World destabilising to alarming degree

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jmreeve said:
I bet they had to bribe the children to do it so they could get the shot.

unfortunately, i dont think they were.

in the middle east, hate is a way of life. i think it is up to us to take a responsibility to teach them understanding, and the benefits of supporting your neighbour. unfortunately, herr bush is more interested in oil for daddys company, covering his butt after 9-11, and little boy bliar wants to play with the school bully to look big - like the true coward he is. getting ready for a un position to further his career. lets face it, bliars personal career after he steps down as pm is waaaaaay more important that 300 innocent lebanese lives who have died at the israeli hate machine. despite their self confessed christian beliefs, they dont really seem to have a basic grasp of right and wrong.

this crap about wanting to bring democracy to the region is also a load of bs. hamas was democratically elected - fat lot of good that did.

i like the focus on france right now. they refuse to try and get syria to ease off (ie give hizbollah weapons to DEFEND themselves) due to their close diplomatic ties with the country.

its got all the hall marks of a world war:

religion, usa, stupidity, france(then germany), lies, propaganda,..........

i think germany will follow france in defence of syria. they will attack israel (bad pr, but history repeats), bliar will take the side of usa, and the germnans will eventually bomb my chip shop (again)

[quoting George Orwell]

"It's not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact."
please dont look at this link if you have a weak stomach. it shows some pretty nasty shots of arab kids who were murdered and tortured by israeli soldiers often on purpose.

if you do decide to look at the shots, please ask yourself what threat did these 4 month old babies pose to israel?

there are also shots of palastinian kids hit by israeli settlers throwing petrol bombs at them. odd how we dont here about that too often - just the atrocities committed by the palestinians.

The pictures they never show on the news.

The current war in Lebanon is a disgrace and the even worse is the fact that the US have effectively supported it. Would like to see the UK governenment make a strong statement against it.
charliechan said:
please dont look at this link if you have a weak stomach. it shows some pretty nasty shots of arab kids who were murdered and tortured by israeli soldiers often on purpose.

if you do decide to look at the shots, please ask yourself what threat did these 4 month old babies pose to israel?

there are also shots of palastinian kids hit by israeli settlers throwing petrol bombs at them. odd how we dont here about that too often - just the atrocities committed by the palestinians.

if you are interested in the other side of the story, the one generally supressed in our politically led media, informed comment at is worth a read.

The guy is an arabist and Professor of History at the Uni. of Michigan...his daily comments on ME issues deserve attention.
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The other side probably has similar stories to tell and a media to manipulate the minds of its target audience. Propaganda has long been a weapon of war/politics etc. Who do you believe or who would YOU rather believe? The sad reality is that innocents on all sides of a conflict die and that their deaths are used as propaganda by politicians affiliated to warring factions.
world leaders

dc2000 said:
not the first time there has been miss truth's from the US administration, did anyone catch the Blair Bush chat at the G8 what amazed me was not Bush's four letter comment but the fact that Blair is so keen to make bush happy. maybe he's not heard of " once bitten twice shy" or maybe he needs to grow a set of go-nads
the sad thing is all the power these several world leaders have and how little they care about us they are heartless morons the devil is running the show
neil said:
The other side probably has similar stories to tell and a media to manipulate the minds of its target audience/QUOTE]

The point of the comment Neil is precisely that they dont.
hardly widely seen is it?
I really have no idea what that comment means, maybe not in your world. I don't watch CNN, but that doesn't make it not widely seen. It's as widely seeen as it needs or chooses to be.
its as widely seen by as many arabic speaking people want to watch it! - unless they do english subtitles?

id rather watch fox and get the real story 😀

fox... about as even handed and factual as The News of the World and the Sunday Sport, the other bastions of reporting factualism 😀