World destabilising to alarming degree

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Arbitrageur said:
If they didnt commit warcrimes, then they wouldnt be crtiticized.

Funny how history repeats itself - the jews were the victims of aggression in WW2 but rather than humanity learning from this futuile waste of human life and suffering, the victims seem to have become the aggressor and the cycle of suffering begins again.

they moan about the holocaust all the time, yet act in the same nature as the nazis - building ghettos, demolishing communities, schools, universities etc, murdering innocent women and children deliberately, cutting off water supplies etc. now they are starting to go down the death camp route also - but they have outsourced that to america.
In between sweeping up the body parts of their own women and children from suicide bombs. The Arab world is pretty clear on its attitude towards Israel, they seek their extinction, how would you have them react? A strongly worded letter perhaps?
In between sweeping up the body parts of their own women and children from suicide bombs

You don't fight fire with fire. It has never worked and never will. All they are ahcieving with the current action is the creation of another more determined generation of suicide bombers who wish to avenge their dead as well as alikely escalation of instability across the entire region. This incursion is only likely to weaken the control Hamas has over the multiple military groups in Gaza that are launching Qassam's into Isreal. Fact is that Hamas is the only party, despite how unsavoury the prospect that has a hope of keeping things in check. Fatah failed miserably and now Isreal is taking apart the elected party that were the only chance. Very risky move IMO.
it would seem to any onlooker that the source of the majority of the problems in the world is religion itself:

Christian vs Muslim
Shia Muslim vs Sunni Muslim
Jew vs Muslim
Catholic "christian" vs Protestant "christian"

Freedom from religion would bring more benefits to mankind than freedom of religion ever has perhaps?

Ghandi himself said that “If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today.”
Another interesting ghandi observation here:

Religion/god isnt at fault, its more the way man selectively and falsely interprets religion for their own aims. Christianity for example, Jesus said "you must not kill" and "you should love your neighbor as yourself" - if a self professed christian doesnt follow these principles, doesnt that make him a false christian and therefore not a christian at all, by the scriptural definition? I'm sure similar sentiments are in the Torah under the ten commandments given to moses that the jews supposedly adhere to.

Having said that, the bible as the oldest religious manuscript pointed to the destabilisation of the worlds system of things in the "time of the end" so maybe this is all just to be expected?
I feel for the poor victims of Mumbai today slaughtered and maimed like those of New York, Bali, Madrid, Iraq, London. By whom, I wonder? Suicide bombers and their ilk..........and for what?
You don't fight fire with fire. It has never worked and never will.
Maybe I mis-undertand, but remind me what happened in WW1 and WW2, Fire with fire or not?

The problem comes when you try and do it half assed, as any streetfighter will tell you, you put your oponent down to stay down. Conflict should be the last option, but when the decision is made there should be no holding back.
Having said that, the bible as the oldest religious manuscript pointed to the destabilisation of the worlds system of things in the "time of the end" so maybe this is all just to be expected?
If you are a follower of the bible, then all is exactly as it has to be
I dont think its so much the religions, but peoples mis-interpritations of the religion for their own personal ends. every religion has its share of nutters.

they say islam is a peaceful religion - but we know its the fringe nutters who like who bend it and take it to extremes

christianity is a peaceful religion, but turds like bush & his side-kick bliar who claim to be christians clearly go against the teachings of Jesus.

i am sure the same can be said for israeli jews.
roguetrader said:
If you are a follower of the bible, then all is exactly as it has to be

thats quite interesting.

because they say that if we did follow the bible, then there would be a lot less suffering etc in the world.

so its kind of saying follow these instructions and there will be peace and harmony, but i know you wont follow these instructions (because of the nature of man), and so all the unbelievers are going to meet a sticky end. call the risk manager!

the thing that really gets me though is that when the worlds ills are discussed anywhere in the world, religion is always blamed. religion itself tends to predict this. so does this validate the bible, or was the bible written from a freud like angle of believe xyz, and if you deny xyz, you are in denial thus proving the theory anyway.

were they that cunning 4000 years ago or however long ago the first texts were written?
The problem comes when you try and do it half assed, as any streetfighter will tell you, you put your oponent down to stay down. Conflict should be the last option, but when the decision is made there should be no holding back.

All comes down to who is making the decision that this is the last option.
It is very different when you are fighting a visible enemy in the form of an aggressor nation, today the fight is against a global religious ideology.
Hitler was a Christian, not an atheist. "Although Hitler did not practice religion in a churchly sense, he certainly believed in the Bible's God. He got raised as a Catholic and went to a Catholic school. Much of his philosophy came right out of the Bible, and more influentially, from the Christian Social movement. The German Christian Social movement remarkably resembles the Christian Right movement in America today."

the Third Reich was supported by the Catholic church of the time.

Does this make Christianity wrong? Not the christianity of the bible, but rather the flavour of christianity professed by the church.

Charliechan said:
were they that cunning 4000 years ago or however long ago the first texts were written?

Perhaps if the bible really is the inspired word of God, theres no "cunning" about it. Just fact. The bible says that the "whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" and if the devils objective is to turn mankind away from God then how better to do it than create a multitude of false religions all blaming god for the worlds problems. How often have you heard a churchman at a funeral say something along the lines of a dead loved one has been taken to be a flower in "gods garden"?

The Jews blame the Muslims, Sunni blames Shia, Irish Catholic blames British Protestant blah de blah. Each justifies their action on the grounds of their religion. They cant all be right, and they cant all be pleasing god even though they all think they are, and if it continues as is, the security and stability of the world is just going to get worse and worse. But I'll go out on a limb and say that most sides in these conflicts, especially muslim/jew/west related conflicts, will become more entrenched and hardened as time goes on, and not eased at all.

Whats the solution? hows about ban publically practiced religion of any sort and enforce it on all sides through the UN? Eliminate the cause and cure the cancer? :cheesy:


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You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts

Current Rapture Index 155

What a load of old cr*p but a lot of people take this seriously and actually want to help things along. Why will people not come to realise that just like any insect, bird, fish or mammal, when your dead, your dead.
Aren't the lot in the third picture just acknowledging their vital part in Italy winning the World Cup?
If you take a closer look, it's interesting to note that the typing with the closest fit to 'why these things occur and who's involved' isn't religious, geographical, political or economics - it's race.

Serbs & Croats. Jews & Arabs. Russians & Germans. Where things get really personal and each side actively enjoys doing it to the other side. Even down to the strong racial typing of Proddies V. Catholics in NI. Seems to fit. Seems to work in every major clash. Both recent and long-running.

Politics, religion - doesn't matter what veneer you put it on it - it's one race trying to get rid of another. Always has been. Probably always will be. The veneer is applied post hoc - in an attmept to justify what otherwise would be seen for what it is - naked racial aggression.
twalker said:
Why will people not come to realise that just like any insect, bird, fish or mammal, when your dead, your dead.

Contrary to what most churches teach, this is exactly what the bible says about the condition of the dead:

Ecclesiastes 9 v 5:
"For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten"

Psalms 146 v 4:
"His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
In that day his thoughts do perish."

you die, game over, that tells me.
twalker said:

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

LOL! i just had a deckers round that site.

I wonder if any Rapture Index derivatives are available for trading? I'm thinking shorts
Arbitrageur said:
Contrary to what most churches teach, this is exactly what the bible says about the condition of the dead:

Ecclesiastes 9 v 5:
"For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten"

Psalms 146 v 4:
"His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;
In that day his thoughts do perish."

you die, game over, that tells me.

This is Old Testament and not the complete Biblical picture if you include the New Testament. Christian belief is that Jesus Christ was the first to be raised from the dead. Prior to this anyone who had died stayed dead and the possibility of life after death only happened after the Christ was raised. So your points are spot on based on the time that they were written but for the Christian time has moved on and with it things have since changed.

TheBramble said:
If you take a closer look, it's interesting to note that the typing with the closest fit to 'why these things occur and who's involved' isn't religious, geographical, political or economics - it's race.

Serbs & Croats. Jews & Arabs. Russians & Germans. Where things get really personal and each side actively enjoys doing it to the other side. Even down to the strong racial typing of Proddies V. Catholics in NI. Seems to fit. Seems to work in every major clash. Both recent and long-running.

Politics, religion - doesn't matter what veneer you put it on it - it's one race trying to get rid of another. Always has been. Probably always will be. The veneer is applied post hoc - in an attmept to justify what otherwise would be seen for what it is - naked racial aggression.

but jews come from the same blood line as arabs. this is a fact. some jews do try and differentiate themselves from this fact which some can not bear by claiming their blood line (from abraham) is separate and so they are a separate race. this is like someoes grandfather claiming to be of a different race from their great grandfather after developing a separate religion imo.
charliechan said:
but jews come from the same blood line as arabs. this is a fact. some jews do try and differentiate themselves from this fact which some can not bear by claiming their blood line (from abraham) is separate and so they are a separate race. this is like someoes grandfather claiming to be of a different race from their great grandfather after developing a separate religion imo.

Really sad, when you consider the entire human race as a whole can be traced back to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. (excluding those made from dust, and spare ribs)
(or has this been discredited?)

I always thought was one of the most poetic things I knew.

( second only to finding out that all the atoms and molecules in our planets and bodies were created in a supernova. made astronomy more magical. )