Wot happened to the post no 5.

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So what is difficult about that, when everything is clearly decided in advance of the event ?

So the timeframe does not matter whether it is minutes, hours, days, weeks or months or even years in some cases.

You may choose not to beiieve it, but there are a handful of us who know it, that is the difference.

If it could be done by you, with such unerring accuracy, you would do it for free, just to gain publicity for yourself. I have never seen a forecasting chart posted by you in all the time I have been on these boards and, until you do post one, I must I assume that you are not fit to judge the ability of others.

That I can't do it myself does not come into it because I know my limits.. You, however, have always told everyone how good you are. Now is the time to prove it, while we are on the subject.

So what is difficult about that, when everything is clearly decided in advance of the event ?

So the timeframe does not matter whether it is minutes, hours, days, weeks or months or even years in some cases.

You may choose not to beiieve it, but there are a handful of us who know it, that is the difference.

that being the case I would suggest you set yourself up with a broker account and start trading you will make a mint and kiss all your money worries goodbye
Splitlink said:
If it could be done by you, with such unerring accuracy, you would do it for free, just to gain publicity for yourself. I have never seen a forecasting chart posted by you in all the time I have been on these boards and, until you do post one, I must I assume that you are not fit to judge the ability of others.

That I can't do it myself does not come into it because I know my limits.. You, however, have always told everyone how good you are. Now is the time to prove it, while we are on the subject.

If you yourself know your own limits as you say you do, how can you venture to comment so vehemently on others ?

What makes you think you actually deserve having anything of merit demonstrated to you., or what is more to the point, that you are actually entitled to such priviledge ?
dc2000 said:
that being the case I would suggest you set yourself up with a broker account and start trading you will make a mint and kiss all your money worries goodbye
You and I have had discussions in the past.

From everything you have posted and in view of your replies to everyone and the crass opinions you hold dear, you would be the last person to whom anyone would turn to for advice of any sort, I assure you.
counter_violent said:
"WE" being, the correct thinkers, and no I didn't include you in this group.
Have a lovely evening.

PS. Never start a sentence with "And.
Yes, that is why on your personal profile you bang your head on the table repeatedly.

You call that correct thinking, everyone else knows it is a quick route to a thumping headache, in case you had not noticed.

You have a lovely evening too.
....And that is it ...you can now continue to argue and discuss among yourselves...before other creatures venture to crawl out from under the stones they habitually live under..ta ta.
An interesting and in many ways expected response which leads me to the belief that the majority of T2W members have 2 things you dont

A sense of humour and a trading account
Splitlink said:
If it could be done by you, with such unerring accuracy, you would do it for free, just to gain publicity for yourself. I have never seen a forecasting chart posted by you in all the time I have been on these boards and, until you do post one, I must I assume that you are not fit to judge the ability of others.

That I can't do it myself does not come into it because I know my limits.. You, however, have always told everyone how good you are. Now is the time to prove it, while we are on the subject.


Dear Splitink

1.You state Socrates has never posted a chart and has no right to judge the abilities of others until he proves himself.So following your own stated logic ,what gave you the right to dismiss another ,namely Mr.M.


2.You request him to prove it.Yet last time when Mr.M went out of his way to do this ,and indiscrimanetly for the benefit of others you choose to ignore the evidence before you.


There is something wrong with you splitlink,the very reason why you always disrespected and disrupted many threads involving volume and price,and that is you will not acknowledge anyone who is beyond your standard,which appears to be most.The reason why,you have an immense EGO problem.Anyone,and i mean Anyone with half a brain can see the above to be 100% true.

Besides this.When are we likely to see any worthwhile analysis from either yourself,charliechan or tzuntsu.As you appear to be so dismissive of others talents.Where is your contribution.Sickening individuals.
dc2000 said:
An interesting and in many ways expected response which leads me to the belief that the majority of T2W members have 2 things you dont

A sense of humour and a trading account

😆 😆
don_h said:
oh dear charlie you could go to hell for that one 😱

deep deep do do!

anyway couldn't agree more on the wot front with latest charts gives people the weekend to show their charting prowess off.
fair enough my post was edited I personly didn't mind much 😆



After re reading my post I can now see where it appears that I have been two faced I will edit my post to reflect what I meant to say if there are any other probs im sure you will let me know 🙂

My sincere apologies to all concerned

If you yourself know your own limits as you say you do, how can you venture to comment so vehemently on others ?

What makes you think you actually deserve having anything of merit demonstrated to you., or what is more to the point, that you are actually entitled to such priviledge ?

Because I do not have to prove anything. You are the one who has to do that, by the very nature of your posts. If you set yourself up as a teacher, prove that you are capable of it. If you show us a forecast chart of where any FT100 share will be by November. I am sure that it will do your reputation no end of good, but that would not be as good as mr marcus, who was on his 6th forecast.

Splitlink said:
Because I do not have to prove anything. You are the one who has to do that, by the very nature of your posts. If you set yourself up as a teacher, prove that you are capable of it. If you show us a forecast chart of where any FT100 share will be by November. I am sure that it will do your reputation no end of good, but that would not be as good as mr marcus, who was on his 6th forecast.


You think I need to do this to please you or to prove something to you, hahaha ?

Well, you are very much mistaken.

Funny you are...
Yes, that is why on your personal profile you bang your head on the table repeatedly.

You call that correct thinking, everyone else knows it is a quick route to a thumping headache, in case you had not noticed.

You have a lovely evening too.

Yes yes, i'm sure you used the very same line a few months ago .....nobody laughed on that occasion either......
If you need some new material may I suggest you slip a copy of The Beano inside your FT......just to save any embarrassment in the news agents , you understand 😉 😉
Indi said:
Dear Splitink

1.You state Socrates has never posted a chart and has no right to judge the abilities of others until he proves himself.So following your own stated logic ,what gave you the right to dismiss another ,namely Mr.M.


2.You request him to prove it.Yet last time when Mr.M went out of his way to do this ,and indiscrimanetly for the benefit of others you choose to ignore the evidence before you.


There is something wrong with you splitlink,the very reason why you always disrespected and disrupted many threads involving volume and price,and that is you will not acknowledge anyone who is beyond your standard,which appears to be most.The reason why,you have an immense EGO problem.Anyone,and i mean Anyone with half a brain can see the above to be 100% true.

Besides this.When are we likely to see any worthwhile analysis from either yourself,charliechan or tzuntsu.As you appear to be so dismissive of others talents.Where is your contribution.Sickening individuals.


Perhaps you are right, I have no intention of arguing with you on that point, but there is an old saying- "bull**** baffles brains" and I have been around long enough to know when I am being ladled a healthy helping.

Post 12 (read the quote, as well) will give you an idea of what I think. Believe it, or not, it is all the same to me, but I would be more convinced if the charts were up to date and the forecasts carried forward to November. Even then, you are right, I could not do it and I would not expect the gurus to do it, either. If they did, you can be sure that I would be one of the first with the congratulations.

Splitlink said:

........... you can be sure that I would be one of the first with the congratulations.

I do not agree with you.

But I will tell you what would most probably happen.

he would face an avalanche of begging..... sucking up..... flattery....all false...... and any excuse to crawl up his trouser leg ...... by whatever means possible...... be it flattery, intimidation, intrusion, invasion...he would be pestered..... hounded,....he would be stalked...bombarded with false insincere approaches..... because in the end analysis no one would care a damn for him as a person...... but everybody would try to extricate from him ......what everybody would percieve to be the golden key....and what is more what everyone demands but has no right to.

For this reason...none of these keys can have copies cut for anyone ever.

You have to cut your own key.

That is why..... I .......choose to act the way I do.....and I .....am not willing to concede to your request that you outline above ....... nor to agree to prove to you anything whatsoever, as you would like.
How about starting a new wot next ?

Splitlink said:

Perhaps you are right, I have no intention of arguing with you on that point, but there is an old saying- "bull**** baffles brains" and I have been around long enough to know when I am being ladled a healthy helping.

Post 12 (read the quote, as well) will give you an idea of what I think. Believe it, or not, it is all the same to me, but I would be more convinced if the charts were up to date and the forecasts carried forward to November. Even then, you are right, I could not do it and I would not expect the gurus to do it, either. If they did, you can be sure that I would be one of the first with the congratulations.


May I suggest that you start some wot next threads yourself. That should give you the assurance you seek.

I for one would be willing to provide some analyses, as I did for a couple of Jon's threads.

I have consistently advocated getting back to the analysis, but perhaps this is a naieve hope !

SOCRATES [color=purple said:
That is why..... I .......choose to act the way I do.....and I .....am not willing to concede to your request that you outline above ....... nor to agree to prove to you anything whatsoever, as you would like.[/color]

Despite the lack of new material, I think you will walk it by a country mile, in the T2W comic category. The old ones are the best.
For this reason...none of these keys can have copies cut for anyone ever.

You have to cut your own key.

That is why..... I .......choose to act the way I do.....and I .....am not willing to concede to your request that you outline above ....... nor to agree to prove to you anything whatsoever, as you would like.

confirmation indeed that nothing you say or post is of any use to the TRADERS or those seeking to become TRADERS
dc2000 said:
confirmation indeed that nothing you say or post is of any use to the TRADERS or those seeking to become TRADERS
That's right ! The penny has dropped for you at last !

None of you deserve being given anything of any value, you only succeed in making a mess of everything.

Also by your conduct you prevent anyone else to be given anything of any value either

To my delight and the delight of otherswho understand this, you succeed in shooting yourselves in the foot without any significant help, just the odd prod from me here and there.

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