


No, it's definitely not there.
Is her profile going to be removed from the authors list? The one where she is credited with a 70% win rate
They talk too much to convince prospectors. They don't have to do that if they can show their performance if they have positive one. Right?
Why o why o why, do people even consider these sites, trade for yourself fsk, trade your methods, your system, ignore all else, blame yourself, congratulate yourself. Its not rocket science, although many would have you believe that.

Or am I just being padantic, nah, if you have to "seek" anybody elses opinion before you trade, perhaps your in the wrong job.

Just my 2 penneth fwiw

I wish I could agree with you. But if you look at6 the best world class traders....not one learned trading from a book or just a forum. If pro athletes need pro coaches, so do traders who want to be pro in my opinion. But the big problem might have to try several "programs" and courses and different software before you can put together a system or method that fits you. Yes I always ask myself...."If your system works so well, why sell it?" But after years of both trading and reading I now see that trading as a sole means of income is very stressful. Perhaps even the pro's need a break and need to share their knowledge. Problem is....Id say 85% are scams. So how do we filter out the scammers. First step is the website photos. Do they show you charts or 2 empty beach chairs on a tropical Island? Do they give you useful info you can use for free, or just spectacular promises? Its easy to spot the scammers by now. But they will always be around. When will the SEC set up a special Internet watchdog division?
Why o why o why, do people even consider these sites, trade for yourself fsk, trade your methods, your system, ignore all else, blame yourself, congratulate yourself. Its not rocket science, although many would have you believe that.

Or am I just being padantic, nah, if you have to "seek" anybody elses opinion before you trade, perhaps your in the wrong job.

Just my 2 penneth fwiw

👍 at last some sense, all these selling signals etc etc are failed traders ! do your own thing ffs
Im just seeing your post now pete, about I myself was crazy enough to spend 3 days of my week trial before getting a feeling "in the p[it of my stomach" something wasnt right. But, I kept going back day after day for a few more days to stop in and see what was going on. And it seemed whenever I stopped in he was always in either taking profits or getting stopped out at break even. The 2 or 3 losers I saw all week were very tiny. And what got me is if a losing trade reversed an hour or 2 later, he would tell ask people "Did any of you hear what I said earlier about Goldhaving a great day?" I pray some of you who got ripped off can find easch other and band together to take this guy to court. It seems all these Internet trading scams do so wit impunity because they all feel no one will prosecute them or even report them. I pray for the day when one of these guys rips off a D.A. 's father or son and they wind up with a whole task force coming after them. Personally while there are a few very knowledgable guys out there selling courses and software. I can tell you after 15 years of taking trials in rooms, buying books, and testing software..........that any person selling trading systems or selectiojns on the internet, be required to post at bare minimum 30 days of results. And there should be a way to time stamp them as yahoo can do with emails! And a Federal task force should be monitoring just trading sites because after all, isnt selling anything fraudulant interstate, a federal matter? Maybe such a force is already ramping up. We need people to step forward and not allow some vendor to simply vanish with our money. I myself am waiting for 2 or 3 big trading scammers to wind up in prison as they keep opening up using their real name under different companies. Oliver Twist, anyone?

What I am waiting to see for thre first timke, is fgor one successful tyrader to sell his system for a reasonable fee, and he would become so rich with it and most people would fail anyway. Look at the turtles trading system. It goes last I looked for $1500! Problem is if you waited till now to buy it it doesnt work anymore. I think some of these vendors are selling great systems that made them big money for a long time and then just crashed and burned. I would love to see any vendor publish 1 years worth of trading results. Even that would not be foolproof as losing systems can actually work for a year. There have been many! How do you think hedge funds blow up? Thats my 2 cents &15 years worth.... apology. I was thinking of They are still around. I took a trial in their room. Do i think they are legit? No comment......

As for the aforementioned website in this thread...........its gone!
What I don't understand is
1) why people fall for such schemes/ seminars/ worskhops/ Black/ Semi Black box softwares etc where the promoter "Claims" they can show/ teach how to make money WITHOUT ever showing actual trading results! Actual money risked trading own "System"
I mean where professional fund managers heavenly regulated loos money soem years what chance these $2 "Educators" have?
2) Why do regulators allow such business to operate ( in US CTA are strictly regulated but you see lot of companies doing what is actually Financial advising business without being regulated )
IN Australia they need AFSL but that can be hired!
3) Not sure about FSA and EU