Is it a scam?

Due diligence is paramount when looking at these sysytems and most are not worth the paper they printed on. Having said that there are few things out there that work but require persistance and discipline.They must be learned and after a couple of years you will be ahead. If someone hops from system to system he will only erode his his account and have feeling of frustration.
pips ------ read post 6 on thread and then print it out and frame it next to your computer

I will actually put the trading rules my instructor advised me from a live trading room which has improved my trading greatly.

So your method of determining if something is a scam is to ask someone who is getting paid a commission to sign you up? What do you think he's going to tell you?

Anyhow better for you to give them the money and find this all out for yourself. In a years time you'll know who was right and who was wrong.

Well, its upto that person to tell their view of a company with or without commissions so what your implying is that everyone who is a member of all these rooms are liars and tell there spouses to lie in front of the camera to say they recommend a program as it changed their lives for the better. 10K is nothing to join a online prop firm don't offline prop firms ask for a funded 10K account?

Well, my experience has been a good one I watching an instructor make pips and have a right laugh and watch him make money in real time and say its pocket money for the weekend something I never got reading books. My trading has improved and will in the future.

You may think that because they are telling you what you want to hear. In a truly successful con the pansy realises not that he has been fooled.........

Joining a live trading room is the best thing I ever did since starting trading.

Nah, Pipsaholic is the same person as Unreal, I recognise the writing style, they both started up threads all over the shop and the last time Unreal was on here is the very same day as the Pipsaholic profile was created. Unreal was always asking about different trading rooms, and of course he always got the same answer - 'don't waste your money'. Now that he has we might finally get some peace on here!

So, your now accusing me of being a so called other person disguising himself what utter p**** there is tons of people asking about trading rooms!

I currently have a free 7 day trial with My Trading Room, which gives me access to the trade room and their traders , some of whom, reportedly, trade with MTR money. They are asking $5,000 for a lifetime membership and their training course. Access to the trading room is $200 a month extra. Have only traded once on one of their sms signals, which was spot on, got 53 pips profit. As things are now, keeping an open mind.

Note on Gold Rock: They have taken out full page advert in Perth Sunday Times with 'free forex series'. Thanks for the heads up comments I have seen about them here.

Well done. Let us know how you get on.

Yeah, I noticed that too a bit ago. Something wrong with that guy. Can't wait to hear how his trading room escapade goes 😆


Going well matey having a right laugh while trading why didn't i join years ago for the fun of it!
To the Moderators,
I have noticed that when I started this thread I accidentally made the topic heading Yourtrading Is it a scam?
It should be Is it a scam? with NO space between Yourtrading and room

For the sake of neatness and clrity, can you please fix the topic heading?

10K is nothing to join a online prop firm don't offline prop firms ask for a funded 10K account?

You paid $10K to join a online website that only lets you trade demo account until you can prove that you can trade and make a profit? 😆
You just blew a quick $10K 😆 😆
Pboyles, Unfortunately, some people are so stupid and so gullible and so desperate, they will believe anything.

If ANY trader is so stupid as to want to gift $20,000 to a company for the privilege of trading a demo account, then they deserve to be financially ripped off

But Pipsoholic got a screaming bargain at only $10K. 😆 😆 😆
There is one born every minute
You paid $10K to join a online website that only lets you trade demo account until you can prove that you can trade and make a profit? 😆
You just blew a quick $10K 😆 😆

I never said I was a member? I joined another, which I will not share as you guys see me as a threat to your views oh by the way I didn't pay 1 cent for it oh I got scammed well.
Donne trust me don't waste your money and make sure you google Les Freeman before you spend a dollar. Call their office and ask to speak to him. Also ask to see trading statements of their clients like I should have. The montly fee is a rip off. If their system was so good they wouldn't offer trials is the way I look at it. There is no value in the program I bought if they offer everyone free trials. How easy is it for people to keep getting free trials over and over again.
Why doesn't Les Freeman appear on this page as a member of the YTR board? I have also just found out that YTR does not hold an AFSL (Australian Financial Securities License )of their own and they use Romad Financial as a front. My friend who works for a major financial services firm when I asked him about this said this was common for rouge companies that don't have the financial backing or they have Directors who when scrutinized by ASIC turn our to have shady past. For those that are interested I am about 24 hours away from listing all the companies that Les Freeman who owns YTR sent broke and more media stories about him.
For those that are interested I am about 24 hours away from listing all the companies that Les Freeman who owns YTR sent broke and more media stories about him.
Blimey, next I'll hear that Les Freeman are business partners....
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I just googled and yes Barramundi I think YTR and Les Freeman are tainted with the same brush. I had an address once for YTR at Sanctuary Cove and when I was there at the boat show I tried to go to it and it was a bogus office with nobody there. Do you think Freeman is making money from the brokerage from YTR customers? They said when I joined they were not brokers. I still have my account with the broker they recommended. Should I close it?
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They do sound remarkably similar. Ripped off suppliers came on here yesterday and she has a habit of vacating offices in the dead of night. . I've no knowledge of YTR except for receiving their emails some time ago which I had stopped. If Freeman recommended a broker then he would almost certainly be receiving a kickback from them. FXCM for example paid $81.3 million in kickbacks last year. As to whether you want to close it, I suspect you could be paying a higher spread because of it and you may wish to seek out a different broker. Always worth doing a comparison. This spread comparison page from Melbourne based Go Markets illustrates the difference between FXCM and others who pay kickbacks and GoMarkes who I believe do not :
Here is something interesting YTR Your Trading Room Founder Les Freeman (google Les Freeman failed businesman) collectively has been involved in multiple failed businesses and a warning was put out by ASIC about him in this article in the Couirer Mail. "The Australian Securities and Investments Commission shut down his Co-Develop Australia property group schemes over misleading and deceptive conduct after seminars helped raise $28.8 million from investors. He is now doing it again it seems in Forex with Your Trading Room. When is he going to be stopped?
He is now doing it again it seems in Forex with Your Trading Room.
I once watched a video of a marketeer talking about the transition from selling home alarm systems to selling forex education packages. Similar tactics, different product. As for those that leave a trail of insolvent companies behind them, it is hard to believe they are permitted to register new ones.
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Does anyone know what happened to the results page on the Your Trading Room web site? Where can I find the results as I can't get access to the trading room any longer?
I am so annoyed, I just found out today Your Trading Room YTR are having some sort of 50% sale of their program. What about all the members who paid full price or those that have paid $20,000. So are they going to refund everyone who paid full price? They must be totally desperate for new customers. I suspect they are not far away from going broke if they are selling programs for 50% off. They no longer show their trading results and where is the promotion to be able to trade risk free money. Seriously do not buy Your Trading Room YTR program. They suck people in and the company is run by a multiple time failed businessman Les Freeman. But he doesnt show himself on the website as a Director but when you call the office they say he is o'seas and they don't know when he will be back. I suspect the staff are told to say that and he is in Australia.
I am so annoyed, I just found out today Your Trading Room YTR are having some sort of 50% sale of their program. What about all the members who paid full price or those that have paid $20,000. So are they going to refund everyone who paid full price? They must be totally desperate for new customers. I suspect they are not far away from going broke if they are selling programs for 50% off. They no longer show their trading results and where is the promotion to be able to trade risk free money.

They still post their results ...which is above board, more so than other companies that show zip. And the Aussies regulators are serious about records and documented financial claims. They're legit here, otherwise you're shut down in a heartbeat.

But look at their site, look at all those employees are they real or sales staff...whats the monthly pay roll to keep that going? What do you think 250K/month min.?

Board of Directors? Is this a multi national pretense or what?

One director, Malcolm Murray is a throw back to Oliver Velez and team that was a scam! And Velez is still scamming.

Get Real....A majority of the moderators, calling trades, are not seasoned traders 2-5years experience or so. Most are KIDS! Look at their profiles and the logged trades they've called, specified by name there's 4 or 5......what do the other 5-6 do?

Where are their trades? So you have a pool of 4 core moderators responsible for the total trade room results posted on the site. they're up about 90K-100K...So average 20-25K/ moderator/yr so far. Not bad.

But there's odd ball time /session overlap and different time specific zones in the record keeping....its not all standard GMT. So Asia laps into London open on some of the biggest its not really Asia...its Frankfort and London and two moderators. Why not gang up 3-4 Moderators per session and really pump up the results?

So where are the results of all those other Coaches, Moderators, and they trade? do they teach? would you trust someone to teach you who doesn't trade and display their track record. What good are they ? how good are they for you...wouldnt you like to know before sporting the 5-10K?

There's real trading mentors out there with decades of experience and substantial track records. Do you really think that anyone of this caliber would waste their time working/coaching "retail" or want-a-be prop traders? Unless theyre washed up and or the money is just too good....or easy....

Ultimately, the membership needs to be continually growing and pumping the payroll. Multiple rooms with hundreds of paying clients.

I dont know how engaging and personal the coaching staff is, but for fees it should be one on one.