Worldspreads upgraded!

Of course you can, my dear man, of course you can. I like reading your posts and I agree with your opinion (what is your opinion, again?) In what way does the subject interest you? I have been trading with WS for three weeks now and I think they are very good.

It is just very odd for someone to defend a broker the way you do. But if you want to keep on looking peculiar, you need to take a chill pill and post away to your hearts content.
What is your impression trading on the Worldspreads platform? Please share this with us on this bulletin board. Apparently, by looking at your user name, you are also a currency trader. In your opinion, compared to other retail Forex brokers, how well does WS perform and stand up to the competition? I am really interested to know, as I also trade the currency pairs.
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It is too early to say. But keep in mind that if something looks too good to be true, it usually is. This is particularly true in trading. Trading is a tough game, and if someone is offering you a 1 pip spread without commissions on GBPUSD, you have to be sceptical. Will you be banned? Requoted all the time, making it impossible to scalp? Referred to a dealer? My guess is one or more of these things will eventually happen if you are a good scalper. In fact, I am fairly sure it will.
gle101 said:
What is you impression trading on the Worldspreads platform? Please share this with us on this bulletin board. Apparently, by looking at your user name, you are also a currency trader. In your opinion, compared to other retail Forex brokers, how well does WS perform and stand up to the competition? I am really interested to know, as I also trade the currency pairs.
I personally dont have a compliant with the FOS regarding my account with WS. But my sister does. This is a separate account from mine. So I see no reason why,my account cant be sorted out over the phone. But I have tried, WS said they would ask all the dealers if I could come back trading. but WS never came back with an answer. I have tried hard to get an answer from a representative of worldpreads Marvin but, even he ignores my simple question, All I want to know is, if I can go back on instant execution trading and taken off refferal

Marvin sent me PMs. on the 03-11-2006 . This got me back posting on the thread.But I have notice, one day before Marvin sent me a PM gle101 set this thread up on the 02-11-2006 only one day between..Call me Suspicious, but put 2 and 2 together. I may be wrong, but I am not a bad judge.

But it does seem suspicious.Could this be why Marvin will not respond to me. becuse he is trying to make me look bad on here, by me accusing WS of this and that, But its only from what I have expericed with them.and is this why Marvin is deliberately not answering my question

I have not mention my sister account what she has experiace till the FOS sort it out.. The issue is with my account. All I want is a answer to why I cant trade on instant execstion since they have upgraded thire platform.

By announcing WS have upgraded their platform and saying their prices was slow this is admitting they had trading platform issues. Even Marvin said on the other worldspreads other thread they had problems.
MarvinS said:
Ok - From the off we had problems with our pricing which meant clients started a post that was in part true! The simple truth is that we should have got things perfect from the start but that is not how things work in reality.
Even though they have apparently sorted it out. Marvin will not give me an answer. if I could come back on Auto trading...I have been asking for about 14 weeks now. still waiting

At the time WS could not deliver A level of service for me, due to a lack of system capability then it would suggest that WS should not have actually be in the business of promoting instant execution.
Have you tried emailing the MD try and get a response from that bloke to see if he gives a whatsit over customers being selectively banned for no reason? Maybe they might let you back on with fatter spreads and a "You must hold your trades for min 10 minutes or something"
Legion said:
Have you tried emailing the MD try and get a response from that bloke to see if he gives a whatsit?

Yes I have and I have wrote to them, MD said we dont give free money away. AlI they say is, I am trading off slow prices. I told them I only want to trade 1 to 4 times a day. Basiclay they dont want me trading with them.
laptop1 said:
Yes I have and I have wrote to them, MD said we dont give free money away. I they say is, I am trading of slow prices. I told them I only want to trade 1 to 4 times a day. Basiclay they dont want me trading with them.

How can it be free money.... you accept THEIR quote and place a bet, I cant see what the bookie is complaining about.
I bet even Stewart Wheeler would go over to worldspreads an knock heads together, not good for image of spreadbetting , thats what most punters are concerned with, doing o.k then getting banned.

Cheeky sods.
Come on Laptop1

Phone the MD. You said you would write a letter but a phone call would be even better. You have asserted in no uncertain terms that you have been screwed over so put your money where your mouth is.

You (that's you and Starvin' Marvin) have handled this like kids so far. Now finish this like adults. It is obvious that dealing with Marv is getting you nowhere so it's time to go up the pile a bit innit?

Marvin.. not smart with the BNP rant buddy! You are a PR calamity.... If you try crap like that in Hong Kong you will be back pretty soon. No matter how repulsive you feel someone's political (and it was hardly proven as after most of the rubbish typed in the forums everything needs to be taken with a pinch of salt) affiliations are there is a time and a place for everything and that wasn't it.

GL to both of you.....

PMSL @ you kids....
FTSE in mouth said:
Come on Laptop1

Phone the MD. You said you would write a letter but a phone call would be even better. You have asserted in no uncertain terms that you have been screwed over so put your money where your mouth is.

You (that's you and Starvin' Marvin) have handled this like kids so far. Now finish this like adults. It is obvious that dealing with Marv is getting you nowhere so it's time to go up the pile a bit innit?

Marvin.. not smart with the BNP rant buddy! You are a PR calamity.... If you try crap like that in Hong Kong you will be back pretty soon. No matter how repulsive you feel someone's political (and it was hardly proven as after most of the rubbish typed in the forums everything needs to be taken with a pinch of salt) affiliations are there is a time and a place for everything and that wasn't it.

GL to both of you.....

PMSL @ you kids....

I have phoned the top guy, he is the one who said, we dont give free money away. I have phoned them many times. I have wrote to them, what more can I do.

Letter from worldspreads
We operate a fully hedged book so it is irrelevant to our Company performance whether a client makes money or not. We do, however, do not appreciate clients who deliberately trade off slow moving prices when they are clearly aware that the price is a few seconds slow.

We are currently doing extensive work on our IT platform which will ensure that by the end of August, our prices will not be delayed and consequently, we will put you back on automated instant executions. Until this new system is in place, please accept out apologies for the slow moving prices which had precipitated you account being placed on dealer referral;

I be calling in their office early next year to ask them face to face, what they are playing at.
Well I don't see what the problem is then. They don't want your business. Plain and simple. Tough, move on....

Trade with someone you like in the way you like. Surely all this ranting can't be good for your trading?


PS Why wait to next year to call them for a meeting? If it means that much to you call today and set a face-to-face meeting up for as soon as possible.

If it meant that much to me I would want it resolved as soon as possible and not to fester into the new year....
There you go, youve got it in writing, you can deal again, just phone the dealers,tell them about the letter, fax him the copy and all should be custie Laptop..

happy Days.
BNP rant?
FTSE in mouth said:
Come on Laptop1

Phone the MD. You said you would write a letter but a phone call would be even better. You have asserted in no uncertain terms that you have been screwed over so put your money where your mouth is.

You (that's you and Starvin' Marvin) have handled this like kids so far. Now finish this like adults. It is obvious that dealing with Marv is getting you nowhere so it's time to go up the pile a bit innit?

Marvin.. not smart with the BNP rant buddy! You are a PR calamity.... If you try crap like that in Hong Kong you will be back pretty soon. No matter how repulsive you feel someone's political (and it was hardly proven as after most of the rubbish typed in the forums everything needs to be taken with a pinch of salt) affiliations are there is a time and a place for everything and that wasn't it.

GL to both of you.....

PMSL @ you kids....
FTSE in mouth said:
Well I don't see what the problem is then. They don't want your business. Plain and simple. Tough, move on....

Trade with someone you like in the way you like. Surely all this ranting can't be good for your trading?


PS Why wait to next year to call them for a meeting? If it means that much to you call today and set a face-to-face meeting up for as soon as possible.

If it meant that much to me I would want it resolved as soon as possible and not to fester into the new year....
No I will wont move on, it's not my style mate. And it dont affect my trading, I can trade and watch TV talk to the kinds. I dont need a closed room like most.
It is too early to say. But keep in mind that if something looks too good to be true, it usually is. This is particularly true in trading. Trading is a tough game, and if someone is offering you a 1 pip spread without commissions on GBPUSD, you have to be sceptical. Will you be banned? Requoted all the time, making it impossible to scalp? Referred to a dealer? My guess is one or more of these things will eventually happen if you are a good scalper. In fact, I am fairly sure it will.
Thanks a lot! Good points.
In fact ,Worldspreads do give you re-quotes during some important news releases. I think Marvin also posted something on this issue, so this fact is out in the open. I agree that 1 point spread on the major currency pairs is almost too good to be true. Anyway, we will have to wait and see how that develops. If WS continue to perform satisfactorily, I will for sure give them credit for that, of course the same goes for the opposite case, if that turns out to be true..
If the 1pt spreads had been a huge loss-maker for WS then they'd have stopped it by now. Strange that the others haven't followed suit after six months, though. Capital Spreads ads keep going on about the tightest spreads, so why don't they match the offer?
If WS's platform is up to speed now, all it needs is a few tweaks to make it more user-friendly, i.e. easier closing of positions, improved orders, and an indication that a stop has been hit, so you don't open new bets accidentally. Charts would be useful, too, but I suppose they have to save money somewhere. Given all that, traders would stampede away from CS, IG, CMC, etc until 1pt spreads became the new standard, and we'd all lose a little less money!
Phil Mibbutz said:
If the 1pt spreads had been a huge loss-maker for WS then they'd have stopped it by now. Strange that the others haven't followed suit after six months, though. Capital Spreads ads keep going on about the tightest spreads, so why don't they match the offer?
If WS's platform is up to speed now, all it needs is a few tweaks to make it more user-friendly, i.e. easier closing of positions, improved orders, and an indication that a stop has been hit, so you don't open new bets accidentally. Charts would be useful, too, but I suppose they have to save money somewhere. Given all that, traders would stampede away from CS, IG, CMC, etc until 1pt spreads became the new standard, and we'd all lose a little less money!
the 1 point was already the standard for the ft, with futures betting, no requotes ever.
Phil Mibbutz said:
If the 1pt spreads had been a huge loss-maker for WS then they'd have stopped it by now. Strange that the others haven't followed suit after six months, though. Capital Spreads ads keep going on about the tightest spreads, so why don't they match the offer?
If WS's platform is up to speed now, all it needs is a few tweaks to make it more user-friendly, i.e. easier closing of positions, improved orders, and an indication that a stop has been hit, so you don't open new bets accidentally. Charts would be useful, too, but I suppose they have to save money somewhere. Given all that, traders would stampede away from CS, IG, CMC, etc until 1pt spreads became the new standard, and we'd all lose a little less money!
Phil Mibbutz

I bet gle101 cant wait to answer your question he will say something like. Excellent post and some good points. I would agree bla bla bla

Anyway I have sent a letter asking them to take me off referral. My 2nd letter to them. see what they come back with this time.