Is it a scam?

How are you finding it? I have joined a live trading room and the difference is day and night rather than spend all day and night on these forums asking questions asking a pro there is no match.
How are you finding it? I have joined a live trading room and the difference is day and night rather than spend all day and night on these forums asking questions asking a pro there is no match.
You may think that because they are telling you what you want to hear. In a truly successful con the pansy realises not that he has been fooled.........
You may think that because they are telling you what you want to hear. In a truly successful con the pansy realises not he has been fooled.........

He's a vendor, he's going to tell us how great it is in this room he 'joined' and then wait for the gullible to follow suit.
He's a vendor, he's going to tell us how great it is in this room he 'joined' and then wait for the gullible to follow suit.
Nah, Pipsaholic is the same person as Unreal, I recognise the writing style, they both started up threads all over the shop and the last time Unreal was on here is the very same day as the Pipsaholic profile was created. Unreal was always asking about different trading rooms, and of course he always got the same answer - 'don't waste your money'. Now that he has we might finally get some peace on here!
I can tell you one thing and that Your Trading Room is a total joke. I joined the program and they promoted "trade our money not yours" and a heap of garbage about how great they are. They are unprofessional and a bunch of scammers if you ask me and I was silly enough to part with my money only to learn from a friend of a friend that Les Freeman is the real owner of Your Trading room, just click on this link to learn more about Your Trading Rooms owner, who by the way doesnt ever show his face as he has such a bad reputation with ASIC and has been broke I am told a number of time.
I can tell you one thing and that Your Trading Room is a total joke. I joined the program and they promoted "trade our money not yours" and a heap of garbage about how great they are. They are unprofessional and a bunch of scammers if you ask me and I was silly enough to part with my money only to learn from a friend of a friend that Les Freeman is the real owner of Your Trading room, just click on this link to learn more about Your Trading Rooms owner, who by the way doesnt ever show his face as he has such a bad reputation with ASIC and has been broke I am told a number of time.

I love the Aussies but they in certain circles have a bent idea on doing business and everything has an angle. I watched the infomercial on theses guys and watched the production set up with the host asking loaded questions. The format was perfect for mom and pop to go in with both barrels loaded and wallets open. There are others I have see who have amazing pitches. There are some options groups doing the same thing as with the Get Motivated tour flaunting all the big names like Colon Powell Bill Cosby, Forbes etc. What a set up then the big pitch came down with this ex basket ball star with his rags to riches BS. If you really want to see masters at work go to t a GET Motivated seminar and watch the people rush to the stands and line up to spend their money on junk. Won't go too deep into it but put it this way my son and i laughed rolled our eyes and left. It is all geared to prey on the needy and desperate and believe me these people are only out for the bucks...your bucks and have nothing to back it up with as far as their claims. Stay away. You want to trade the markets and want to learn the right way... I suggest you get your first book The Trading Bible I call it.... Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy It is still on my desk since I bought the second edition in 1996. Invaluable. This will lead you to
other excellent technical books i,e. Elliot wave (Bob Prechter) and Fibonacci Learn the market, It is fascinating and not as scary as you might think. Specialize your trades in one area and if you want to diverse then seek additional help in areas your are not trading. I don't like options but there are several opportunities to make money I let a pro do it specially covered calls etc. Best of luck!
You want to trade the markets and want to learn the right way... I suggest you get your first book The Trading Bible I call it.... Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy It is still on my desk since I bought the second edition in 1996. Invaluable.
Agreed. There is more information in that book than I've seen in online courses which charge 100 times the cost of that scroll.
Agreed. There is more information in that book than I've seen in online courses which charge 100 times the cost of that scroll.

Certainly for beginners as I was once opens the eyes up to a whole new world of thought. The book also has an index to other excellent books as well. I know guys on the floor or in the pits and they will tell you this was their book that started it all off and it is still as important to day as it was when John first published it I believe in the early 80's. Get it! Read it! and sart to paper trade some concepts.
Trading is all about discipline. You can find all Free but very useful information about trading systems from the internet. I believe most systems work but just the owners of these systems not discipline enough to profit from these system.

Same as If you don't work on your discipline, nothing works for you.
Pboyles, Unfortunately, some people are so stupid and so gullible and so desperate, they will believe anything.
They will believe that the company has 40,000 members just because it is written on a website.
They will believe fake testimonies.
They will think that it is great value because it has been discounted down from a ridiculously high level to just a ridiculous level.
They will believe every word from the salesman who is trying desperately to make a commission.
They believe that the Government watchdogs will protect them from scammers.
They will believe that the company has successful traders, despite NO evidence of ANY real trades. (Most of the so-called traders in the company are using simulator accounts).

If ANY trader is so stupid as to want to gift $20,000 to a company for the privilege of trading a demo account, then they deserve to be financially ripped off

👍 :clap:
I can tell you one thing and that Your Trading Room is a total joke. I joined the program and they promoted "trade our money not yours" and a heap of garbage about how great they are. They are unprofessional and a bunch of scammers if you ask me and I was silly enough to part with my money only to learn from a friend of a friend that Les Freeman is the real owner of Your Trading room, just click on this link to learn more about Your Trading Rooms owner, who by the way doesnt ever show his face as he has such a bad reputation with ASIC and has been broke I am told a number of time.

Reading the link in your post is very disturbing. Why haven't the Australian authorities locked this guy up?
Well, most forex businesses should not be considered as scam. They tell everything including risks involved in Forex trading. It's their clients who only look for fast and easy money intentionaly miss these information. There are people looking for something, there are companies offer to them. Fair?
When I asked for brokerage statements there was a lot of back petalling, privacy issue, and a lot of other excusses. The proff is in the pudding and do care if they are right just that they make money on consistant level. Only one guy has been able to make money on cocsistant basis and was lucky enough to have found him. Due diligence is paramount people take your time and do not fall prey to these scammers! Good trading!
I currently have a free 7 day trial with My Trading Room, which gives me access to the trade room and their traders , some of whom, reportedly, trade with MTR money. They are asking $5,000 for a lifetime membership and their training course. Access to the trading room is $200 a month extra. Have only traded once on one of their sms signals, which was spot on, got 53 pips profit. As things are now, keeping an open mind.

Note on Gold Rock: They have taken out full page advert in Perth Sunday Times with 'free forex series'. Thanks for the heads up comments I have seen about them here.
Note on Gold Rock: They have taken out full page advert in Perth Sunday Times with 'free forex series'. Thanks for the heads up comments I have seen about them here.
No worries. Now where do you think the money from that ad came from, and the two return plane tickets to London last week just to briefly shake somebody's hand?
Nah, Pipsaholic is the same person as Unreal, I recognise the writing style, they both started up threads all over the shop and the last time Unreal was on here is the very same day as the Pipsaholic profile was created. Unreal was always asking about different trading rooms, and of course he always got the same answer - 'don't waste your money'. Now that he has we might finally get some peace on here!

Yeah, I noticed that too a bit ago. Something wrong with that guy. Can't wait to hear how his trading room escapade goes 😆
