Is this site any good, another inbox message

Melissa Finch

Junior member
hi all, just recieved another message offering me help but at an eventual cost. it sounds good but not sure if it is any good or not. having been attempted scammed by first private message by someone else im not sure if this could be the same type of thing or not. please advise or if you've used them before.

thx. Meli.

heres the message:

Today, 12:18 AM

Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 4
Trade you own account I will show you how.


Hi Melissa

I would not give my account to someone else to trade. Remember they can not only run off with the money they can put you in a lot of debt. I run a site Trading rooms - forex trading online - forex daytrading. Yes I am plugging my self BUT I am not asking for you account details. Have a look and sign up for a demo. The reason I say this is that we operate a LIVE trading room. This is where a professional trader calls the trades to follow or watch. We dont get everyone right but we have turned 10K in 79K in 5 months. AND when you sign up for a demo you will also receive the ebook The Truth About Day Trading E-manual free. So right now I don't want your details, money or to see you fail in the markets. If you have any questions give us a call and I WILL help. PS I was also new to the markets once and I know the frustrations to get profit out. Having worked in the industry and traded on VIP desks the frustrations are still there. It is just the probability that has changed.
ok, i will tell mods in future. but. how do i let them know, how do i contact them?
also, in my defence on this one, it does look very professional, to be fair there only looking for subscriptions, something i've done regualarly with magazines and stuff., if they were all scams i'd never buy anything on line. just wondered if anyone else had used them thats all. didnt mean to clutter. i seem to be getting a bit bashed since joining this site. im sure your all very nice people but i do feel a bit unwelcome. i got slatted for a profile pic that was genuinely unsexy and not flirtatious and get told to get my t1ts out or f**k off, then i get told to remove my facebook link on my signature, and it was only there to make friends and contacts. now im being told not to clutter with possible scam sites and even possible accusations i may be peddling them. ive tried being open and honest and i seem to be getting bashed for it.


no, it's good to have you here - there's a few erks about so just hit the report post button if anyone goes ott.

for "scam" pms, just forward them to me, lightning mcqueen or counter violent.


Melissa - if you wanted to learn to play the violin would you pay someone else to play it for you? No! Nor would you want someone telling you where to put your fingers and bow on the instrument without you ever learning how to read the music - which is effectively what both these offers are!

There are no shortcuts. Trading is not an exact science - it's something you will need to practise to master.
Mel your not the one thats been taking advice from Spanish89
over on ET are you.............🙂
a meli a meli open an account with they give you a free £100 account without you having to give them a penny, they also will send you a book called The Financial Spread Betting Handbook... read it carefully trade with £100 and in no time hopefully you'll reach a milli and once you have move on to your next target :

YouTube - Jay z a billi (exclusive)
'So right now I don't want your details, money or to see you fail in the markets.'

Sounds a good deal - he prepared to wait to take your money Mel !!!
A link to the truth behind the YOURTRADINGROOM scam..

Mr Failure Les Freeman strikes again | The Courier-Mail

Fincorp saviour in $29m collapse | The Australian

Wealth seminars&squo; big loss | The Courier-Mail
hi all, just recieved another message offering me help but at an eventual cost. it sounds good but not sure if it is any good or not. having been attempted scammed by first private message by someone else im not sure if this could be the same type of thing or not. please advise or if you've used them before.

thx. Meli.

heres the message:

Today, 12:18 AM

Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 4
Trade you own account I will show you how.


Hi Melissa

I would not give my account to someone else to trade. Remember they can not only run off with the money they can put you in a lot of debt. I run a site Trading rooms - forex trading online - forex daytrading. Yes I am plugging my self BUT I am not asking for you account details. Have a look and sign up for a demo. The reason I say this is that we operate a LIVE trading room. This is where a professional trader calls the trades to follow or watch. We dont get everyone right but we have turned 10K in 79K in 5 months. AND when you sign up for a demo you will also receive the ebook The Truth About Day Trading E-manual free. So right now I don't want your details, money or to see you fail in the markets. If you have any questions give us a call and I WILL help. PS I was also new to the markets once and I know the frustrations to get profit out. Having worked in the industry and traded on VIP desks the frustrations are still there. It is just the probability that has changed.

Yes Melissa I have been using them now for 6 months and am up over 1200 pips I was scared when I started with them and didn't have any Forex experience. Most of the people that say bad things about it are traders that think they are to smart to get some help so let them be smart and keep taking losses while I take profits
Hmmm I really think that this trading room is a great idea, but the realization of it is to be improved. Maybe when the system itself becomes more precise and tough, som