World destabilising to alarming degree

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If oil needed any further reason to climb it's certainly got it now if we agree that this is without a doubt yet another rise in pitch for mid East tensions. Let's watch that space.
so who thinks iran should develop nukes?

will that keep the israelis at bay?

would it keep a balance in the area similar to the cold war stalemate where both sides knew if either side put a foot out of line it was good night vienna, washington & moscow?

or do you think iran would just flatten israel at the earliest opportunity?

would the middle east and the rest of the world be a safer place if this was to happen?

i can imagine why iran would want nukes living close to israel given israels past track record of aggression.

imo israel shouldnt be allowed to have nukes either. we should come down hard on them. fat chance though.

history dictates that wars are typically good for stock markets, but if this one continues to develop much further stock markets will be pretty useless without a world to operate!
Al Aqsa claims to have chemical weapons and will use against Isreal if they invade the Gaza strip:

October 1992, an Isreali El Al airliner crashed spilling a large quantity of the prime precursor chemical used in the Sarin nerve gas. Isreal is not a signatory to any of the international chemical or bioligical weapons treaties - and although they made a big fuss about Syria's chemical weapons, which were publically destroyed a few years back under UN supervision, they certainly have their own stockpiles.

Can we expect like for like reprisals in the region?

Info on Isreali weapons:
Israel is a formidable military force that through US financial and political support has been built up without oversight. The only way they will be controlled is either by US intervention, which is unlikely so long as they are carrying out what has become, via the Israeli lobby, US foreign policy in the region, or due to intervention of Russia threatening military support of Lebanon/Iran. The latter will lead to escalation and is likely to lead to a much wider conflict in the region.
Crude and precious will continue to price good risk premiums until blows over (along with the fallout).
The greatest enemy of war is knowledge and understanding, the greatest ally is ignorance. To understand some of what underlies the problems in the Middle East it is helpful to look a little further than CNN and Al Jazeera, a starting point might be,
A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin
Bush said today
"Every country has the right to defend itself"
somehow I do not think he was referring to the right of the Palestinians or Lebanse
I also imagine he has not read the book you mention, I think he prefers hop n pop.
twalker said:
Israel is a formidable military force that through US financial and political support has been built up without oversight. The only way they will be controlled is either by US intervention, which is unlikely so long as they are carrying out what has become, via the Israeli lobby, US foreign policy in the region, or due to intervention of Russia threatening military support of Lebanon/Iran. The latter will lead to escalation and is likely to lead to a much wider conflict in the region.
Crude and precious will continue to price good risk premiums until blows over (along with the fallout).

Yes and No. No one gets all the US goodies by accident. If a minority has anything it is because someone in power or behind the scenes wants them to have it. Jews like all other minorities can only have the power afforded them.

All the press reports of Israel controlling America are a cover. Israel is a client state of America. Not the other way around. Don't go thinking America is a democracy. America is a Shamocracy ---if voting could change things they would make it illegal. Believe it. They just merged America, Mexico and Canada without a vote.
TGM said:
Yes and No. No one gets all the US goodies by accident. If a minority has anything it is because someone in power or behind the scenes wants them to have it. Jews like all other minorities can only have the power afforded them.

All the press reports of Israel controlling America are a cover.
Though barely two percent of the USA's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single newspaper, the New York Times.

Two well-known Jewish writers, Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab, pointed out in their 1995 book, Jews and the New American Scene:-

"During the last three decades Jews [in the United States] have made up 50 percent of the top two hundred intellectuals ... 20 percent of professors at the leading universities ... 40 percent of partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington ... 59 percent of the directors, writers, and producers of the 50 top-grossing motion pictures from 1965 to 1982, and 58 percent of directors, writers, and producers in two or more primetime television series."

This should not be construed as in any way anti-semitic. It's not. Just a statement of fact. If you want to get a slant implanted in the population at large, control the media, the news, the films and the money. Governments need money. Governments need support.

This general need-love-hate relationship we (the West generally) have with the Jews has been going on for centuries. And this harks back to my comments above about all conflict being racial in nature. Take away all the money and the power from current day Jews. Would they still be hated? Sure. To this day, Jewish extract gypsies are routinely the object of abuse, ridicule and worse. They impact nobody's lives and control nothing you or I would want or be interested in. So where does the hate come from? Fear of what?

Too deep.
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TheBramble said:
Though barely two percent of the USA's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single newspaper, the New York Times.

Two well-known Jewish writers, Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab, pointed out in their 1995 book, Jews and the New American Scene:-

"During the last three decades Jews [in the United States] have made up 50 percent of the top two hundred intellectuals ... 20 percent of professors at the leading universities ... 40 percent of partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington ... 59 percent of the directors, writers, and producers of the 50 top-grossing motion pictures from 1965 to 1982, and 58 percent of directors, writers, and producers in two or more primetime television series."

This should not be construed as in any way anti-semitic. It's not. Just a statement of fact. If you want to get a slant implanted in the population at large, control the media, the news, the films and the money. Governments need money. Governments need support.

This general need-love-hate relationship we (the West generally) have with the Jews has been going on for centuries. And this harks back to my comments above about all conflict being racial in nature. Take away all the money and the power from current day Jews. Would they still be hated? Sure. To this day, Jewish extract gypsies are routinely the object of abuse, ridicule and worse. They impact nobody's lives and control nothing you or I would want or be interested in. So where does the hate come from? Fear of what?

Too deep. forgot to mention the major tier 1 american investment banks whos ceo's, chairman etc tend to find themselves making fed policy when they leave, which also tends to affect wider american interests and foreign policy. follow the money.

going back to the Bible and religion though - wasn't all this also prophesised?
"close to half its billionaires are Jews" it too late to change my religion ? a billion for a foreskin looks like a decent trade to me although I bet it stings a bit rubbing it with certified cheques for a million likely to help you think ?
TheBramble said:
What? This thread?

lol - no - people blaming the jews for the worlds ills.

as you point out though, it is important to distinguish between jews and the actions of the israelis. not all jews support the actions of israel. i know some who are deeply ashamed of israels actions.

i think it is a shame though how some people start to call one names like 'racist' and 'anti-semitic' when pointing out factual points of israels actions. since when has criticising a governments actions been racist? just another pathetic attempt at sympathy mongering that just dont work anymore.
Don't go thinking America is a democracy. America is a Shamocracy ---
Do you, or anyone else for that matter know of one, that works in the way that people imagine it should?
ian said:
Who threw the first stone??....
LOL, good question, and as a nation that romped all over the world conquering and occupying one has to wonder who we are to judge.
yeah, we pretty much invented crusades, imperialism, colonialism and come to think of it capitalism too!
charliechan said:
as you point out though, it is important to distinguish between jews and the actions of the israelis. not all jews support the actions of israel. i know some who are deeply ashamed of israels actions..

Fair point, but it seems to me that when religion and state align, dangerous times ensue. Witness Israel/Iran/Saudi(?)/and now the US(?)

The irony is that Saddam's Iraq was secular

Please discuss
jimbo57 said:
Fair point, but it seems to me that when religion and state align, dangerous times ensue. Witness Israel/Iran/Saudi(?)/and now the US(?)

The irony is that Saddam's Iraq was secular

Please discuss
I had planned to refute your claim citing Hitler, but thankfully did some homework first ...

I think it is the 'fundamentalist' approach to all religions that is the problem, the literal interpretation of certain texts. The bible is full some dreadful stuff ... and a literal interpretation of these texts would seem to justify any amount of war-mongering and war-crimes. Perhaps fundamentalism is the cynical manipulation of belief by a few individuals to suit their own ends, or a more widespread attempt to justify acting on prejudices and perceived injustices.
It is important to remember that the current US administration want this war and they want it to escalate into a wider conflict. It is a good way for the Israel/US alliance to go after Iran.

Somebody pointed out to me a quote from some years ago.

WWIII Is Coming 'Whether They Like It Or Not': Top Sharon Aide Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Saturday, April 27, 2002 By STEPHANIE INNES "TUCSON **The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle East point to one thing **World War III, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday during a visit to Tucson. "We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. THE WORLD IS GOING TO FIGHT, WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT. I'M SURE,'' Ra'anan Gissin, a senior adviser to Sharon, said in an interview Friday."

Once Syria and Iran get involved oil will really spike, I expect we will see $100+