Wot happened to the post no 5.

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....But I will tell you what would most probably happen.

he would face an avalanche of begging..... sucking up..... flattery....all false...... and any excuse to crawl up his trouser leg ......

Hmmmm, having been threatened by you on previous threads, I have watched this with amusement. I hasten to add for any doubters (if there are any indeed) that old soccos threats failed to materialise. Hell and damnation have not yet been visited.

Further, the "up the trouser leg" phrase is slightly concerning! I would think it the last place most would wish to visit on your person.

I think you need help!

Night night
jimbo57 said:
Hmmmm, having been threatened by you on previous threads, I have watched this with amusement. I hasten to add for any doubters (if there are any indeed) that old soccos threats failed to materialise. Hell and damnation have not yet been visited.

Further, the "up the trouser leg" phrase is slightly concerning! I would think it the last place most would wish to visit on your person.

I think you need help!

Night night

Jimbo, he also said " just the odd prod from me here and there " , it's more than a little worrying !!!! 😱

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dc2000 said:
confirmation indeed that nothing you say or post is of any use to the TRADERS or those seeking to become TRADERS

That's right ! The penny has dropped for you at last !

Interesting Socrates. So you are admiting to DC's observations? It might then be worth noting these pointers from the guidelines.

7.6 Please don't pretend to be an expert if you aren't one. Humility is better than arrogance. It is fine to not know something or to be a beginner. Beginners masquerading as experts or who repeatedly give advice to others hurt the forum as learning traders may not yet be able to tell who is actually an expert, and who merely thinks he is one.

7.7 Posts or threads which knowingly lead to overly strong negative and emotional responses (‘trolling’) are not allowed.

13.1 Any breach of the above rules will result in the member being suspended for 7 days, although depending on the circumstances and at the moderators’ discretion, any action may be preceded by a warning.
13.2 Any further violation within 6 months will result in a permanent ban from the website.
13.3 Any member subject to a suspension will be permitted to read the forums, but not post.
13.4 In exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the site moderators, members may be immediately and permanently banned. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment, personal abuse towards another member, racist comments or blatant advertising.

Oh, and please don't worry yourself about my actions meaning members miss out on anything as I'm sure most would agree, you still have yet to post anything worth missing out on.
Charlton said:

May I suggest that you start some wot next threads yourself. That should give you the assurance you seek.

I for one would be willing to provide some analyses, as I did for a couple of Jon's threads.

I have consistently advocated getting back to the analysis, but perhaps this is a naieve hope !



My doubts are that no meaningful chart forecasts can be made extending to three months ahead.

I know that I cannot do it. Who can tell what interest rates will be, with whom we will be at war, whether there will be natural disasters or whether the company concerned will not be affected by some unforeseen circumstance, perhaps a takeover or profit warning, or fraud by unscrupulous directors?

We take these chances when we buy shares and hold them in a portfolio of several stocks. The more we buy, the less risk we take. That is the idea, anyway. You only have to look at the performance of some funds to realise how fanciful that can be. Enron holders had that idea. The whole idea of trading, in my view, is to take advantage, if possible, of present day circumstances.

My forecasts, made at the start of each problem, were nothing more than ideas of what I would do at the next opening and, if things went right, after that, from bar to bar. I think that they were enough for me to make a profitable trade but, certainly, nothing that could be called an in depth analysis of the situation. In fact, just an ordinary contribution to the thread. Whether the originator of the thread had any idea, when he entitled it "Wot Happens Next"? that the forecast would go so far into the future, with such accuracy, I don't know., but five times?

Splitlink said:

My doubts are that no meaningful chart forecasts can be made extending to three months ahead.

I know that I cannot do it. Who can tell what interest rates will be, with whom we will be at war, whether there will be natural disasters or whether the company concerned will not be affected by some unforeseen circumstance, perhaps a takeover or profit warning, or fraud by unscrupulous directors?

"Wot Happens Next"? that the forecast would go so far into the future, with such accuracy, I don't know., but five times?


I would keep an open mind on matters of space-time. Einstein and Louis de Broglie both enthusiastically suggested that time is without divisions, and past, present and future are illusory, and all things occur in the eternal now. They also suggest that through knowledge of patterning and flow and indirectly through reason the ensemble of events constituting space-time exist prior to the observer's knowledge of them.

I suggest that Mr. Marcus has made use of the pattern recognition scanner called the brain and through knowledge of patterning and flow and indirectly through reason he is able to pull off what to us are amazing illusions.

He probably has a mushroom omlette most mornings too... :cheesy:
rols said:
I would keep an open mind on matters of space-time. Einstein and Louis de Broglie both enthusiastically suggested that time is without divisions, and past, present and future are illusory, and all things occur in the eternal now. They also suggest that through knowledge of patterning and flow and indirectly through reason the ensemble of events constituting space-time exist prior to the observer's knowledge of them.

I suggest that Mr. Marcus has made use of the pattern recognition scanner called the brain and through knowledge of patterning and flow and indirectly through reason he is able to pull off what to us are amazing illusions.

He probably has a mushroom omlette most mornings too... :cheesy:
Exactly so. But I would not say the brain, more the mind...

This is because the brain lives inside the skull and the mind ....outside everything....and able to move about .....both in dimension.....location....and time..
But I think you know exactly what I mean.
Exactly so. But I would not say the brain, more the mind...

This is because the brain lives inside the skull and the mind ....outside everything....and able to move about .....both in dimension.....location....and time..
But I think you know exactly what I mean.

So you agree, they are illusions?
Indi said:
Besides this.When are we likely to see any worthwhile analysis from either yourself,charliechan or tzuntsu.As you appear to be so dismissive of others talents.Where is your contribution.Sickening individuals.

perhaps you should try rolling out of bed on the right side tomorrow morning sun shine.

all i did was to suggest that upto date, recent charts be used.

i have never called into question mr m's ability. never. so please do get your facts straight before putting your silly lawyer hat/wig on. i dont believe tsuntzu did either.

my suggestion was only a solution so that there could be no more silly tittle-tattle like yours, by people who totally get things back to front, and misunderstand everything because of the perpetual negative stance you wish to view things from.

if upto date charts are used, then there can be no misunderstanding can there? if out of date charts are used - especially ones with large gaps, sudden increases in volume and other technical phenomena, then it isn't too hard to find out which stocks possess such features from the multitude of scanning products out there.

is that really so sickening for you?

as for your own snide comments, i am not willing to do any 'analysis', as analysis doesnt make much money. speculation does - which requires a degree of analysis, but not as much as you clearly treasure. id also point out that although i am sure tsuntzu is capable of talking for himself, i dont think you are really in a position to criticise him. he has contributed far more in the sharing of his knowledge than you will ever acquire in all likelihood.

so, really, you are just as bad - if not worse, than the people you try to slander. get a life.
charliechan said:
perhaps you should try rolling out of bed on the right side tomorrow morning sun shine.

all i did was to suggest that upto date, recent charts be used.

i have never called into question mr m's ability. never. so please do get your facts straight before putting your silly lawyer hat/wig on. i dont believe tsuntzu did either.

my suggestion was only a solution so that there could be no more silly tittle-tattle like yours, by people who totally get things back to front, and misunderstand everything because of the perpetual negative stance you wish to view things from.

if upto date charts are used, then there can be no misunderstanding can there? if out of date charts are used - especially ones with large gaps, sudden increases in volume and other technical phenomena, then it isn't too hard to find out which stocks possess such features from the multitude of scanning products out there.

is that really so sickening for you?

as for your own snide comments, i am not willing to do any 'analysis', as analysis doesnt make much money. speculation does - which requires a degree of analysis, but not as much as you clearly treasure. id also point out that although i am sure tsuntzu is capable of talking for himself, i dont think you are really in a position to criticise him. he has contributed far more in the sharing of his knowledge than you will ever acquire in all likelihood.

so, really, you are just as bad - if not worse, than the people you try to slander. get a life.
That's right, but all of us a very busy to divert our attention to giving detailed explanations to an unworhy audience.Simple.
Don’t patronise me purpleness.

Here is one I prepared earlier (because I knew this was coming). You have been rude to me in the past and continue to exhibit the same rather unsophisticated trait – I guess just too old to change.

I know that English is not your first language, and I concede that you write it well, but rather like the market there is more to it than just the numbers, or indeed words: there is the context and sentiment. Irony and sarcasm are elements of the language (and the market probably) that you have clearly failed to grasp.

As another poster rather eloquently posted on a separate thread (The Vomit Thread, before it was cleansed) you are best ignored – good advice really as it is the pandering to your over-inflated ego that you most seek. However, in the spirit of these boards I think this strategy allows you the opportunity to present your well groomed and documented ‘snake oil salesman’ act to ‘newbies’, and, I am sure you will agree, it is they that need the most help - just look at some of the ‘newbie’ posts for evidence of this! So I cannot let the lie, lie, so to speak.

This thread (and associated threads) has again given you the opportunity you seek to exploit in best ‘snake oil salesman’ style to profer knowledge, a deep knowledge at that, when the reality is you profer nothing, at least for free. Like all ‘snake oil salesmen’ you are not a man of your word – I distinctly recall you saying some time ago that you were leaving these boards for good. You didn’t. You, laid in the grass, snuck back in with a few comments on other threads before, (with the mods’ nod?) re-entering through the front door in all your squalid and no doubt fetid splendour (prod, prod, and up the trouser leg) in this thread.

You are a great coat tail rider (in this case Mr M’s tail), probably a wonderful No.2 (or 3 or 4 or reserve?) and possibly a super back-office guy given your attention to detail and self proclaimed discipline. I suspect it is this fact that riles you more than most events in your life.

Also as a trader and purely as a trading strategy you understand (as the trader you claim to be), there is a great opportunity for you that you may have overlooked. Sell the bungalow on the south coast and buy somewhere cheaper – I hear property in Haifa is a real bargain right now - but make sure you buy one with a cellar.

This is not rude – it is educational (to quote purpleness post 40).

Plus, and I give you this for free: this is no illusion. I’ve done it in real time (there are three buttons to press, the A-B-C, post 41 (A), and post 48 (B) preceding this one. A corrective wave within on-going market education if you like). But perhaps the mods and their allies can bend time too!

Time will no doubt tell.
jimbo57 said:
Don’t patronise me purpleness.

Here is one I prepared earlier (because I knew this was coming). You have been rude to me in the past and continue to exhibit the same rather unsophisticated trait – I guess just too old to change.

I know that English is not your first language, and I concede that you write it well, but rather like the market there is more to it than just the numbers, or indeed words: there is the context and sentiment. Irony and sarcasm are elements of the language (and the market probably) that you have clearly failed to grasp.

As another poster rather eloquently posted on a separate thread (The Vomit Thread, before it was cleansed) you are best ignored – good advice really as it is the pandering to your over-inflated ego that you most seek. However, in the spirit of these boards I think this strategy allows you the opportunity to present your well groomed and documented ‘snake oil salesman’ act to ‘newbies’, and, I am sure you will agree, it is they that need the most help - just look at some of the ‘newbie’ posts for evidence of this! So I cannot let the lie, lie, so to speak.

This thread (and associated threads) has again given you the opportunity you seek to exploit in best ‘snake oil salesman’ style to profer knowledge, a deep knowledge at that, when the reality is you profer nothing, at least for free. Like all ‘snake oil salesmen’ you are not a man of your word – I distinctly recall you saying some time ago that you were leaving these boards for good. You didn’t. You, laid in the grass, snuck back in with a few comments on other threads before, (with the mods’ nod?) re-entering through the front door in all your squalid and no doubt fetid splendour (prod, prod, and up the trouser leg) in this thread.

You are a great coat tail rider (in this case Mr M’s tail), probably a wonderful No.2 (or 3 or 4 or reserve?) and possibly a super back-office guy given your attention to detail and self proclaimed discipline. I suspect it is this fact that riles you more than most events in your life.

Also as a trader and purely as a trading strategy you understand (as the trader you claim to be), there is a great opportunity for you that you may have overlooked. Sell the bungalow on the south coast and buy somewhere cheaper – I hear property in Haifa is a real bargain right now - but make sure you buy one with a cellar.

This is not rude – it is educational (to quote purpleness post 40).

Plus, and I give you this for free: this is no illusion. I’ve done it in real time (there are three buttons to press, the A-B-C, post 41 (A), and post 48 (B) preceding this one. A corrective wave within on-going market education if you like). But perhaps the mods and their allies can bend time too!

Time will no doubt tell.
What are you on about now ?

Don't worry ~ you are absolutely guaranteed of not being included in anything wothwhile.

But you know that anyway so there is no point in you carrying on the way you do.

Go get a life !
That's right, but all of us a very busy to divert our attention to giving detailed explanations to an unworhy audience.Simple.


but all of this could have been avoided with my simple remedy.

surely you must understand why some would appear to be sceptical if i miraculosely 'predicted' the turn of events after world war 1, decades after the event. the usefulness and accuracy of my analysis of world events prior to world war 1 may indeed be world class, and lend a great deal of understanding to those who did not grasp them fully earlier. this in itself is would be a noble act.

but im just playing devils advocate here. i like to see both sides of the coin, the fence etc. it is the only way i can be objective. if i am going long, i always look for reasons to short.

im am in no way calling foul on mr. m. i am just saying i can understand that there will be scepticism given the backdated charts. does mr.m care? well he says he doesnt, so why then the thread deletion? anyone able to make money in the market on a consistent basis knows it is not the method, and most certainly not the analysis that makes money, and i will put my life on it that it most definitely isnt any 'golden nugget' (apart from 1 or 2 of your own of course soccy 🙂 ) found on these boards, but the individual. two traders with the same margin account and same method, tools etc will end up with different balances at the end of a month. the old mechanical v intuition coming back.

all the ego, thread deleting, toy throwing etc just makes me wonder though about the emotional stability of some folk here.

does it really matter if anyone here makes xxx in a day, or losses xxx a day? i really dont give a damn i tell you. i am more worried about whether i am the top of my ability and pushing myself to my fullest potential. but as we know, i think the politics of this site is more of a career for some than the markets.

but then i guess some come here to learn methods (heaven forbid), and some come here to chew the fat about trading issues, events etc. i think its the first camp, and the egos that it attracts that do most in here.
In an attempt to keep some other threads reasonably free from harm this thread was allowed to go unmoderated as a convenient (if temporary) week-end battleground. No surprise that a hefty proportion of posts offend the guidelines 😈

Still, it's Monday now and I think it's time to call a halt so I'm going to close the thread.

good trading


ps: wish I'd never started the flippin' wots in the first place 🙂
pps: please no-one start a wot happened to the wot happened to the post on the wot happened thread :cheesy:
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